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LSGL 21: Hetzlerisch

Product no.: ISBN 9783895866258
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Dokumentation spontansprachlicher Texte und grammatische Analyse der phorischen Pronomina im ostfränkischen Dialekt des Dorfes Hetzles
Klaus Geyer
Universität Kiel

Die Arbeit untersucht die Distribution und Funktion phorischer Pronomina in spontansprachlichen Texten des ostfränkischen Dialektes von Hetzles, einem Dorf mit ca. 1500 Einwohnern in der Nähe des Ballungsraumes um Erlangen und Nürnberg. Es handelt sich dabei um die Pronomina der 3. Person entsprechend dem standarddeutschen der, die, das (D-Pronomina), die klitischen K-Pronomina wie z.B. in hats 'hat sie' (oder 'hat es') sowie die S-Pronomina entsprechend er, sie, es.

Die Arbeit gliedert sich in fünf Kapitel. Nach einer kurzen Einleitung setzt sich der Autor mit dem Problem der Methoden bei der Erhebung und Beschreibung qualitativ hochwertiger, spontansprachlicher Dialektdaten sowie mit Fragen der Dokumentation bedrohter Sprachen und Dialekte auseinander. Diskutiert wird auch, inwieweit das Hetzlerische als bedrohter Dialekt der "sicheren" Sprache Deutsch zu zählen ist. Dieser Methodendiskussion folgt im 3. Kapitel die umfangreiche Edition der aufgenommenen und analysierten Texte. Es handelt sich um ein Korpus von ca. 40 Minuten, das, um der Forderung nach Detailliertheit und nach Textmenge gleichermaßen gerecht zu werden, in vier verschiedenen Dokumentationsformaten präsentiert wird, von der vollständigen Interlinearisierung inklusive phonetischer Zeile bis hin zum zweispaltigen Ausgangstext-Übersetzungs-Format. Im folgenden Kapitel werden der Begriff der Phorik zunächst allgemein und in Bezug auf das Standarddeutsche erläutert. Anschließend erfolgt die Analyse der hetzlerischen Pronomina in den Texten. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die D-Pronomina und K-Pronomina die weitaus häufigsten sind, während für den Gebrauch der seltenen S-Pronomina – die im schriftlichen Standarddeutschen als die "normalen" phorischen Pronomina gelten – spezielle Regeln zu formulieren sind, die an der Schnittstelle von Syntax und Informations-strulktur operieren. Von besonderem Interesse ist die Hypothese, dass den S-Pronomina in der Redewiedergabe eine besondere Funktion zukommt, was sie in die Nähe logophorischer Pronomina rückt. Das fünfte und letzte Kapitel fasst die Ergebnisse derArbeit zusammen (Audio-CD auf Anfrage).

ISBN 9783895866258. LINCOM Studies in Germanic Linguistics 21. 236 S. 2003.
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LSGL 23: Synchrone Analyse als Fenster zur Diachronie

Product no.: ISBN 9783895864643
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Synchrone Analyse als Fenster zur Diachronie

Die Grammatikalisierung von werden + Infinitiv

Sabine Krämer
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Die vorliegende Untersuchung versteht sich als Beitrag zur aktuellen, innerhalb der linguistischen Forschung zu verzeichnenden Tendenz, die Rekonstruktion diachroner Entwicklungsabläufe durch synchron erprobte Analyseinstrumentarien zu fundieren. Anhand der Konstruktion werden + Infinitiv wird im Detail herausgearbeitet, inwiefern die Untersuchung von Grammatikalisierungsprozessen, die notwendigerweise nur retrospektiv in den Blick genommen werden können, auf Ergebnisse der synchronen Linguistik angewiesen ist. Dies betrifft zum einen ein angemessenes Repräsentationsformat, zum anderen eine klare Explikation des Ist-Zustands als Voraussetzung für die sprachhistorische Rekonstruktion. Diese methodische Vorgehensweise unterscheidet die vorliegende Arbeit von den bisherigen Untersuchungen zu diesem Thema und macht gleichzeitig transparent, in welcher Weise diese revisionsbedürftig sind.

Die Untersuchungsergebnisse lassen sich grob wie folgt zusammenfassen: Den beiden Lesarten der Konstruktion werden + Infinitiv liegen synchron zwei unterschiedliche syntaktische Strukturen zugrunde, wobei werden in einer jeweils anderen funktionalen Projektion lokalisiert ist. Darüber hinaus unterscheiden sich Beitrag und syntaktische Position von modalem werden – entgegen bisher vorliegender Analysen – von denen der Modalverben müssen und können in ihren epistemischen Lesarten. Diachron entwickelt sich die futurische Konstruktion werden + Infinitiv durch Grammatikalisierung der mhd. Kopula-Konstruktion werden + Partizip Präsens bei präsentischer Markierung der Kopula. Die futurische Konstruktion ist ihrerseits Grammatikalisierungsquelle für die modale Konstruktion werden + Infinitiv. Die fortschreitende Grammatikalisierung von werden lässt sich somit als wiederholte Aufwärts-Reanalyse, d.h. als Aufstieg in eine jeweils höhere funktionale Projektion, rekonstruieren.

ISBN 9783895864643. LINCOM Studien zu Germanistik 23. 160pp. 2005.

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LSGL 24: Hypotaxis as Building-Site

Product no.: ISBN 9783895863530
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Hypotaxis as Building-Site

The Emergence and Grammaticalization of Concessive Conditionals in English, German and Dutch

Torsten Leuschner
Ghent University

This is the first book-length study of concessive conditionals, a type of adverbial clause that shows an unusual breadth of variation in Germanic and is therefore characterized as a "building-site" of grammaticalization. Entirely based on corpus data, it offers a detailed description of concessive conditionals and their subtypes in English, German and Dutch from the point of view of form-function relations and the discourse-syntax interface. The discourse conditions under which their more or less strongly grammaticalized formal varieties are used in discourse are pinpointed, and a clear distinction is drawn between the synchronic and diachronic emergence of concessive conditionals. Contrary to traditional assumptions in grammaticalization methodology, present-day variation patterns of concessive conditionals do not necessarily reflect their actual paths of historical development. Rather than evolve steadily towards ever increasing grammaticalization, concessive conditionals have been hovering on the edge of syntax in the languages in question and are likely to continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

TORSTEN LEUSCHNER (Dr. phil., Freie Universität Berlin) is Associate Professor of German Linguistics at the University of Ghent. He has published articles on grammaticalization and related issues in Germanic linguistics, co-edited a book on grammaticalization in German and served as linguistics editor with the journal Germanistische Mitteilungen.

ISBN 9783895863530. LINCOM Studies in Germanic Linguistics 24. 191pp. 2006.

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LSGL 25: A Morphosyntactic Analysis of Surinamese Dutch

Product no.: ISBN 9783895863882
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A Morphosyntactic Analysis of Surinamese Dutch

C. De Kleine
College of Notre Dame in Baltimore

While several languages spoken in Suriname (South America) have received a great deal of attention in the linguistics literature, including various creole languages such as Sranan and Saramaccan, the amount of information available on Suriname’s official language, Dutch, is remarkably limited. This lacuna is rooted in the widely-held assumption that Dutch in Suriname has remained relatively similar to its European ancestor throughout its 300-year history in the former colony. The present study proves this assumption fundamentally false, by providing a detailed analysis of the morphosyntactic characteristics that set Surinamese Dutch apart from European Dutch.

Focusing on Dutch as spoken by one of the main ethnic groups, the descendants of the African slave population (the ‘Creoles’), this study establishes Surinamese Dutch as a language variety in its own right, a variety that is furthermore heavily influenced by Sranan, the Englishbased creole language widely spoken in Suriname. One of the most important findings of the study is that the majority of distinguishing morphosyntactic characteristics located in Surinamese Dutch concern forms that are also found in European Dutch but which have assumed new functions in Surinamese Dutch, resulting in a phenomenon identified as grammatical camouflage. Extensive grammatical camouflage then explains to a large extent why numerous differences between Surinamese Dutch and European Dutch have gone undetected until now.

Dr. Christa de Kleine is Associate Professor of Education/TESOL at the College of Notre Dame in Baltimore, USA, where she heads the MA in TESOL Program. She holds advanced degrees in linguistics from the Netherlands (MA, University of Groningen) and the USA (PhD, City University of New York). She has published on creole and creoleinfluenced languages including Negerhollands, Afrikaans and Surinamese Dutch, and on the linguistic challenges of Creole English speaking-students in US classrooms.

ISBN 9783895863882. LINCOM Studies in Germanic Linguistics 25. 198pp. 2007.

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Product no.: ISBN 9783895867200
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German Grammar through the Magic of the Brothers’ Grimm Fairy Tales

Margrit V. Zinggeler
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti

Bringing together German grammar and the Brothers’ Grimm fairy tales offers a different and thematically unifying approach to learning and reviewing German grammar and it introduces students to the original German texts of the world-known and beloved fairy tales. The rationale for GRIMMATIK (coined of the name of the brothers, Grimm, and the German word for grammar – Grammatik) is to offer a learner-oriented, research-based concept of German grammar to intermediate students of German. GRIMMATIK addresses a multiple variety of grammatical elements in the analysis of every selected fairy tale.

It is the student who finally constructs a German grammar, consecutively isolating the elements of speech, phrases, and sentence structures. Recognition of language patterns leads to paradigm segmentation and classification and eventually to internalization of language rules and the acquisition of grammatical competence. GRIMMATIK includes new technology and it offers tools to students to find lexical and structural patterns using the free Grimm Corpora on the Internet. GRIMMATIK is reasonably simplifying complex linguistic theories in order to offer to students, who already possess a certain degree of German language proficiency and grammar competence, a method to generate their own findings of structural grammar rules. Then something magical happens, the students are ultimately learning German grammar while they are reading and analyzing the Brothers’ Grimm Fairy Tales!

Margrit V. Zinggeler is an Associate Professor of German at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, Michigan. She has published several articles and presented papers on the methodology of GRIMMATIK.

Table of Contents



2.1 Glossary
2.2 Learning the Parts of Speech with a Focus on the Brothers’ Grimm Fairy Tales
2.2.1 Nouns
2.2.2 Definite Articles Found in Titles
2.2.3 Pronouns
2.2.4 Adjectives
2.2.5 Verbs
2.2.6 Adverbs
2.2.7 Prepositions
2.2.8 Conjunctions
2.2.9 Numerals
2.2.10 Interjections and Particles
2.2.11 Illustrated Summary
2.3 Sentences, Phrases and Clauses based on the Brothers’ Grimm Fairy Tales
2.3.1 The Subject
2.3.2 The Predicate
2.3.3 The Object Phrase
2.3.4 Verbal Modifiers
2.3.5 Attributes
2.3.6 Prepositional Phrases
2.3.7 Infinitive Phrases
2.3.8 Word Order and Phrase Sequence
2.3.9 Extended Clauses
2.4 Direct Speech and Indirect Speech in the Brothers’ Grimm Fairy Tales
2.4.1 Imperatives
2.4.2 Interrogatives
2.5 Idiomatic Expressions

3.1 Der goldene Schlüssel (KHM 200)
3.1.1 Collection of Grammatical Data and Vocabulary
3.1.2 Grimm Corpus Search
3.1.3 Segmentation of Sentences
3.1.4 Discussion and Interpretation
3.1.5 Writing Exercise
3.2 Der alte Großvater und sein Enkel (KHM 78)
3.2.1 Collection of Grammatical Data and Vocabulary
3.2.2 Direct Speech and Grimm Corpus Search
3.2.3 Segmentation of Sentences
3.2.4 Discussion and Interpretation
3.2.5 Writing Exercise
3.3 Die Sterntaler (KHM 153)
3.3.1 Collection of Grammatical Data and Vocabulary
3.3.2 Direct Speech and Grimm Corpus Search
3.3.3 Segmentation of Sentences
3.3.4 Discussion and Interpretation
3.3.5 Writing Exercise
3.4 Der süße Brei (KHM 103)
3.4.1 Collection of Grammatical Data and Vocabulary
3.4.2 Direct Speech and Grimm Corpus Search
3.4.3 Segmentation of Sentences
3.4.4 Discussion and Interpretation
3.4.5 Writing Exercise
3.5 Das Hirtenbüblein (KHM 152)
3.5.1 Collection of Grammatical Data and Vocabulary
3.5.1 Direct Speech and Grimm Corpus Search
3.5.2 Segmentation of Sentences
3.5.3 Discussion and Interpretation
3.5.4 Writing Exercise
3.6. Das Totenhemdlein (KHM 109)
3.6.1 Collection of Grammatical Data and Vocabulary
3.6.2 Direct Speech and Grimm Corpus Search
3.6.3 Segmentation of Sentences
3.6.4 Discussion and Interpretation
3.6.5 Writing Exercise
3.7 Frau Holle (KHM 24)
3.7.1 Collection of Grammatical Data and Vocabulary
3.7.2 Direct Speech and Grimm Corpus Search
3.7.3 Segmentation of Sentences
3.7.4 Discussion and Interpretation
3.7.5 Writing Exercise
3.8 Aschenputtel (KHM 21)
3.8.1 Collection of Grammatical Data and Vocabulary
3.8.2 Direct Speech and Grimm Corpus Search
3.8.3 Segmentation of Sentences
3.8.4 Discussion and Interpretation 189 3.8.5 Writing Exercise
3.9 Rumpelstilzchen (KHM 55)
3.9.1 Collection of Grammatical Data and Vocabulary
3.9.2 Direct Speech and Grimm Corpus Search 198 3.9.3 Segmentation of Sentences
3.9.4 Discussion and Interpretation
3.9.5 Writing Exercise
3.10 Dornröschen (KHM 50)
3.10.1 Collection of Grammatical Data and Vocabulary
3.10.2 Direct Speech and Grimm Corpus Search
3.10.3 Segmentation of Sentences
3.10.4 Discussion and Interpretation
3.10.5 Writing Exercise
3.11 Rapunzel (KHM 12)
3.11.1 Collection of Grammatical Data and Vocabulary
3.11.2 Direct Speech and Grimm Corpus Search
3.11.3 Segmentation of Sentences
3.11.4 Discussion and Interpretation
3.11.5 Writing Exercise
3.12 Hänsel und Gretel (KHM 15)
3.12.1 Collection of Grammatical Data and Vocabulary
3.12.2 Direct Speech and Grimm Corpus Search
3.12.3 Segmentation of Sentences
3.12.4 Discussion and Interpretation
3.12.5 Writing Exercise
3.13 Rotkäppchen (KHM 26)
3.13.1 Collection of Grammatical Data and Vocabulary
3.13.2 Direct Speech and Grimm Corpus Search
3.13.3 Segmentation of Sentences
3.13.4 Discussion and Interpretation
3.13.5 Writing Exercise
3.14. Sneewittchen (KHM 53)
3.14.1 Collection of Grammatical Data and Vocabulary
3.14.2 Direct Speech and Grimm Corpus Search
3.14.3 Segmentation of Sentences
3.14.4 Discussion and Interpretation
3.14.5 Writing Exercise


ISBN 9783895867200. LINCOM Studies in Germanic Linguistics 26. 390pp. Illustrations of the Grimm Museum. 2007.

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LSGL 27: El estatuto del sufijoide alemán en los procesos de formación de palabras

Product no.: ISBN 9783862880447
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El estatuto del sufijoide alemán en los procesos de formación de palabras

Paloma Sánchez Hernández
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Este trabajo se encuadra dentro de la Morfología y de la Lexicología alemana. Aparte de la composición y la derivación, existe un fenómeno que se halla en un estadio de transición: se trata del fenómeno del afijoide (prefijoide o sufijoide, según su posición respecto del lexema).

Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de los sufijoides y, de ellos, en los que funcionan como sustantivos. Partiendo de un corpus de once sustantivos, se analiza la condición de éstos como sufijoides en distintas formaciones, donde funcionan como segundos miembros. El objetivo es fijar el funcionamiento de estos sustantivos como sufijoides en una categoría independiente de un miembro de una composición y de un sufijo. Estos elementos poseen una posición intermedia entre la composición y la derivación pues, si bien se convierten en miembros de una formación (al igual que el segundo miembro de un compuesto), a diferencia de éste, el sufijoide presenta una debilitación semántica respecto del significado del sustantivo original. Esta debilitación semántica está vinculada estrechamente a la expresión de colectividad. Esto último distingue a un sufijoide de un sufijo, ya que éste no siempre expresa colectividad, además de que, en el caso de un sufijo, el sustantivo original del que proviene, acaba desapareciendo, no siendo así en el caso de un sufijoide.

ISBN 9783862880447. LINCOM Studies in Germanic Linguistics 27. 521pp. 2011.

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LSGL 28: A Graphic Overview of Old Icelandic Morphology

Product no.: ISBN 9783862885831
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A Graphic Overview of Old Icelandic Morphology

Alan Bower

The Old Icelandic language (also known as Old Norse) is considered the parent language of the present Scandinavian languages. It was a branch of the Germanic language family, and it was used in Norway, Iceland, Sweden, and Denmark up until the 16th century. Today it is perhaps best known as the language of the medieval sagas.

The complex relationship between the Old Icelandic language itself and its orthographical representation leads to many problems for both students and teachers. In this analysis of the grammar and orthography of Old Icelandic a new approach is seen, with the classic presentation of "paradigms, rules, and exceptions to rules" now including an expanded presentation of structure to show various aspects of the language. Here extensive use of graphic representation has been drawn in, making more clear the features that lie behind the grammar and the orthography. In this way deeper and systematic aspects of the language can be examined in greater detail, with the hope that students and teachers will now have new tools for approaching the extensive literature written in the Old Icelandic language.

ISBN 9783862885831. LINCOM Studies in Germanic Linguistics 28. 85pp. 2014.

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LSGL 29: Austrian Standard German

Product no.: ISBN 9783862885886
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Austrian Standard German

Biography of a National Variety of German

James Pfrehm
Ithaca College

In today’s academic circles, the idea has become widely accepted that each nation within the greater German-speaking geographic area presides over its own standard variety of the German Language: German Standard German (GSG) in Germany; Swiss Standard German (SSG) in Switzerland; Luxembourgian Standard German (LSG) in Luxembourg; and Austrian Standard German (ASG) in Austria, to name the most salient national varieties. Indeed, this linguistic reality lies at the heart of the pluricentricity argument. For ASG in particular, the path to national variety recognition was centuries in the making, having come to fruition within the last few decades.

In this Biography of a National Variety of German we will address key questions pertaining to the historical emergence of the Austrian national variety. Among others, we will consider: At what point in the history of the German language was the notion of an Austrian national variety of German conceived of; specifically, when were its forms and functions shaped, accepted as a sociolinguistic reality, and implemented? Which individuals contributed to the shaping, acceptance, and/or implementation of ASG? And finally, which historical contexts played a role?

Our exploration will unfold in six chapters. Chapter one, “Describing Austrian Standard German,” is a brief overview of the most salient structural linguistic forms of ASG: its vocabulary, phonology, morphology, and syntax. Chapter two, “From the Great Migration to the Doorstep of Enlightenment and the Modern Era,” considers the earlier history of the German language, as an assemblage of regional dialects in the pre-Modern era, up through the emergence of an inchoate standard variety within the Holy Roman Empire under the Habsburgs. Chapter three, “Enlightenment and Language Standardization,” focuses on the eighteenth century as it examines the first systematic efforts to supra-regionally normalize the German language. The discussion in chapter four centers on key 19th-century sociopolitical and sociolinguistic developments within the greater German-speaking areas of Europe. Chapter five will bring us into the 20th-century, where we will concern ourselves with a number of sociopolitical circumstances and individuals that played a role in pan-Germanic and Austrian nationalistic sentiments, and which were crucial for the ideological and structural elaboration of ASG. Finally, we end our biography of the Austrian national variety with a look at the contemporary status quo of the national standard, with a particular eye to Austria’s role in the socioeconomic integration of Europe, via the European Union.

ISBN 9783862885886. LINCOM Studies in German Linguistics 29. 156pp. 2014.

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LSGL 30: German-English Dictionary of Nominal Derivations

Product no.: ISBN 9783862886173
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German-English Dictionary of Nominal Derivations

Robert K. Bloomer
SUNY Stony Brook

This book assembles the German nominal derivations formed with indigenous and old borrowed suffixes, and it translates them into English to become a unique bilingual work that represents an advancement beyond the genre of German reverse dictionaries from which it proceeds. It is intended not only for morphologists interested in matters of word-formation from a lexicographical perspective, but more generally for anyone with a desire to know the meanings in English of particular German words (e.g. Künstler); of series of words with certain suffixes (e.g. Dörfler, Künstler, Tischler); or especially of sub-series of words within the same series (e.g. Bühnenkünstler, Hungerkünstler, Zauberkünstler, etc.), many of which appear as open or closed fields of semantically related words from across the lexicon.

The suffixes are given with their etymologies along with their historically related forms in English, if they exist. Then follow snapshots of their general meanings (person, place, thing, characteristic, collective, etc.) and, in a small number of cases, notes on other features of the suffixes, words, or translations. The words belonging to each suffix are arranged forward alphabetically in columns and juxtaposed with their translations, which also makes it easy to observe the formal means - suffixal or otherwise - with which German derivations are rendered into English.

ISBN 9783862886173 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Germanic Linguistics 30. 395pp. 2015.

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LSGL 31: I composti bahuvrīhi delle antiche lingue germaniche

Product no.: ISBN 9783969390009
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I composti bahuvrīhi delle antiche lingue germaniche
Analisi morfologica e semantica
Caterina Saracco
Università di Genova
L’obiettivo di questo volume è lo studio morfologico e semantico del composto bahuvrīhi nelle antiche lingue germaniche orientali e occidentali, impiegando un approccio cognitivo. Questo framework aiuta a comprendere sia i meccanismi che rendono possibile la costruzione di tale composto, sia i meccanismi che contribuiscono alla creazione del suo significato. Per fare questo, dopo aver discusso circa il valore dell’endocentricità ed esocentricità in composizione, ci si focalizza sui composti bahuvrīhi in gotico, antico alto tedesco, antico sassone, antico frisone e anglosassone che presentano una struttura morfologica [A+N], [N+N] e [Num+N].
Lo spoglio delle fonti ha consentito di raggruppare 587 bahuvrīhi. A differenza delle lingue germaniche moderne in cui compaiono solo bahuvrīhi nominali, in passato questo composto era prevalentemente aggettivale e ne esistevano tre tipi: il lineare, l’esteso e il tipo invertito.
Oltre a descrizioni più formali delle strutture morfologiche che concorrono alla formazione dei bahuvrīhi in queste lingue, si sono utilizzati anche modelli di rappresentazione morfologica propri della linguistica cognitiva. Viene data attenzione anche all’aspetto semantico, in particolare al motivo per cui molti dei bahuvrīhi delle lingue germaniche antiche possiedono una certa opacità semantica. La teoria della metafora e della metonimia concettuali spiegano la ragione di tali “devianze” semantiche.

ISBN 9783969390009 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Germanic Linguistics 31. 202pp. 2020.

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