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LW/T 41: Interlinearized Texts in Dhimal with Grammar Notes

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862888290
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Interlinearized Texts in Dhimal with Grammar Notes
Karnakhar Khatiwada
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
This book mainly contains four interlinearized texts in Dhimal. Dhimal is one of the Tibeto-Burman languages spoken by the Dhimals residing originally in the far-eastern Tarai region (i.e., Jhapa, Morang and Sunsari districts) of Nepal. According to the recent census (2011) of Nepal, the total number of Dhimal is 26, 298 which comprise 0.09% of the total population of the country.
The texts are transcribed using the phonetic symbols as far as practicable. Further, each word in the text is broken into morphemes. While glossing the morphemes the Leipzig glossing rules have been employed as far as possible. In this work, the interlinear morpheme-by-morpheme glosses give information about the meanings and grammatical properties of individual words and parts of words.
This collection may basically serve two purposes. First, it may be instrumental as a reference material for the typological study of the Sino-Tibetan languages in general and the Tibeto-Burman languages of Himalayan  group in particular. Second, the folk-tale contents and the Dhimal indigineous knowledge embodied in these texts may provide valuable insights to those who wish to study the world view of the Dhimal speech community including the knowledge about Dhimal culture. A brief introduction of Dhimal language and major linguistic features included in this volume may be helpful to understand the linguistic structure of Dhimal.
ISBN 9783862888290. Languages of the World/Text Collections 41. 167pp. 2017.
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Languages of the World/Text Collection (LW/T)
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