LSNAL 70: El idioma tarasco. Sinopsis de la estructura gramatical

Référence: ISBN 9783862884537

El idioma tarasco. Sinopsis de la estructura gramatical

Paul De Wolf

Jean-Christophe Verstraete & Claudine Chamoreau (eds.)
University of Leuven, CELIA-CNRS

This book is the third in a series on Tarascan by the late Paul de Wolf (1936-2003), complementing his earlier works Seis Estudios lingüísticos sobre la lengua phorhé (De Wolf 1989) and Curso básico del Tarasco hablado (De Wolf 1991). The manuscript was finished before Paul De Wolf's death in 2003, but had remained unpublished since. Tarascan (also known as Purépecha) is a language isolate spoken in the northwest of the state of Michoacán in Mexico. Paul De Wolf's book is based primarily on fieldwork in Tarecuato, a variety that is less well-documented than others. De Wolf offers an analysis of phonology, morphology and syntax, and pays special attention to complex sentence relations and discourse structure.

ISBN 9783862884537. LINCOM Studies in Native American Linguistics 70. 300pp. 2013.

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