LINGram 140: A Grammar of the Persian Language

Référence: ISBN 9783862881116

A Grammar of the Persian Language

Part I. Accidence & Part II. Syntax

John T. Platts & George S.A. Ranking

By the kind permission of the Mrs. Platts, I have been enabled to prepare this new edition of the late Mr. Platts’s Persian Grammar. In carrying out this work, it has been my object to make as few changes as possible in the arrangements, and to depart as little as was consistent with what experience has shown to be necessary from the original scheme of the late author. I have felt the liberty to follow my own inclinations in the preparation of the portion of this work which deals with the Syntax of Persian.

Contents: The letters as consonants, the parts of Speech, numerals, the verb, formation of words, derivation of words, Arabic formations, deverbal nouns, denominative nouns, the particles, system of Persian prosody, poems, subject and predicate, simple and complex sentences, co-ordiantion by conjunctions, sentence constructions (subject, object, passive constructions, nooun classes, reported speech, ..), meanings of forms (cases, supplement to meanings of cases, moods and tenses, participles, verb-noun and verb-adjectives, indices (re-edition; originally published 1911, Oxford; written in English).

ISBN 9783862881116. LINCOM Gramatica 140. 311pp. 2011.

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