111 - 120 von 121 Ergebnissen

LSLL 27: La poésie camerounaise hier et aujourd’hui

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969390948
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

La poésie camerounaise hier et aujourd’hui
Enjeux épistémologiques et perspectives critiques
Édouard Mokwe, Pierre-Suzanne Eyenga Onana & Blaise Tsoualla   (éds.)   
Gros plan fort édifiant, les seize contributions ici réunies dressent le bilan de la poésie camerounaise depuis ses premiers vagissements d’inspiration classique dans les années 1930 jusqu’à  ses élans tout en rupture de « slam-poésie » aujourd’hui. D’amplitude large, les analyses relevant de l’histoire littéraire cernent l’évolution d’ensemble et plantent le décor nécessaire, donnant alors de mieux ancrer le texte poétique et son étude au Cameroun dans un environnement travaillé d’enjeux discernables au fil du temps.
Les poèmes peuvent ainsi bien se goûter et se prêter quelquefois à une relecture rafraîchissante qui éclaire certains classiques tels Louis-Marie Pouka ou René Philombe  replacés en contexte d’un jour nouveau. Certes la médiocrité de quelques poètes des années 1990 et 2000 est réelle. Mais les œuvres ainsi que l’ingéniosité de la plupart de ces jeunes en faveur de l’institution littéraire au Cameroun sont réévaluées et revalorisées. Les études de cas, transposables à souhait, cernent avec bonheur nombre de textes à l’aune de grilles théoriques et d’approches méthodologiques fécondes. Tout en faisant honneur à la lecture littéraire dont elles sont des parangons, elles deviennent un facteur favorable à la réception de cette poésie dont elles offrent des clés  pour  une exploration fructueuse.                                                                                                                  
Table des matières:
Wilfried Mwenye et Jean-Claude Awono 
Poétique et mondialisation : plaidoyer pour la radiance de la poésie dans toutes les activités humaines
Cynthia Amanguéné Ambiana 
Les nouveaux visages de la poésie camerounaise: le cas du slam-poésie
Taku Victor Jong 
Process drama and adaptation of poetry into drama: adapting Nol Alembong’s Forests, Echoes into a play text
Benjamin Elmo Begii 
La poésie camerounaise contemporaine ou poétique de la subversion et du nationalisme. Une lecture sémiotique des seuils de Terr-or-ismes de Brice Kamdem
Issofa Poumeyou 
Comprendre et (re)penser l’Afrique à partir de son passé. Une lecture archéologique des oeuvres de Pomarance Donald et Mama Nsangou
Kelvin Ngong Toh
When the Mad Person speaks...Reading John Ngong Kum Ngong’s Chants of a Lunatic  
Pierre Suzanne Eyenga Onana 
Topographie du tabou sexuel et démystification du logos phallocentrique dans Les Délices de l’enfer de Stella Engama
Raphaël Ngwe 
L’écriture du (dé) astre : pour une poéthique de la renaissance de l’homme dans L’Ombre éclairée et Jet de mots de Séverin Modeste Mebenga
Omer Takam 
Une analyse stylistique du poème « Invitation à la danse » de René Philombe
 Mimi Arlette Afouodjio 
"Pouvoir" ou le désir d’être heureux. Analyse stylistique du poème extrait de On ne raisonne pas le venin de Werewere-Liking
Édouard Mokwe 
Esthétisation du futur simple de l’indicatif dans Flux et reflux d’une foulée de fou et
Á l’affût du matin rouge de Jean-Claude Awono : de la modulation des outils lexicaux au manichéisme
Jean Bebdika 
Poésie camerounaise d’hier et d’aujourd’hui : querelle des anciens et des modernes
Yvette Balana 
Poésie camerounaise de langue française : formes de la dissidence/sédition face aux institutions politiques et littéraires
Gislain Arnaud Essomé Lélé 
Délimitation du champ littéraire dans la poésie camerounaise d’expression espagnole. Cas de Hambrientos sonidos (2019) et Fronteras, balas y lágrimas (2019)
Jean Bebdika 
Le lecteur camerounais et la poésie contemporaine : une relation sans rime ni raison
Blaise Tsoualla 
Allô ! Entretien avec Michel Feugain, écrivain, éditeur et enseignant-chercheur
ISBN 9783969390948. LINCOM Studies in Language and Literature 27. 200pp. 2022.
Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: New titles, LINCOM Studies in Language and Literature (LSLL)

LSTL 65: Nominalizations and Participles in Czech and beyond

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969390962
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Nominalizations and Participles in Czech and beyond
Petr Karlík & Lucie Taraldsen Medová (eds.)
Masaryk University
The goal of the book is to investigate the fine morphological details of nominalizations and participles in Czech, with extensions to Germanic languages such as Norwegian and English. The individual studies contained in the book are grounded within the framework of Nanosyntax. The leading idea of this approach is that the fundamental building blocks of syntactic structures are smaller than morphemes and correspond to individual grammatical features. The features are then mapped onto pronunciation by phrasal spellout.
The studies in this book revolve around the question of what the grammatical ingredients of participles and nominalizations are, how they map to surface morphemes, and how this architecture allows us to understand both the overarching generalizations as well as the language-particular details. In addition to the editors, the volume features chapters by P. Caha, M. Starke, T. Taraldsen and M. Ziková.
Pavel Caha & Markéta Ziková
Prefixes in Czech zero-derived nominalizations and verbs
Lucie Taraldsen Medová
Syncretism in participles?
Markéta Ziková
Past participles in Czech: a morphophonological puzzle
Pavel Caha & Petr Karlík
The present participle in Czech: a Nanosyntax account
Michal Starke
The English ‘Medial Habitual’ tense, tense syncretisms and auxiliaries
Tarald Taraldsen
The structural relation between the past participle and other tenses in Norwegian
ISBN 9783969390962 (Hardcover). LINCOM Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 65. 214pp. 2022.
Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: New titles, LINCOM Studies in Theoretical Linguistics (LSTL)

LE 131: New English Expressions Translated into Arabic

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969390931
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New English Expressions Translated into Arabic
ألفاظ جديدة باللغة الانجليزية
وترجمتها باللغة العربية
Compiled & Translated by:
Mohamed Kamel Abdel-Daem
English is an always-renewable language which is continuously changing, and fresh terms and phrases systematically creep into this worldwide tongue.  Mixed forms and acronyms frequently persist in the English lexicon and syntax. During the 2010s, social media sites have exercised a considerably awesome influence that always propagates the new locutions, and via their global prevalence, a great deal of lexical entries and grammatical rules now tend to evolve fresh senses and usages.   This book provides a glossary of the voguish words and expressions and grammar points which emerged in the English language in recent times, roughly from the early 2000s till 2020/21. The book meets two requirements: first, the students and readers of English can be informed about the new changes and faddish terminology of today’s English; second, the Arabic-speaking students and readers can be aware of the meanings of these new locutions in Arabic. The first part of the book comprises an Arabic translation of the fresh English expressions, both in standard Arabic, and sometimes in Egyptian-Arabic dialect as most of the new terms fall under an informal or slang language umbrella. The readers can refer to the index for English-English explanations of the trendy terminology. Though it is not a lexicographer’s work or a dictionary, this book is expected to be of great benefit for readers and students of English, the Arab readers of English, social media users, and perhaps English-Arabic lexicographers.
ISBN 9783969390931. Linguistics Edition 131. 328pp. 2022.
Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: New titles, Linguistics Edition (LE)

LSLA 37: Learners’ Engagement with Written Corrective Feedback and their L2 Writing Performance

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969390993
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Learners’ Engagement with Written Corrective Feedback and their L2 Writing Performance
Nadia A. Alshahrani
Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University
This book sums a research study that explored learners’ engagement with written corrective feedback (WCF) and subsequent second language (L2) writing performance changes. A two-component intervention was implemented to reveal the influence of different learning environments and WCF delivery on the L2 writing performance. The first component explored the influence of using different modes on the learners’ engagement with WCF; computer-mediated and handwritten CF were used in two separate classes. The second component explored the influence of thinking-aloud (TA) as a mediating strategy on learner engagement with WCF within the different modes. A quasi-experimental design was applied to measure the learners’ development in the targeted skills, namely writing fluency, grammatical accuracy and grammatical competence. In the TA sessions, only the changes in L2 writing fluency were monitored.
The study revealed that optimal conditions for the intervention influenced learners’ engagement with WCF and enhanced their L2 writing performance. When the learners received meaningful WCF and engaged with it through learner-regulation strategies, agency and efficacy, their L2 writing performance was enhanced. Mediating strategies, such as TA, are recommended alongside affective CF episodes to encourage learners’ constructive engagement with WCF through meaningful activities that stimulate their cognitive engagement without hindering their affective and social engagement.
ISBN 9783969390993. LINCOM Studies in Language Acquisition 37. 272pp. 2022
Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: New titles, LINCOM Studies in Language Acquisition (LSLA)

LE 132: L’expression du refus en milieu francophone au Cameroun

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969391020
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L’expression du refus en milieu francophone au Cameroun
Entre conflit et compromis
Bernard Mulo Farenkia
Cape Breton University
Cet ouvrage scrute les stratégies discursives mises en oeuvre par les locuteurs camerounais francophones pour refuser des demandes de service, des invitations et des offres, d’une part, et examine la variation des stratégies de refus selon les strates de relations sociales existant entre les interlocuteurs, d’autre part. Il y ressort que le refus est une activité communicative complexe englobant diverses tâches que l’on pourrait appréhender en termes de force illocutoire, de procédés d’adoucissement ou de durcissement et de chevauchement entre conflit et compromis socio-discursif. En documentant diverses techniques mises en oeuvre par les locuteurs pour préserver ou attaquer les faces en jeu, les analyses mettent en lumière quelques aspects de l’ethos communicatif camerounais.
ISBN 9783969391020. Linguistics Edition132. 144pp. 2022.
Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: New titles, Linguistics Edition (LE)

LCL 26: Teaching Sociolinguistics

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969390955
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Teaching Sociolinguistics
Smita Joseph
The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India
Teaching Sociolinguistics is an introductory level 1 textbook in sociolinguistics. The textbook comprises sixteen units. The organization of the textbook into sixteen units has been done thematically so that the learners are able to access the key topics in a coherent way. Each unit focuses on a theme and the various subthemes within it. Every topic is discussed through case studies in English and Indian languages. The units are self-explanatory. The writing style is personalised, inclusive and learner-oriented. There are no jargons used in the text. Every unit has activities for discussion. Some of these activities are open-ended. Every section is followed by a review question, the answers to which are discussed at the end of the unit. The textbook discusses the following terms, which are also the key terms: variable, variant, lexical variation, phonological variation, morphological variation, syntactic variation, linguistic politeness, style, regional dialect, social dialect, gender, social class, social network, communities of practice, language contact, multilingualism, language attitudes, speech community and research methods. The textbook can be used by young researchers and also students from the area of linguistics. Since this is a standalone textbook that requires no prerequisites, students from other disciplines can also use it and extend the applications in their respective fields.
ISBN 9783969390955. LINCOM Coursebooks in Linguistics 26. 182pp. 2022.
Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: New titles, LINCOM Coursebooks in Linguistics (LCL)

LE 130: De la syntaxe générative du fulfulde

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969390726
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De la syntaxe générative du fulfulde
Approche cartographique
Jean de Dieu Olowa, Edmond Biloa & Cyrille Christal Ondoua Engon
Université de Yaoundé 1; École Normale Supérieure de l’Université de Ngaoundéré à Bertoua
Cette étude est une contribution à l’approche cartographique de Rizzi (1997, 2001, 2002, 2003,  2004,  2009,  2012,  2014,  2015,  2016,  2017,  2018,  2020) et ses collègues cartographes. Dans cette perspective, il a été démontré que la périphérie gauche propositionnelle en fulfulde abrite un éventail très riche de projections fonctionnelles. On distingue ainsi le SForce, le SFoc, le STop, le SInt, le SRel, le SSél et le SCl. Ces projections obéissent à un ordonnancement plus ou moins rigide lorsqu’elles co-apparaissent. L’analyse du TAM a montré que le fulfulde est une langue à aspects. La négation, quant à elle, s’effectue de manière désinentielle ou périphrastique.  En outre, l’étude des structures interrogatives a révélé une particule identifiant les questions totales. Quant aux questions Qu, elles admettent l’interrogateur in situ ou ex situ. Les projections fonctionnelles SSél, SCl et SRel ont été respectivement identifiées dans le cadre de l’analyse de la clivée et de la relativation. La taxinomie du topique et du focus est établie selon l’environnement syntaxique dans lequel ils apparaissent. In sum, cette étude prouve que le champ fonctionnel dans les domaines de l’Inflexion et du Complémenteur est immensément riche en catégories fonctionnelles et que la syntaxe est résolument cartographique.
ISBN 9783969390726. Linguistics Edition 130. 360pp. 2022.
Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: New titles, Linguistics Edition (LE)

LSIEL 56: A Grammar of Dangaura Tharu

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969390894
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A Grammar of Dangaura Tharu
Krishna Prasad Paudyal
Tribhuvan University
A Grammar of Dangaura Tharu is a descriptive presentation of Dangaura Tharu spoken primarily in Dang, Banke, Bardiya, Surkhet, Kailali, and Kanchanpur districts of Nepal. Organized in eleven chapters, it has analysed the sociolinguistic situation, and the phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic structures of the language.
Dangaura Tharu exhibits six basic vowel and 34 consonant sounds. It is a nominative-accusative language where the argument in S/A slot is always unmarked and the one in O slot is always marked. It has two number system- singular and plural- and the plural markers are -ʌn and hũkrʌ. It follows the dative subject construction for experiencer subjects. Dangaura Tharu is unique in its personal pronouns- ṭʌĩ, ṭũ, ʌpnʌ- especially in the second person, with three levels of honorificity. It exhibits three tense system with distinct tense markers - and -ṭʰ in the present, -n and -l in the past and -m, -h, and -b in the future. It is a verb final language attesting SOV constituent order, though sentence modification and displacement are possible for contrastive focus. As proposed here, Dangaura Tharu genetically belongs to the Bihari group within the Eastern group of languages that falls under the outer sub-branch of Indo-Aryan language family.
ISBN 9783969390894 (hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 56. 436pp. 2022.
Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: New titles, LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics (LSIEL)

LW/T 46: Bhojpuri

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969390900
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(Analysed Corpus)
जीवंत भोजपुरी मजबून
Gopal Thakur
Linguistic Society of Nepal
This is an analysed corpus of Bhojpuri, an Indo-Aryan language, spoken mainly in the districts of central Madhesh (Sarlahi-Rupandehi) in Nepal and the adjacent Indian territories of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh with other provinces, too. Bhojpuri has also spread worldwide due to global migration. This corpus contains 13 texts that cover different genres of Bhojpuri, e.g., conversation, folktale, monologue, language use in rural surroundings and process of some agro-economic activities. Besides these, it covers examples of minimal pairs and positional arrangements of Bhojpuri phonemes.
In this book, texts have been provided at word and clause levels with descriptions of phonological, morpho-phonological, morphological and morphosyntactic aspects of Bhojpuri. The word or sentence is first presented in Devanagari alphabet. The text is transliterated in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). The IPA presentation is broken into morphemes. The lexical items of the morphemes are translated into English and the grammatical items are presented with their functional terminology in abbreviated form according to Leipzig glossing rules as far as practicable. At last, the free translation of the word or sentence is presented below each item.
Therefore, the book might be useful at home and abroad.
ISBN 9783969390900 (hardbound). Languages of the World/Text Collections 46. 386 pp. 2022
Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: New titles, Languages of the World/Text Collection (LW/T)

LSRL 85: Verbal Communication and Cognition in Galician

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969390801
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Verbal Communication and Cognition in Galician
Xosé Rosales Sequeiros
Qatar University
This book explores current pragmatic theory applied to Galician, focussing on a number of key aspects within utterance interpretation, communication and cognition. It involves applications of pragmatic theory to various areas of Galician language mentioned below. In doing so, it critically considers earlier approaches to the study of pragmatic interpretation, including, particularly, the Gricean approach to linguistic communication.
The book argues that this earlier approach to pragmatics does not measure up to critical analysis and is thus subject to a number of counterexamples. In particular, the evidence shows that Gricean pragmatics doesn’t provide either a sufficient or necessary basis for a comprehensive and unified account of utterance interpretation.
An alternative approach is then discussed based on the notion of relevance, as developed within Relevance Theory, which integrates the role of context and cognition within linguistic communication. This alternative view shows that it is possible to provide a unified account of pragmatics by taking into account two fundamental aspects about human cognition: processing effort and cognitive effects. The interaction between these aspects and communicative cognition provides the basis for a comprehensive account of utterance interpretation, which resolves many of the problems encountered by earlier approaches.
In applying and developing these pragmatic concepts, a number of areas are covered within Galician. Firstly, the current framework is considered as a general approach to Galician pragmatics. Secondly, the distinction between explicit and implicit meaning is applied to a range of constructions in Galician. Thirdly, there is a discussion on the role of pragmatics in disambiguation processes in Galician. Finally, the new approach is applied to irony and metaphor in Galician, including a discussion on the new research area of lexical pragmatics.
ISBN 9783969390801 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Romance Linguistics 85. 296pp. 2022.
Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: New titles, LINCOM Studies in Romance Linguistics (LSRL)
111 - 120 von 121 Ergebnissen