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Product no.: ISBN 9783895861161
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María José González Rodríguez
Universidad de La Laguna

Los datos incluidos en este trabajo proceden de la prensa diaria nacional británica. El motivo de esta elección se debe primordialmente a la manifestación expresa de algunos investigadores del discurso periodístico (Bell, 1991:175; van Dijk, 1986:181; González, 1999:274) de que distintos tipos de prensa redactan no solo titulares de forma diferente, sino que también estructuran las historias de distinta manera, hecho que requiere un estudio individualizado. En este sentido, la prensa nacional británica ofrece la posibilidad, desde un ángulo comparativo, de analizar distintos periódicos pertenecientes a diferentes clases socioeconómicas, con lo cual se toma en consideración la división de la sociedad británica en estratos más o menos fijos a diversos niveles.

El estudio se centra en una descripción de la organización y de la ordenación del relato periodístico informativo, y en cómo se categorizan los temas del relato periodístico atendiendo a una división por mercados o de acuerdo con los distintos tipos de prensa escrita (prensa de formato sábana vs. prensa tabloide). Particularmente destaca las características más relevantes de la estructura organizativa de los textos periodísticos informativos en la prensa nacional británica tabloide, ya que es precisamente dicha organización la que imprime el carácter de tales publicaciones.

María José González es graduada en Filología (sección germánica-inglés) y Doctora en Filología Inglesa por la Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife, Islas Canarias). En la actualidad imparte docencia de Lengua Inglesa en esta universidad. Participa asimismo en el Programa de Doctorado de Filología, en los cursos Análisis del Discurso y Variación Sociolingüística. Su línea de investigación se centra en el área de la Lingüística Aplicada, el Análisis del Discurso y Sociolingüística, campos en los que ha publicado numerosos artículos y libros.

ISBN 9783895861161. Linguistics Edition 68. 98pp. 2008.

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LE 69: Per una classificazione dei verbi georgiani ai fini pratici della realizzazione di ...

Product no.: ISBN 9783895860645
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Per una classificazione dei verbi georgiani ai fini pratici della realizzazione di un vocabolario georgiano-italiano

Aldo Castellani

Viene proposto un sistema di notazione per i verbi georgiani da adottare in un futuro dizionario georgiano-italiano (ma anche georgiano verso altre lingue) in modo da permettere ai fruitori del dizionario stesso di riconoscere e/o formare tutte le voci del verbo georgiano, che, come noto, si caratterizzano per un’estrema varietà e mobilità di affissi. Il lavoro è chiaramente suddiviso in due parti: nella prima parte viene presentato il problema e viene analizzata la delicata questione della classificazione e della lessicalizzazione dei verbi georgiani, presentando esempi tratti dai dizionari precedenti e dalla letteratura specifica sull’argomento; la seconda parte, più tecnica, affronta in pratica il problema della classificazione, proponendo un certo numero di classi e sottoclassi verbali, con le relative caratteristiche comuni e la notazione proposta per il dizionario, che deve assolvere a due criteri fondamentali di chiarezza e concisione.


Aldo Castellani (Firenze, 1967) è stato insegnante di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana all’Università di Tbilisi. Appassionatosi allo studio delle lingue e civiltà caucasiche, ha collaborato con riviste e siti internet come giornalista e fotografo, effettuando tra l’altro reportage dall’Abchazia, dalla valle di P’ank’isi e dalla Georgia occidentale. È autore di una voluminosa Storia della Cecenia. Memoria, tradizioni e cultura di un popolo del Caucaso, in stampa presso Rubbettino (uscita prevista in ottobre 2008), e di un lungo articolo (La Georgia: lingua e religione come fattori di identità etnica) in corso di pubblicazione (in tre parti) sulla rivista italiana di geopolitica “Eurasia”. È autore e redattore di guide turistiche (ha scritto tra l’altro la guida Weekend a… Siena) e ha scritto l’introduzione al Giocatore di Dostoevskij per la casa editrice Giunti. È inoltre autore di numerosi articoli di letteratura italiana, russa, inglese, tedesca (la maggior parte dei quali pubblicati su “Strumenti Critici”) e del volume Nuovi canti carnascialeschi di Firenze: le “canzone” e mascherate di Alfonso de’ Pazzi, edito da Olschki nel 2006. Attualmente risiede nell’Italia Centrale, dove alterna l’attività di insegnante di lingua italiana per stranieri con quella di scrittore e traduttore.

ISBN 9783895860645. Linguistics Edition 69. 61pp. 2009.

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LE 70: „…mit den beiden Lungenflügeln atmen”

Product no.: ISBN 9783895861482
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 „…mit den beiden Lungenflügeln atmen”

Zu Ehren von János Kohn

Patra Szatmári & Dóra Takács (Hrsg.)
Universitätszentrum Savaria

Unserem Kollegen und Freund Professor Dr. János Kohn, der den schweren und tapferen Kampf gegen die heimtückische Krankheit verlor, möchten wir anlässlich des bevorstehenden Jubiläums unseres Lehrstuhls, der 2009 sein 20jähriges Bestehen feiert und dessen Profil er maßgebend geprägt hat, eine Gedenkschrift widmen.

„…mit den beiden Lungenflügeln atmen” – lautet der Titel eines seiner vielen Aufsätze, der zugleich auch für ihn programmatisch war, denn es war ihm immer ein vorrangiges Bedürfnis, Bereiche miteinander zu verbinden und somit Brücken zu bauen: Brücken zwischen den sprachwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, Brücken zwischen der Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, aber vor allem Brücken zwischen den Menschen.

Weggefährten, Freunde, Bekannte, Kolleginnen und Kollegen, ehemalige Studenten und Studentinnen haben sich in diesem Band versammelt, um ihm auf diese Weise für zahlreiche aufschlussreiche Gespräche und Anregungen zu wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten zu danken. Seiner gedenken (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge): Vilmos Ágel, Maria Balaskó, Mária Barota, Gordon Burgess, Mónika Cseresznyák, Károly Csúri, Regina Hessky, Kinga Klaudy, Csilla Mihály, Magdolna Orosz, Katalin Petneki, Attila Péteri, Veronika Pólay, Bernd Rüschoff, Ágnes Salánki, Petra Szatmári, Lajos Szalai, Gábor Székely, György Szépe, Tibor Szűcs, Dóra Takács, Ferenc Tóth und Pál Uzonyi.

Vilmos Ágel
Das Auto ist gestartet – Aktiv oder Passiv oder…?

Rita Brdar-Szabó
Allein stehende Konditionalsätze als indirekte direktive Sprechakte im Deutschen und ihre ungarischen Entsprechungen

Gordon Burgess
„Theater, Theater, Theater!” Zum Schauspieler-Schriftsteller Wolfgang Borchert.

Mónika Cseresznyák
Niobe oder über Goethes Raumkonstruktionen für die antike Kunst um 1800.

Károly Csúri
Narrative Schemata und Metaphorik. Über strukturelle Aspekte von Georg Trakls Lyrik.

Csilla Mihály
Kafkas Urteil als Inszenierung des Selbst

Petra Szatmári
Zur Ergänzungsbedürftigkeit von agens-dezentrierten Konstruktionen

Gábor Székely
Ein sprachliches Phänomen, „Verstärkung und Abschwächung” der Wortbedeutungen

Dóra Takács
„Aber es kümmert sich kein Teufel um die Kunst.“ Die Rezeption der Dramen der Moderne auf Wiener und Budapester Bühnen um 1900

Pál Uzonyi
Aktanten in Klammern

Maria Balaskó
Was ist ein Text wert, wenn er eine Übersetzung ist?

Mária Barota
Musikalität in Rilkes Cornet-Dichtung und deren ungarischen Übersetzungen am Beispiel des 15. Kapitels

Regina Hessky
Freunde und falsche Freunde: Überlegungen zu einem „marginalen” Phänomen

Kinga Klaudy
Compensation in Translation

Magdolna Orosz
„Der wahre Übersetzer dieser Art muß in der That der Künstler selbst seyn.” Die Übersetzung in der romantischen Ästhetik

Ágnes Salánki
Die sprachspezifischen Ausdruckswerte in literarischen Werken und die Möglichkeiten ihrer interlingualen Kompensation auf der Ebene der Grammatik.

Lajos Szalai
Ein Verbrechen an Lessings „Minna von Barnhelm”: die Übersetzung von Ferenc Kazinczy

Attila Péteri
Corpuslinguistik und corpusgestützte linguistische Untersuchungen. Mit der Darstellung eines deutsch-ungarischen kontrastiven Projektes.

Veronika Pólay
Paralleltextanalyse – Zahnärzte im Internet

Bernd Rüschoff
Computer, Internet und Sprachenlernen im Spiegel der Zeit: CALL & TELL gestern, heute, morgen

Katalin Petneki
Schreibfertigkeit im neuen Abitur: Ergebnisse der Oberstufe-Probeprüfung 2004

György Szépe – Tibor Szűcs
Bilingualismus als Zufall(Wie kamen die Ungarn zu ihren Deutschkenntnissen?).

Ferenc Tóth
Die Zwei- und Mehrsprachigkeit im Zeitalter der Aufklärung am Beispiel der ungarischen Emigration im Frankreich des 18. Jahrhunderts

Verzeichnis der Schriften von János Kohn

ISBN 9783895861482. Linguistics Edition 70. 291 S. 2008.

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LE 71: Forensic Linguistics

Product no.: ISBN 9783895861925
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Forensic Linguistics

An Introduction to the Study of Language and the Law

Farinde Raifu Olanrewaju
Department of English, Adeyemi College of Education

It has already been affirmed that there are power and asymmetries in courtroom discourse. The courtroom professional such as judges, magistrates, lawyers and prosecutors have power over the defendants and witnesses. (Danet, 1984, Luchjenbroers, 1997). This book attempts to provide an explanatory account of linguistic communication between legal professional such as lawyers and prosecutors and the witnesses with a view to show the power prevalent in the courtroom discourse. To this end, various forms of questions such as WH-questions, alternative questions, yes/no questions and declarative questions were analysed to account for the discoursive practices between the lawyers, prosecutors and the witnesses. The framework of this study is supplied by Luchjenbroers (1993). Additionally, WH-questions and declarative in their various forms are further analysed which reveal further manipulation by lawyers to maintain control over courtroom discourse.

The data are 20 hours of audio-taped cases recorded at the High Courts of Justice and Magistrate Courts in Nigeria. The cases collected include assault, theft, house breaking, land, mutiny and rental. The key suggestions in this book are that narrative mode is indispensable in the fact-finding process which explains why it is favoured during examination. Also questions that contain propositions and presuppositions are strong weapon for the lawyers in controlling, convincing and persuading the witnesses to endorse their ideas. The four analysis carried out in the thesis suggest the fact that lawyers maintain tight control of courtroom discourse.

ISBN 9783895861925. Linguistics Edition 71. 326pp. 2009.

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LE 72: Evaluation of Media Reach and Effectiveness: A Linguistic Exercise

Product no.: ISBN 9783929075588
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Evaluation of Media Reach and Effectiveness: A Linguistic Exercise

M. J. Warsi
Washington University, St. Louis

This book is an attempt to bring out issues related to communication studies in general and Urdu electronic and print media in particular. This concise overview may enhance a better understanding of communication studies. This is, therefore, the first linguistic study on Urdu print and electronic media. As such, it should not only open many new perspectives in various areas it presents, but also incites others to further this kind of study in both scope and depth.

The experimental approach employed to perform semantic feature analysis of related word-pairs addresses fundamental analytical issues concerning the linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects of meaning in a strikingly original and perceptive way. In this regard, the book makes an impressive and original contribution to socio-psychological aspects of meaning and its effects on readers. The theoretical and methodological ideas and models it contains should merit the interest not only to the scholars of language and communication but also to linguists, semioticians and psycholinguists

ISBN 9783929075588. Linguistics Edition 72. 144pp. 2009.

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LE 73: Noam Chomsky on Language and Cognition

Product no.: ISBN 9783929075618
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Noam Chomsky on Language and Cognition

A. Sumru Özsoy & Mine Nakipoğlu (eds.)
Boğazici University

This book presents a discussion by Noam Chomsky of some of the much controversial issues raised within the scientific field of linguistics since the inception of generative grammar in 1957. Based on the text of the talk given by Noam Chomsky at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, in 2002, the book presents Prof. Chomsky’s views on the philosophical bases and the historical development of the field of biolinguistics in the course of which he focuses on issues such as cognition, linguistics as a science, how the field developed, its nature and how it fits into the other domains of science.

The questions raised within the question-comment session lead Prof. Chomsky to expand his views on the nature of Universal Grammar, in particular on the philosophical underpinnings of the program which disfavors the view that languages are radically different. Prof. Chomsky also answers questions on the implications of theory-internal assumptions such as the determinants of phasehood in syntax, the nature of the innateness hypothesis, the nature-nurture debate within language acquisition, in particular the validity of the poverty of the stimulus arguments, the nature of the semantic component and the representation of the mental lexicon and the political implications of his Universal Grammar position on his activist stance.

ISBN 9783929075618. 52pp. Linguistics Edition 73. 2009.

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LE 74: De un discurso al otro. Rasgos discursivos de varios subgéneros.

Product no.: ISBN 9783895865008
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De un discurso al otro. Rasgos discursivos de varios subgéneros.

Heraclia Castellón Alcalá
Universida Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Lorca, Murcia

Este trabajo se plantea como un acercamiento a las formas en que la argumentación se manifiesta en diferentes subgéneros; se observa cómo se construye en cada caso el texto y cómo operan en él las estrategias argumentativas. Se analizan ejemplos concretos de textos periodísticos (editoriales), parlamentarios (un discurso en las Cortes) y jurídico-administrativos (dos disposiciones ministeriales). Se delimita primero el marco teórico desde el cual considerar el mecanismo de la argumentación en cada uno de estos tres subgéneros discursivos, para después adentrarnos en el análisis de los textos.

Además, se presentan otros dos subgéneros que proceden de los medios audiovisuales de masas, la copla o canción y los monólogos; ambos productos discursivos ofrecen unas notas propias que definen su identidad genérica. Entre los fenómenos a los que se atiende está su disposición estructural, como también las propiedades caracterizadoras de su enunciación, lo que los convierte en productos comunicativos determinados, con particulares perspectivas y requerimientos expresivos.

Heraclia Castellón Alcalá (Almería) es Catedrática de Lengua y Literatura Españolas de Educación Secundaria. Ha publicado una serie de trabajos de análisis discursivo, en especial sobre los textos administrativos.

ISBN 9783895865008. Linguistics Edition 74. 115pp. 2009.

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LE 75: The Empty Category Principle in English and Standard Arabic

Product no.: ISBN 9783929075762
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The Empty Category Principle in English and Standard Arabic

Nasser Berjaoui
Ibn Tofail University, Kénitra, Morocco

The aim of this book is to study the Empty Category Principle (henceforth, the ECP) in English (E) and Standard Arabic (SA) within the Government and Binding framework (GB) as outlined in Chomsky (1981) and (1986). The motivation for the choice of this topic is that the application of the ECP in English, a Non-Null-Subject language, and SA, a Null-Subject language, has not received much attention, to my knowledge. Various structures have been studied in the literature (Rizzi (1982), Kayne (1984) and Picallo (1984), among others).

In this work, focus will be on the five constructions that have been used in comparative studies of this type (Cf. Chomsky (1981), Rizzi (1980), (1982) and Safir (1985), among others): Missing Subjects in Simple Sentences, Free Inversion of Subjects in Finite Sentences, That-Trace Effect, Long Wh-Movement of the Subjects from Wh-Islands, and Null Resumptive Pronouns in Embedded Structures. This book consists of five chapters. Chapter one presents a brief summary of the GB framework. Chapter two deals with basic traits of English and SA syntax. Chapter three aims at presenting the account of the ECP of Free Inversion and Missing Subjects in E ad SA. Chapter four discusses the That-Trace Effect in the two languages. Chapter five aims at a discussion of the ECP account of the long Wh-Movement of the Subjects from Wh-Islands and the Null Resumptive Pronouns in E and SA.

ISBN 9783929075762. Linguistics Edition 75. 123 pp. 2009.

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LE 76: Linguistics Meets Chronobiology

Product no.: ISBN 9783895869662
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Linguistics Meets Chronobiology

Impact of Sustained Wakefulness and Circadian Rhythmicities on a Minimal Syntactic Decision Task

Jessica Rosenberg
Humboldt-University of Berlin

The current project investigated the impact of circadian modulations on language performance. The circadian master oscillator in humans and other mammals emits signals that trigger organ-specific oscillators, and therefore, constitutes a basic biological process that enables organisms to anticipate daily environmental changes by adjusting their behaviour, physiology and gene regulation. Although circadian rhythms are well characterized on a physiological level, little is known about how language is influenced by circadian modulations. A small number of studies on diurnal variations in language performance reported contradictory results, presumably due to poor control over internally generated circadian variations.

However, the applied constant-routine design allows for a more stringent match of external and internal factors. Therefore, two of the present studies reported in this study were conducted under the unmasking conditions of constant routines. Circadian variations in language performance were addressed with a focus on gender agreement of nouns. Tests of general attention and sensori-motor performance were embedded in the constant routine protocols as well. Results were compared to a time-of-day design, which enabled the identification of masking and compensatory conditions occuring in everyday life. The results have important implications for establishing optimal times for work shift changes or for testing healthy and linguistically impaired people.

The author holds a bachelor´s degree in Cognitive Science as well as a master´s degree in Clinical Linguistics. She received her doctorate at the Humboldt-University of Berlin.

ISBN 9783895869662. 173pp. Linguistics Edition 76. 2010.

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LE 77: Language, Literature and Discourse

Product no.: ISBN 9783895864582
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Language, Literature and Discourse

A Festschrift in Honour of Prof. A.L. Oleyele

Ayo Ogunsiji, Ayo Kehinde & Akin Odebunmi (eds.)

Language, Literature and Discourse explores linguistic and literary discourses which constitute the research foci of Professor Lekan Oyeleye, former Dean of Arts and former Head, Department of English, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. With relevant data, the authors, who are experienced scholars from African tertiary institutions and who have impacted positively on the pedagogical and research terrains in Africa, carry out in-depth analyses of language use in natural and mediated genres from syntactic, lexico-semantic, discourse, stylistic, pragmatic, applied linguistic and literary perspectives. The chapters coherently present the nexus of language and discourse as a veritable site for the interrogation of issues and factors that have bearings on effective human interactions and transactions.

The text is an invaluable resource material for teachers of English as a second language and some other languages, at the tertiary level, and researchers in language and literature all over the world.

Section A: Language

Demystifying the Native-Speaker Myth in the New Englishes Eric A. Anchimbe - The Power of Language Ayo Ogunsiji - Noun Phrase Modification in Nigerian in Newspapers E.O. Ogungbe - The Style and Power of Nigerian Women in the Nigerian Newspapers I. Omolara Daniel - A Lexico-Semantic Study of Names of Characters in Wole Soyinka’s King Baabu Idowu Odebode - Cushioned Loanwords, Proverbs and Nigerian Pidgin as Rhetorical Devices in Achebes’s Fiction Macauly Mowarin - Language and Style in Okot P’bitek’s ‘Song of Ocol’ S.A. Salman - English Modality as a Rhetorical Tool in Nigerian Political Manifestoes M.A Alo - Language and Persuasion in GSM Advertising in Nigerian Newspapers I.E. Olaosun - Style in Select Advertising Slogans Ayo Osisanwo - Use of Slang among Touts in Some Motor Parks in South Western Nigeria - J.O. Ojo

Section B: Discourse

Address Terms in Social Discourse: The Case of a University Community in Ghana Joseph Afull - A Discourse Study of Ideological Perspectives of Naming among Christian Charismatic Movements in Nigeria Innocent Chiluwa - Discourse Acts in Police - Accused Interrogation in Selected Police Stations in Ondo State, Nigeria. - O.R. Farinde - The Pragmatics of Spousal Communication: The Case of Vanguard’s Mr. and Mrs, Cartoon Series - H.O.F. Akindele & A.B. Sunday - A Pragmatic Analysis of David Diop’s Poem ‘‘Africa’’ A.Lekan Dairo & J.O. Akinbode - Face Threats in Conversational Interactions in Orthodox and Traditional Medicines among the Yoruba in Southwestern Nigeria. Wale Adegbite & Akin Odebunmi

Section C: Applied Linguistics

Perspectives on the Principles of Second Language Learning and Teaching Bolanle Akeredolu-Ale - From Illiteracy to Literacy or Vice Versa – A Linguistic Analysis of the Construction of Reality in an Essay on Stylistics Adeyemi Daramola - The Inevitability of Language Interlarding among Bilinguals Yemi Ogunsiji - Democracy, National Development and Globalization: The Roles of Different Tongues in a Bilingual/ Multilingual Country A.A. Asiyanbola - Yoruba – English Code-Switching in Ayinla Omowura’s Apala Music Tajudeen Yaqub Surakat

Section D: Literature

Weaving Socio-Political Commentaries through the Novelistic Tradition: Naguib Mahfouz and the Postcolonial Egyptian Condition James Tar Tsaaior - Colonialism and Decolonization in Owolabi’s ÕTÊ NÌBÒ: A Discourse in New Historicism Lere Adeyemi Alienation and Revolutionary Vision in East African Post-colonial Dramatic Literature N.O. Fashina - Reconstructing Social and Cultural Reality: Proverbs and Postproverbials in Selected Nigerian Literary Works O.B. Jegede - History and Myth as Rhetorical Strategies in Ben Okri’s Novels Ikenna Kamalu - House on Fire: A Literary Assessment of the Disintegration of the Family Unit Y.O.O. Akorede - The Theme of Marriage Betrayal in the Igbo Novel Herbert Igboanusi & Joy Nkeiruka Okeke .

ISBN 9783895864582. Linguistics Edition 77. 560pp. 2010.

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