Bjarke Frellesvig (University of Oxford & University of Oslo), Jieun Kiaer (University of Oxford) & Janick Wrona (Kyoto University), (eds.)
The book derives from the Linguistics Section of the 7th Conference of the Nordic Association of Japanese and Korean Studies which was held in Copenhagen in August 2007. It was an international rather than narrowly ‘Nordic’ meeting. The chapters in the book cover the broad diversity of studies on the Japanese language, including both historical studies and sophisticated theoretical analyses of the contemporary language.
1. SETSUKO ARITA (Osaka Shoin Women's University): Doose as an Epistemic Modal Expression.
2. BJARKE FRELLESVIG (University of Oxford & University of Oslo): Chronological Layering in proto-Japanese and pre-Old Japanese Verb Inflection.
3. KOOK-HEE GIL (University of Sheffield): Scrambling Chains and Long-distance Anaphora.
4. THOMAS MICHAEL GROSS (Aichi University): -gar.u as Irrealis Marker.
5. JIEUN KIAER (University of Oxford): Non-Accidental Word-Order Variation in Korean and Its Implication Towards Grammar.
6. WAYNE P. LAWRENCE (University of Auckland): Two Problems in Japanese Noun-compound Structure.
7. KEIKO MURASUGI (Nanzan University): The Intermediate Stages in the Grammar Acquisition: A View from Japanese.
8. SVEN OSTERKAMP (University of Bochum): Digraphic Transactions of Monosyllabics in Old Japanese and Their Implications.
9. MAMORU SAITO (Nanzan University): Semantic and Discourse Effects of Scrambling.
10. AXEL SVAHN (Lund University): Imperative -ta in Colloquial Japanese.
11. HIDEKAZU TANAKA & MIKA KIZU (University of York, University of London): Syntax of Quantifiers in Japanese.
12. JANICK WRONA (Kyoto University): The Early History of no as a Nominaliser.
ISBN 9783862881222 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Asian Linguistics 78. 240pp.2012.
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