LINCOM Studies in Sociolinguistics (LSSL)

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Product no.: ISBN 9783895863325

Qasim Bughio

105.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783895863028

Nydia Flores-Ferrán
City University of New York

86.50 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783895867132

Rajeshwari V. Pandharipande
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

110.40 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783895868306

Maweja Mbaya
Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis (Sénégal)

108.10 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783895863547

Fallou Ngom
Western Washington University

98.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783895865794

Dele Adeyanju
University of Ibadan

104.00 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783895869334

Des socioculturèmes traditionnels ouest-camerounais (des peuples au tissu ndop) au discours francophone

M. Dassi
Université de Yaounde I

114.50 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783929075632

Abdeslam Jamai
Taiba University, Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah

106.40 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783895863615

Todavía no se hallaron hablar en idioma. Procesos de socialización lingüística de  los niños en el barrio toba de Derqui (Buenos Aires)

Ana Carolina Hecht

Universidad de Buenos Aires

98.50 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862880683

Le plébiscite de 1961 au Southern Cameroons et ses conséquences pour la situation sociolinguistique au Cameroun

Monika Kleinheinz
Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck

75.70 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862881710

 'Ja toch?' Linguistic style, discourse markers and construction of identity by adolescents in Amsterdam

Gerda H. Schokkin
James Cook University, Cairns, Australia

79.70 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862883202

Langues romanes, langues et genre

Fabienne H. Baider & Daniel Elmiger (éd.)
Avec la collaboration de Julie Abbou
Université de Chypre

84.90 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862884384

Essai d’aménagement d’un cadre théorique

Paul Zang Zang
Université de Yaoundé I

115.10 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862885237

Verusca Costenaro
Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

77.40 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862888610
Boddu Chandrashekar &.Hemanga Dutta
The English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad
81.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862888795
Linguistic Outcomes and Political Implications
Alessandro Carlucci
University of Oxford
96.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862888917
Upender Maloth & Hemanga Dutta
The English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU)
81.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783969390146
Abolaji S. Mustapha (ed.)
Lagos State University
81.80 *
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