11 - 20 von 32 Ergebnissen

LINAm 11: The Mutsun Dialect of Costanoan Based on the Vocabulary of de la Cuesta

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862901944
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The Mutsun Dialect of Costanoan Based on the Vocabulary of de la Cuesta

J. Alden Mason

A century ago Father Felipe Arroyo de la Cuesta collected a mass of 2884 words, phrases, and sentences of the Mutsun Indians, spoken at his mission of San Juan Bautista near Monterey, California. He also composed a grammar of the Mutsun language, a branch of the Costanoan linguistic group.

The present paper consists of two parts, first an exposition of the etymological and morphological elements upon which the structure of the language is based, and second of a list of the various stems of all classes found in the material (Re-edition; originally published 1916 in Berkeley; written in English)

ISBN 978 3 86290 194 4. LINCOM Americana 11. 84pp. 2011.

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LINAm 12: Beiträge zur Phonetik der Karaja-Sprache (Brasilien)

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862901104
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Beiträge zur Phonetik der Karaja-Sprache (Brasilien)

Hugo Kunike

Die in sprachlicher Hinsicht, wie es scheint, isoliert stehende Nation der Karajá in Goyaz (Brasilien) zerfällt in drei größere Unterabteilungen, die Šambioá, die Javahé oder Šavajé und einen südlich wohnenden, einfach mit Karajá bezeichneten Stamm. Wenn man auch mancherlei Anklänge an andere Sprachgruppen Südamerikas, z.B. die sogenannte Gçs-Gruppe, finden mag, ist es doch nicht ausreichend, um die Sprachgruppe des Karajá an eine andere ohne weiteres anzugliedern.

Was die phonetische Seite des Karajá-Idioms angeht, so wird allgemein von Autoren angegeben, dass Karajá im Vergleich zu anderen indianischen Idiomen in seiner geographischen Umgebung sehr speziell funktioniert: Der Tonfall ist etwas singend, die Sprechweise ungleichmäßig, Vokale werden öfter verschluckt. Dazu ergeben sich besondere Schwierigkeiten in der Aufbereitung, welche sich in den Abweichungen nicht nur zwischen verschiedenen Autoren, sondern auch bei ein und demselben Autoren zeigen. Dies liegt an den starken dialektischen Verschiedenheiten in Karajá zwischen Dörfern, Individuen und Geschlechtern (eine eigene Männer- und Frauensprache). (Adaptiert aus der Einleitung)

According to the Ethnologue a Macro-Ge language. A phonetic study on Karaja, whose ca. 3700 speakers today live at the Araguaia river, Bananal Island and Tocatins (Re-edition; originally published 1916 in Leiden; written in German).

ISBN 978 3 86290 110 4. LINCOM Americana 12. 39pp. 2011.

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LINAm 14: The Languages of the Coast of California North of San Francisco

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862901678
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The Languages of the Coast of California North of San Francisco

A.L. Kroeber

The territory covered by the present treatise is that laying between the Coast range and the sea from San Francisco to the northern boundary of the state. Those languages sketched are, in order from south to north, Miwok, Pomo, Yuki, Wiyot, Yurok, Karok. It must be clearly understood that while languages may be spoken of, it is really linguistic families that are dealt with. Where several languages are unquestionably kindred, one of the group has been selected for grammatical investigation.

Thus the Pomo family comprises seven dialects or languages, as evinced by comparison of the vocabularies. As a comparative grammatical study of seven languages is a larger task than was feasible for a preliminary investigation, the Eastern dialect has been chosen to represent the six others, which it undoubtedly does approximately typify in all essentials. In the same way the descriptions of Yuki and Miwok apply each primarily to one language selected from several constituting the family. So far everything shows that kindred languages in California are very similar in structure, however much they differ in a large proportion of their vocabulary (from the introduction).

(Re-edition; originally published 1911 in Berkeley; written in English)

ISBN 978 3 86290 167 8. LINCOM Americana 14. 170pp. 2011.

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LINAm 15: Elements of the Kato Language

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862901685
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Elements of the Kato Language

Pliny Earle Goddard

In general structure all the Athapascan languages have great uniformity. The nouns, when not monosyllabic, are built upon monsyllables by suffixes, or are sentence verbs used as substantives. The verbs have adverbial prefixes expressing spatial relations, stems which often indicate the character and number of the subject or object, and suffixes with temporal, modal, and conjunctional force.

This general structure has been rather fully discussed in the treatment of the Hupa dialect (see LINCOM Americana 02), but, as said in another place, the Kato dialect differs from Hupa sufficiently to make them mutually unitelligible. While this is due chiefly to phonetic chnges, in a lesser degree it is due to differences in vocabulary, particularly nouns of describing meaning. The suffixes of the verbs also differ considerably. The elements which compose the words of each dialect are nearly all identical except for the phonetic changes which exist (from the introduction). (Re-edition; originally published 1912 in Berkeley; written in English)

ISBN 978 3 86290 168 5. LINCOM Americana 15. 180pp. 2011.

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LINAm 16: The Chimariko Indians and Language

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862901715
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The Chimariko Indians  and Language

Roland B. Dixon

The material upon which the following sketch of the Chimariko language is based, was collected in the summer of 1906 on the New River, and at Willow Creek or China Flat, in Trinity County, California. The bulk of the material was obtained from Mrs. Dyer, probably the last full-blood Chimariko survivor, and from Friday, who, although not of Chimariko decsent, spoke the language fluently (from the introduction).

Contents: Culture, Language (Phonetics, Reduplication, Composition, Pronoun, Noun, Verb, Adjective, Numerals, Conectives, Order fo Words, Texts, Sentences, Vocabulary). (Re-edition; originally published 1910 in Berkeley; written in English)

ISBN 978 3 86290 171 5. LINCOM Americana 16. 92pp. 2011.

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LINAm 17: Elementos de la Gramática de la Lengua Keshua

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862901500
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Elementos de la Gramática de la Lengua Keshua

José David Berrios

El idioma keshua, extendido, en otro tiempo, desde Quito hasta Copiapó i Tucumán, en el vasto Imperio de los Incas, soberanos de la región que los españoles denominaran Perú, divididos hoi en varias naciones de la América Meridional, fué conocido i apreciado por algunos sabios sacerdotes de la Península que lo estudiaron i aun publicaron algunos libros á él. No habiendo existido ningún documento escrito en este idioma, por cuanto los Incas i sus súbditos del poderoso Imperio de Tahuantinsuyu ignoraban el arte de la escritura, conservando sus anales sólo por medio de los K'ipus (especie de rapacejos de hilo de lana de diversos colores i atados en nudos diversos), se hace forzoso representar los varios i peculiares sonidos de la lengua keshua por medio de los caracteres de los idiomas europeos, creando nuevos para los sonidos especiales del idioma.

Contenido: Signos o letras Keshuas (Sanampakuna), de las partes de la oración, del nombre (suti), del pronombre (sutij rantin), del verbo (rimai), de la construcción, de las oraciones, prosodia, ortografía (Re-edition; originally published 1919 in La Paz; written in Spanish).

ISBN 978 3 86290 150 0. LINCOM Americana 17. 256pp. 2011.

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LINAm 18: Gramática del Idioma Cachiquel

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862880744
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Gramática del Idioma Cachiquel

R.P.Fr. Carlos J. Rosales
P. Fr. Daniel Sánchez García (ed.)

Múltiples y de índole diversa son los motivos que nos inducen a publicar la presente Gramática o "Arte de la lengua Cachiquel," como la llama su autor. Nadie razonablemente pondrá en tela de juicio que la lengua indígena de Guatemala, en sus tres principales ramas, Quiché, Cachiquel y Zutuhil, constituye una de las fuentes más caudalosas y cristalinas de la literatura hispano-americana, merecedora por ende de estudio y admiración, aun dejado a un lado los al paracer excesivos elogios que le han tributado notables escritores que llegaran a poseerla con singular maestría (de la introducción).

Índice: Alfabeto cachiquel, del nombre, pronombres, adjetivos, sustantivos y como se rigen, modo de sustantivar los adjetivos, comparativos y superlativos, verbo sustantivo, partículas, conjugación de los verbos activos, verbales pasivos, gerundios, acusativos para los verbos, derivación y composición de los verbos, de los verbos absolutivos, pasivos, neutros, instrumentales, frecuentativos, defectivos, adverbios, preposiciones de ablativo, interjecciones, etc. (re-edition, 1st edition 1748, first re-edition 1919, Guatemala).

ISBN 9783862880744. LINCOM Americana 18. 128pp. 2011.

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LINAm 19: The Phonology of the Hupa Language

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862880829
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The Phonology of the Hupa Language

Part I – The Individual Sounds

Pliny Earle Goddard

The difficulty of sound-representation may be met in two ways. First, a careful description may be made of the physiological process involved in their production; and, second, the physical characteristics of the sounds themselves may be pointed out. Much of the information necessary concerning the physiological positions and movements may be obtained by directly observing the native speakers. Photographs of the lip positions for the vowels may be easily and quickly made, the tongue positions for most of the consonants may be fixed by means of palatograms, other physiological data may be secured and preserved by means of records on a kymograph according to the methods of Rousselot.

By means of several methods mentioned above an attempt has been made in the following paper to represent the Hupa language as spoken by one individual, Julius Marshall. This has been done in part to obtain a permanent record of theis Athapascan dialect, but more especially for the sake of comparisaon with similar records of related dialects which it is hoped may soon made and presented.

Contents: Classification, Description : Vowels (a,ū, y, w, Consonants, Continuants, Liquid), Nasals (m, n, ñ, n, ñ ), Spirants (w, hw, L, h,x, s, z, c+j, k, t, d), Affricatives (dz, ts, dj, tc). Interspersed with palatograms, photographs and kymopraphs. (Originally published in 1907, Berkeley).

ISBN 9783862880829. LINCOM Americana 19. 42pp. 4 plates. 2011.

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LINAm 20: Die Völker und Sprachen Neu-Mexico’s und der Westseite des Britischen Nordamerikas

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862880881
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Die Völker und Sprachen Neu-Mexico’s und der Westseite des Britischen Nordamerikas

Johann Carl Eduard Buschmann

Ich biete in der gegenwärtigen Arbeit zwei, räumlich getrennte Stücke meines Werkes der Spuren der Aztekischen Sprache im Norden, oder näher meiner Musterung der Völker und Sprachen des nördlichen Mexico’s und der Westseite Nordamerika’s dar, welche ich von dem Werke ausgesondert habe (adaptiert aus dem Vorwort).

Inhalt:A: Neu-Mexico 1) Topographie, 2) Geschichte, 3) Erzählungen und Zeitgenössische Berichte (Entdeckung, Bekehrungen, Aufstände der Ureinwohner), 4) Geographie, 5) Landeskunde, 6) Verzeichnis und detailliertere Beschreibung von Ortschaften und Völkern/Volksgruppen, 7) Verhältnis der Sprachen, 8) Wortverzeichnisse von Tezuque und Zuñi, Vergleich beider Sprachen, 9) die Quera-Sprache, ihre Dialekte und Whipple’s Wortverzeichnis, 10) Nachträge zu den sonorischen Völkern und Sprachen. B: Britisches Nordamerika 1) geographische Einleitung, 2) Entdeckerberichte, 3) Völker und Sprachen (Atnah oder Shuwap, die Fuca-Strasse, Vergleich von Sutil und Mexicana mit Nutka), 4) König-Georgs-Sund, Quadra- und Vancouver-Insel, 5) Nutka (aztekische Laute, Wortverzeichnisse, Syntax und Phonetik, Verlgeich zu Nachbarsprachen, 5) Tlaoquatch, Kawitchen, Noosdalum, Squallyamish, pseudo-Chinuk 6) Hailtsa und andere, 7) Königin-Charlotten-Inseln: Geographie, Völker und Sprachen (Naas, Chimsyan, Stikin).

This re-edition has been published as no 20 in the LINCOM Americana series. Written in German. Originally printed and published by the Royal Academy of Sciences, Berlin, 1857.

ISBN 9783862880881. LINCOM Americana 20. 213pp. 2011.

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LINAm 21: Idiomas y dialectos indígenas del continente hispano sud-americano, ...

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862881062
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Idiomas y dialectos indígenas del continente hispano sud-americano,  con la nómina de las tribus indianas de cada territorio

D. Carlos Prince

Las lenguas indígenas americanas han sido generalmente miradas con cierto desdén por los pueblos civilizados de Europa: por el poco aprecio que se ha hecho de esas lenguas, la Ciencia y la Literatura quedan privadas hoy de los muchos tesoros que hubieran resultado de su estudio. Índice: Lenguas y tribus del territorio de Panamà, Colombia, Venzuela, Ecuador, Perú (del Marañón, de los Bosques ó Trasandina), Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, del Gran Chaco, Paraquay, Uruquay, Araucania, Patagonia, Tierra des Fuego.

(re-edition ; originally published 1905, Lima; written in Spanish).

ISBN 9783862881062. LINCOM Americana 21. 154pp. 2011.

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