11 - 19 von 19 Ergebnissen

LWM 509: A Grammar of Dumi

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862888320
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A Grammar of Dumi
Netra Mani Rai
Tribhuvan University
This study explains a grammatical description of the Dumi language insightfully guided by the framework of functional typological grammar, developed by Talmy Givón (1984-2001). Dumi, a Kirati language of the Rai group is poorly described Tibeto-Burman language spoken in Khotang district of Eastern Nepal. This grammar covers the main areas: phonology, morphology, syntax and discourse analysis. Dumi has 26 consonants together with the glottal stop (Ɂ) and seven basic vowel phonemes with length contrast. Dumi is morphologically an ergative-absolutive language which is rich in case system. The nominals in Dumi are inflected for a number of cases. They are marked in two ways: case clitics and postpositions. Dumi has two types of tenses: past and non-past which are morphologically marked. Dumi is one of the agglutinating languages, and hence, morphemes attached to the verb stem: tense, number and person. The verb agreement is triggered by the number, person and honorificity of the nominative subject. It is a left branching and dependent marking language with the basic sov constituent order that can also be used freely. For topicalization and focusing the constituents may be permuted within the clause. In Dumi, the subordination system includes complement, adverbial, relative and converbal clauses.
ISBN 9783862888320. Languages of the World/Materials 509. 473pp. 2017.
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: no. 500-549

LWM 510: A Grammar of Dari

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862888504
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A Grammar of Dari
Rebecca Mitchell & Djamal Naser
University of Cambridge; Dari interpreter
This book arose from a need for an accessible, up-to-date and comprehensive descriptive grammar of Dari, one of the statutory national languages of Afghanistan and considered today to be the country’s lingua franca. It differs from previous pub-lications in presenting an independent account of Dari as a language in its own right, complete with data on the socio-linguistic attitudes of speakers themselves, sample texts in a variety of genres, standard IPA notation, morphological glosses, and both Roman and Perso-Arabic script throughout.
The book is divided into six sections: the sociolinguistic context, phonology, morphology, syntax, the lexis, and texts. The variety of Dari under discussion is a neutral register of the colloquial language of Kabul, now regarded as the standard.
ISBN 9783862888504. Languages of the World/Materials 510. 144pp. 2017.
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: no. 500-549

LWM 511: A Grammar of Western Tamang

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862888832
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A Grammar of Western Tamang
Dan Raj Regmi & Ambika Regmi
Tribhuvan University
This grammar examines major communicative coding devices (viz., sensory-motor code and the grammatical code) in Western Tamang and compares them with those coding devices in Eastern Tamang from typological perspective.
Western Tamang employs thirty-five basic consonants and eleven vowels including four phonetic pitches of the tones to code 'words' at conceptual lexicon. It utilizes morphology, intonation and word order as primary grammar-coding devices to primarily code atomic propositional information. It employs other grammatical sub-systems to mainly code discourse-pragmatics.
Western Tamang, a complex tonal language, displays somewhat consistently ergative casemarking system. However, human patients are marked by dative case suffix. Except negation, all case-role and tense-aspect and modality markers are cliticized as suffixes. Order of clausal constituents may show a discrepancy mainly for pragmatic effects. Western Tamang lacks agreement and massively employs nominalization for many syntactic functions. The relative clauses are formed with the nominalized verbs followed by the genitive suffix in Western Tamang. Interestingly, it exhibits non-promotional type of passive constructions and makes use of conjunction and subordination to maintain coherence across the clauses.
Dr. Dan Raj Regmi, is  Professor and former Head, Central Department of Linguistics, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Dr. Ambika Regmi, is senior researcher in Linguistic Survey of Nepal (LinSuN), Central Department of Linguistics, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
ISBN 9783862888832. Languages of the World/Materials 511. 160pp. 2018.

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LWM 512: A Grammar of Sarazi

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862889822
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A Grammar of Sarazi
Ravi Parihar & Amitabh Vikram Dwivedi
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Sarazi is a minor, unclassified and undocumented language spoken in the Saraz region of Jammu and Kashmir State of the Republic of India. This language falls under the northwestern Pahari zone of Indo-Aryan language family. Typologically, Sarazi is an SOV language (SV if without object), and like many other Indo-Aryan languages, the characteristic features of this language are that it uses postpositions; genitives precede the governing noun; auxiliary verb follows the main verb; indirect object precedes the direct object; explicators follow the main verbs; time adverbial precedes place adverbial; relative-correlative construction takes place; modifiers precede nominals; conditional markers are post-verbal.
Morphologically, Sarazi is a highly inflecting language which shows agreement prominently, and nouns and pronouns change into oblique form. Infinitive and participle forms are formed by suffixation while infixation is also found in the causative formation. Tense is carried by auxiliary and aspect and mood is marked by the main verb, and employs pre-verbal negation. Phonologically, aspiration and nasalization are distinctive features of Sarazi.
ISBN 9783862889822. Languages of the World/Materials 512. 376pp. 2019.
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: no. 500-549

LWM 513: A Grammar of Thakali

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969390122
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A Grammar of Thakali
Dan Raj Regmi, Ambika Regmi & Omkar Prasad Gauchan
Tribhuvan University; Tribhuvan University
This grammar explores sensory motor-codes (viz., phonological) and grammatical codes in Thakali within adaptive approach and compares them with those in other West Bodish languages from typological perspective. Besides, it shades light on the empirical adequacy of the approach.
Thakali employs segmental phonology including tones to code 'words' at conceptual lexicon and morphology, intonation and word order as morpho-syntactic devices to code atomic proposition and discourse. As a Bodish language, Thakali shares most of the coding devices with other West Bodish languages. Except tone, Thakali shares the phonological features with Chantyal. In number marking, Thakali is very close to Ghale, Magar Kaike and Western Tamang. Both Gurung and Thakali shares benefactive marking. There is almost the same pattern of inclusivity marking in Thakali, Gurung and Nar-Phu. Honorificity is displayed in Tamang, Nar-Phu and Thakali. In interrogative marking, Thakali, Nar-Phu and Chantyal share many features. Thakali shares many features of the complex constructions with other Bodish languages. However, it remarkably differs from other West-Bodish languages in terms of some language specific coding devices governed by the factors: cultural, developmental and communicative. In terms of egophoricity and marking dependent (viz., modifiers) in the noun phrase Thakali stands distinct from other members of West Bodish. The structural tendencies (viz., rules) so far explored in Thakali are in congruent with the empirical adequacies: descriptive, pragmatic, cognitive, typological and explanatory as proposed in the adaptive approach to grammatical analysis.
The co-author, Dr. Dan Raj Regmi, is Professor and former Head, Central Department of Linguistics, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
The co-author, Dr. Ambika Regmi has worked as the senior researcher in Linguistic Survey of Nepal (LinSuN), Central Department of Linguistics, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
The co-author, Mr. Omkar Prasad Gauchan, is a senior politician, social worker and language activist of Nepal.
ISBN 9783969390122. Languages of the World/Materials 513. 216pp. 2020.

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LWM 514: Chinyanja of Tanzania

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969390320
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Chinyanja of Tanzania
A Grammatical Sketch
Deo S. Ngonyani
Michigan State University
This grammatical sketch describes Chinyanja of Tanzania, a Bantu language (N201) spoken on the eastern shores of Lake Nyasa (also known as Lake Malawi) on the Tanzania-Mozambique border. This previously undescribed language belongs to a cluster of languages that includes Mang’anja and Chewa languages spoken in Mozambique and Malawi.
After introducing the language, the sketch discusses its affiliation. One chapter  presents its phonology, and another covers the rich morphology of nouns, pronouns, and other nominal modifiers, as well as verbs. The syntax chapter describes grammatical relations, transitivity types, sentence types, and the structure of complex sentences. Included also is a description of discourse features in syntax. A narrative is provided as a sample text in the appendix.
ISBN 9783969390320. Languages of the World/Materials 514. 96pp. 2020.
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: no. 500-549

LWM 515: Bukavu Swahili

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969390696
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Bukavu  Swahili
A Central  African  Koine
Didier L. Goyvaerts
University of Brussels (VUB) and University of Antwerp (UA)
Bukavu Swahili is  spoken  as a first  language  by about 900,000 people in the town of Bukavu (in the Kivu region of Eastern Congo) and its immediate surroundings. Historically, it emerged within a context of linguistic interaction among speakers of mutually intelligible, genetically related language varieties. Bukavu Swahili is the result of this process viz. a stabilized composite variety or koine.
Keeping technical terms to an absolute minimum, Bukavu Swahili: a Central African Koine, provides a fairly exhaustive survey of the most salient features of this completely new variety of Swahili about which hardly any information is available. As such, it will be of interest to laymen and professional linguists alike.
Another significant feature of the book is that, unusually perhaps, close attention is paid to the sociolinguistic history of this particular area of Central Africa. It has been common practice for linguists to use the term “Kingwana” to refer to Congo Swahili as a whole. However, in rewriting the history of the area, the author shows that it is wrong to use the term “Kingwana” to refer to ‘the Swahili of Eastern Congo’. Instead, one should allow for a clearcut division between Kingwana, on the one hand, and Lubumbashi Swahili on the other. Also in this respect, the book will constitute a significant addition to the scientific literature.
ISBN 9783969390696. Languages of the World/Materials 515. 142pp. 2021.
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: no. 500-549

LWM 516: A Sketch of Nubri Morphosyntax

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969391624
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A Sketch of Nubri Morphosyntax
Dubi Nanda Dhakal
Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal

Nubri is a Tibeto-Burman language spoken in the high mountainous areas in Gorkha district of western Nepal. The Government of Nepal enumerates the Nubri community as ‘Larke’. It is tonal, and bears a number of features of Sinospheric languages. Nubri has distinct sets of plain and honorific vocabularies of nouns and verbs.

      The nouns inflect for classifier, emphasis, number and case. The definiteness and indefiniteness in Nubri is expressed by using the clitics. It seems that Nubri is an ergative-absolutive language, but the ergativtity is optional. Most of the pronouns in Nubri resemble to that in Tibetan varieties. Although there are a very few monosyllabic adjectives, most adjectives are polysyllabic. The comparative and superlative forms are morphologically derived.

      The past conjunct suffix is -hin and the past disjunct suffix is -soŋ. Nubri has the finite forms of verbs particularly in the past tense, which was traditionally described as ‘conjunct/disjunct’ in some other languages. Some aspects are generally expressed by serial verb constructions.

      Nubri shares a number of features of SOV languages in its word-order correlations. Some modifiers precede the head noun in the noun phrases whereas others follow it. The negative suffix is -m. The complement clauses are marked by the suffix -ken, and -tsi in Nubri along with the grammaticalized form of the verb lap 'say'. Nubri permits different kinds of suffixes in relative clauses decided by the semantic role of the noun which is modified. The adverbial clauses in Nubri typically precede the main clauses. There are three non-finite forms of verbs used in the converbal constructions in Nubri. Nubri shares a number of morphological features with Kyirong Tibetan.

ISBN 9783969391624. Languages of the World/Materials  516. 102pp. 2023.

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LWM 517: A sketch grammar of Northeast Geg Albanian from southern Kosovo

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969391709
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A sketch grammar of Northeast Geg Albanian from southern Kosovo
Adrian Kuqi
University of Zuerich
Northeast Geg is a variety of the Albanian language mainly spoken in Northeast Albania and Kosovo. Albanian is an isolate within the Indo-European language family. Spoken Geg is especially under-researched, also because of its almost absence in Standard Albanian, which is based on the southern Tosk dialect. The Geg dialect has infinitives consisting of the particle 'me' and a participle, where Tosk uses subjunctive constructions, a future tense built with the auxiliary 'to have' and the infinitive, where Tosk uses the auxiliary 'to want' and a subjunctive construction, and different uses of certain tenses like the imperfect (also with different forms than in Tosk). This sketch grammar describes the variety of the two cities Suhareka and Zaqishti in southern Kosovo based upon the data collection of twelve native speakers of said region, including monologic narrations as well as elicitations. These data also served for the publication of a trilingual online dictionary called Geglex in Albanian - German - English of about 2800 entries. This grammar contains information about phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, three transcribed sample texts, as well as further noun and verb paradigms.
ISBN 9783969391709. Languages of the World/Materials 517. 110pp. 2023.
Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: New titles, no. 500-549
11 - 19 von 19 Ergebnissen