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LW/T 44: Texts of Niesu, a Southeastern Dialect of Nuosu: Analyzed Spontaneous Narratives and ...

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969390016
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Texts of Niesu, a Southeastern Dialect of Nuosu: Analyzed Spontaneous Narratives and Grammatical Notes
Ding Hongdi, The University of Hong Kong
Misi Rymga
This book is a collection of the spontaneous narratives in Niesu, an under-studied member of the Ngwi (aka. Loloish) subgroup of the Burmic (aka. Burmese-Lolo or Burmese-Ngwi) language group of the Tibeto-Burman family (Bradley 1997, 2012). It is spoken by 662,922 people, who are officially recognized as Yi (彝族) (exonym) by the Han Chinese, residing in mountainous regions in Liangshan (literally 'Cool Mountains'), Sichuan, southwest China. 
Niesu [nie33 su33] is the autonym of the Niesu Yi people, with two sense-bearing morphemes, namely nie33  'black' and su33 'people', which means 'black people'. Niesu is the southeastern dialect of Nuosu which is a relatively well-studied variety of Nuosu proper. The current book is the first collection of texts based on Adur Niesu, spoken in Butuo, central Liangshan. 
ISBN 9783969390016. Languages of the World/Text Collections 44.  89pp. 2020.
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Languages of the World/Text Collection (LW/T)
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