Il Raddoppiamento Sintattico dell’italiano. Tratti prosodici e struttura fonologica (e-paper)

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862884452[8]
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Il Raddoppiamento Sintattico dell’italiano. Tratti prosodici e struttura fonologica
Michela Russo
Université Paris 8
Raddoppiamento Sintattico (RS), a typical phenomenon of Italo-Tuscan and Central-Southern Italian dialects, derives from the asymmetrical assimilation in phono-syntax of an underspecified final Latin consonant of Word1 to a specified C- of Word2 in a W1W2 sequence. Our analysis links an empty latent position not only to a W1 exhibiting a final underspecified etymological consonant in words such as AD, ET, NEC, PLUS, TRES, QUID and EST, but also to W1 in words like però, virtù or tu. It is thus hypothesized that AD, ET, etc. as well as però, virtù or tu all have an unspecified -C underlyingly. This empty position, which is present in the lexical structure, is realized phonetically since the main stress is quantity sensitive in Italian (QS); thus, RS gemination is associated with the unspecified –C position inserted by a lexical rule, and takes place in order to repair an ill-formed foot which, analogously to Latin, must conform to the metrical constraint of foot bimoraicity. This minimal foot requirement is re-established through the formation of a quantity-sensitive trochee, as exemplified by the Italian form tu[dd]ici. Furthermore, our diachronic analysis shows that there is strong evidence that also secondary stress triggers RS in Old French and Old Italian when W1 is a tonic or atonic monosyllabic word placed in the first position within a clitic group. It follows then that RS can be applied not only to primary but also to secondary metrical structures. The acoustic-auditory analysis of the function and meaning of RS-related primary and secondary accenting in Italian confirms our diachronic hypothesis.
In: Sánchez Miret, Fernando & Daniel Recasens (eds.). 2013. Studies in phonetics, phonology and sound change in Romance. ISBN 9783862884452[8]: 145-178. (pdf e-paper)
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