IIE 05: How Colonization Impacts Identity through the Generations

Référence: ISBN 9783862889228

How Colonization Impacts Identity through the Generations
A Closer Look at Historical Trauma and Education
Michelle Garcia-Olp
Beloit College
Colonization impacts identity through the generations, specifically when looking at historical trauma and education. This book contains a collection of personal accounts, interviews, and biographical research of native New Mexicans and the direct impact of colonization from the late 1800s to the present. The findings demonstrate the importance of decolonizing spaces within educational settings. Furthermore, the findings demonstrate the need for viewing educational systems and spaces through a Tribal Critical Race Theory (TribalCrit) and Indigenous storywork lens that lead Indigenous students in finding face (one’s identity), finding foundation (one’s greatest potential/full expression) and finding heart (one’s flow with the creator). The lens of TribalCrit enables the creation of a space where Indigenous students are empowered by their educational institutions in exploring their cultural and academic identity.

That being said, this study needed to engage in aspects of decolonization. In the conceptualization and implementation of the decolonizing approach, an Indigenous and Western academic knowledge was sought and found in the following devices: Indigenous storywork protocol, conversation as method for data collection, data analysis in the usage of boxed writing, and arts-based research in data presentation. By merging Indigenous knowledge with Western concepts, the author is recognizing that the research cannot be fully decolonized, but an attempt should still be made.
ISBN 9783862889228. Interculturalism and Intercultural Education 05. 242pp. 2019.
Parcourir cette catégorie : Interculturalism and Intercultural Education (IIE)