LW 60: Aspects of the Phonology, Morphology and Syntax of Cameroonian Languages ..(e-book)

Product no.: ISBN 9783862902033
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Aspects of the Phonology, Morphology and Syntax of Cameroonian Languages (Wandala, Kwandja, Bassa, Limbum, Ghomala’, Kejom, Obang, Baba, West Ring) and Applied Linguistics
Essays in Honour of Pius Ngwa Tamanji
Gabriel Mba, Florence Tabe and Ayu’nwi N. Neba (eds.)
University of Yaoundé 1, University of Yaoundé 1, University of Buea Cameroon
This volume groups 17 contributions into two sections: theoretical and applied linguistics Part one describe focus, topic and indirect questions, adverbial/PP and wh-fronting in the Wandala; information structures within a sentence on the left periphery in Kwandja; syntactic derivation of fragmentary utterances within the ellipsis approach in Bassa; definiteness/indefiniteness in Limbum; tense and time frame in Ghomala’; phonological processes triggered in Kejom verb roots by verbal extensions; Oban nominal prefix tone as underlyingly toneless; the status of adjectives in Baba 1 and the complexity of tone in Aghem, Bu, Isu, Weh and Zoa. Part two discusses the teaching of Cameroon mother tongues and cultures in the preschool; corpus linguistics in relation to English language research and pedagogy; political speeches and their linguistic features; gender in greetings in Yoruba-ondo; language use and dressing within a secret society, Ekpe, Cameroon; the desperate situation of minority indigenous languages in urban settings and how new forms of communication come about; literacy and literacy activities in Cameroon, attitudes and linguistic representations of literacy facilitators and finally the interaction between stakeholders of the invisible world of spirits, ancestors, and individuals who allegedly know how to interact with them.
Edmond Biloa
The Fine-Grained Structural Cartography of the Wandala Left Periphery
Gaston Bbessala
Les structures informationnelles et l‘architecture de la phrase en langue kwandja
Paul Roger Bassong
asa Fragments: EPP and Focus Movement
Ndamsah Gratiana Linyor
On Indefiteness/Definiteness and Demonstraves in Limbum
Gabriel Mba
Comprendre le présent de l‘indicatif ghomálá‘
Pius W. Akumbu
Kejom (Babanki) Verbal Extensions
Ayu'nwi N. Neba and Asohsi Melvice
The Nominal Prefix Tone in Obang
Nashipu Julius
Evidence of Pure Adjectives in Baba 1: A Morpho-Syntactic Analysis
Roland Kießling
Towards a Comparative Nominal Tonology of West Ring
Jules Assoumou
Orientations pour l‘intégration des langues et cultures nationales dans l‘éducation préscolaire au Cameroun
Daniel A. Nkemleke
Computer corpora in English language research and pedagogy with reference to the corpus of Cameroon English
Moufoutaou Adjeran
L‘ancrage du genre dans les formules de salutation chez les Yorùbá òndó (Nigéria)
Tabe Florence Ako Enoh
On the Form and Function of Ekpe Language in Manyu Division
Blasius Agha-ah Chiatoh
Urbanisation and the Fate of Indigenous Urban Minority Languages in Cameroon
Ngo Ndjeyiha Madeleine and Ndjonmbog Joseph Roger
Attitudes et représentations linguistiques des alphabétiseurs: un facteur déterminant dans la réussite de l‘introduction des langues nationales dans le système éducatif camerounais   
Ngessimo Mutaka and Iyari
Contact with the invisible world: life experiences in Cameroon
Languages of the World 60. 270pp. 2020.
ISBN 9783862902033 (e-book, pdf).
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