Roma 05: Languages of Resistance

Product no.: ISBN 9783862888511
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Languages of Resistance
Ian Hancock’s Contribution to Romani Studies
Hristo Kyuchukov & William New (eds.)
University of Silesia; Beloit College
The new volume of the “Roma” series edited by Hristo Kyuchukov and William New, is dedicated to the 75 anniversary of Prof. Dr. Ian Hancock. Starting his linguistic carrier as a researcher of Creole languages, Ian Hancock also contributes to the Romani studies: language, culture, history, Roma Holocaust.
The volume includes papers by established scholars and young researchers, Roma and non-Roma by ethnic origin, friends, colleagues and co-authors of Hancock, or simply people who did learn a lot from his publications. The content of the book is organized around those topics which Ian Hancock did work on last 45 years. The book is a new contribution to the field of Romani studies and it will be interesting for readers from different fields: linguistics, history, education and cultural studies.
Thomas Acton
Ian Hancock – the rock’n’roll years
Ali Daylam & Orhan Galjus
Romano akadimikano kher “Ian F. Hancock” ando Mersin, Xoraxanipe - “Ian F. Hancock” Roma rights and research centre in Mersin, Turkey 
Tamara Stanley
A sixth-generation American Kalderash from Seattle 
Jorge Bernal
Murro sikljarno ande Romane studije - My teacher in Romani studies
Gregor Dufunia Kwiek
O nano Janko – o pharuijipe ando murro trajo
William New
The “Gypsy” violin
David Nemeth
No higher compliment
Ronald Lee
Writing and translating Romani
Valdemar Kalinin
Roma and their neighbours in the Baltic Romani countries
Peter Bakker
Romani coin names
Anthony Grant
When the other writes back some early Romani-language work by Roma and others and the cultural context of intellectual capability
Victor A. Friedman
Romani groups in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia indexicalities of belonging
Michael Aceto
Patterns of lexical borrowing in pre-20th century North American English varieties
Eleni Kyratji &Angel Nicolaou-Konnari
The origin and profile of the Roma in Medieval Cyprus
Emine Dingeç
Gypsies” in the Ottoman Empire and Hassa services
Donald Kenrick
Nazi concentration camps in Belgrade, Serbia
Riccardo Armillei & Bruno Mascitelli
The illusive search for identity and citizenship in a distant and rhetorical European Union the case of the Romanies
Elena Marushiakova & Vesselin Popov
Orientalism in Romani studies the case of Eastern Europe
Denisa Selická, Monika Štrbová & Marcela Šarvajcová
The Roma families in Slovakia
Jurina Rusnáková & Július Rusnák
Segregation and social networks of Roma
Neriman Açıkalın
The fact of early mariage among Romanies as a violation of child rights: the case of Mersin,Turkey
Yelis Erolova
Religious trends among Muslim Roma in Bulgaria
Magdalena Slavkova
Personalizing the Romani evangelical faith
Hristo Kyuchukov & Jane Weiß
The Roma education in Nazi Germany and its consequences in contemporary Europe
Baki Hyuseinov
Education and qualification of the Roma community in Bulgaria
Milan Samko
Linguistic ideologies of Roma mothers and languages of their children
Chryso Pelekani
Teaching Gurbetcha to Roma children in Cyprus
Sofiya Zahova
‘The Romani people’ narratives in books for Roma children
ISBN 9783862888511. Roma 05. 392pp. 2017.

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