LINCOM Studies in Language and Literature (LSLL)

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1 - 30 of 39 results
Product no.: ISBN 9783895868078

Melania Terrazas
Universidad de la Rioja

93.20 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783895864773

Claire Etcherelli, Gabrielle Roy,Were Were Liking et Delphine Zanga Tsogo.

Tang Alice Delphine
Université de Yaoundé1

105.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783895865091

étude d’une vision cosmopolite de l’homme chez quatre romancières francophones

Tang Alice Delphine
Université de Yaoundé1

111.60 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783895863585

Le thème de bâtardise et la marginalité

Université d’Istanbul

77.40 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783895865053


Felicia N. Ibemesi
University of Nigeria

77.40 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862901852

Les mythologies biblique, grecque et indienne dans Au nom du père et du fils de Francine Ouellette

Alice Delphine Tang
Université de Yaoundé1

70.50 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862880751

Traduction et Commentaire

Abdelkrim Lechheb
Université Ibn Tofail, Kénitra

97.30 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862881680

Essai d’approche sémiotique

Hassan Lachgar
Université Ibn Tofail, Kénitra

102.10 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862881697

Ernest L. Veyu
University of Yaounde 1

71.70 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862883776

Re-thinking the issue of National Allegory in Indian English Fiction

Bela J Desai
The M S University of Baroda

87.50 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862884117

Simona Emilia Pruteanu
Wilfrid Laurier University

77.10 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862884247

C.L.Dhamija & Deepti Gupta
full-time writer, Panjab University

73.30 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862884469

Mohamed Kamel Abdel-Daem
Shaqra University, Saudi Arabia

62.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862885770

Jieun Kiaer
University of Oxford

73.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862887873
Aba-Carina Pârlog
West University of Timişoara
61.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862887941
Anice Ilu
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
59.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862888887
Franck Dalmas
Stony Brook University
184.00 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862889846

un vivre-ensemble harmonieux

Edouard Mokwe (ed.)

63.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862889914
Jieun Kiaer
University of Oxford
59.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862902088
Une écriture de l’enracinement et de l’ouverture
Edouard Mokwe
Université de Buea
81.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862902200
exemple chez: Small Island de Andrea Levy; The Buddha of Suburbia de Hanif Kureishi; White Teeth de Zadie Smith et Brick Lane de Monica Ali.
Ibrahima Diémé
Université Cheikh Anta Diop
88.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783969390030
Saraswathi Venugopal

Formerly Professor & Head, Department of Folklore, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, India

73.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783969390238
Mohamed Karim Dhouib

Université de Sousse

69.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783969390436
Mohamed Kamel Abdel-Daem
Hurghada University
55.80 *
Product no.: IBSN 9783969390641
( 180 Oppari Songs)
Translated from Tamil to English with Phonemic Transcription.
Saraswathi Venugopal
Formerly Professor & Head, Department of Folklore, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, India
75.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783969390948
Enjeux épistémologiques et perspectives critiques
Édouard Mokwe, Pierre-Suzanne Eyenga Onana & Blaise Tsoualla   (éds.) 
Université de Buéa; Université de Yaoundé I; Université de Buéa
77.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783969390986
Saraswathi Venugopal
Formerly Professor & Head, Department of Folklore, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, India
69.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783969391266
una crítica sociopolítica y plurigenérica a los tránsitos y desplazamientos de la modernidad
Anice Ilu
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
79.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783969391365
Sreekanth Katumala
Bharathiar University
69.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783969391402
Poétique. Herméneutique. Éthique
Pierre-Suzanne EYENGA ONANA
66.80 *
* Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery
1 - 30 of 39 results