Semiotic and Cognitive Science Essays on the Nature of Mathematics
Mariana Bockarova ( Harvard University ), Marcel Danesi ( University of Toronto), Rafael Núñez ( University of California, San Diego) (eds.)
This volume brings together key studies in an emerging interdisciplinary field aiming to study mathematical cognition written by internationally-renowned scholars in fields ranging from mathematical theory to cognitive science and semiotics. The thematic thread that runs through all these studies is that the comprehension and learning of mathematical concepts involves complex neural and cognitive process, such as blending, metaphor, semiosis, and various forms of language. Each article presents its particular perspective in a clear way so that it can be read by scholars in any of the disciplines covered, and it presents ideas and empirical findings that point to the need for a new interdisciplinary mode of investigating mathematical cognition and its relation to other cognitive processes.
Mariana Bockarova, Marcel Danesi, and Rafael Núñez: Studying Mathematical Cognition.
James Alexander: On the Cognitive and Semiotic Structure of Mathematics
Per Aage Brandt: Numbers are Things in Time: Seven Reflections on the Cognitive Foundation of “Math”
Joachim De Beule: Evolution, Organization and Function in the Biological System
John Deely: The Semiosis of Mathematical Thought
Keith Devlin: The Symbol Barrier to Mathematics Learning
Vitaly Kiryushchenki: The Visual and the Virtual in Theory, Life and Scientific Practice: The Case of Peirce's Quincuncial Map Projection
Donna Kotsopoulos: Codeswitching During Mathematics Instruction in a Ninth Grade Setting
Kumiko TanakaIshii: Dyadic vs. Triadic Sign Models Through Computer Programs
Solomon Marcus: Mathematics between Semiosis and Cognition
Dragana Martinovic: Gesturing and “Cursoring” in Online Multimedia Calculus Lectures
Yair Neuman: Semiotics, Mathematics, and Information Technology: The Future Is Already Here
Frank Nuessel: The Representation of Mathematics in the Media
Wolff Michael Roth: Tracking the Origin of Signs in Mathematical Activity: A Material Phenomenological Approach
Mark Turner: Mental Packing and Unpacking in Mathematics
Lindser Shorser: Manifestations of Mathematical Meaning
Walter Whiteley: Mathematical Modeling as Conceptual Blending: Exploring an Example within Mathematics Education
Myrdene Anderson: How Qualification and Quantification Meet, Or Don't in Ethnography
Kalevi Kull: Semiosis Includes Incompatibility: On the Relation between Semiotics and Mathematics.
ISBN 9783862883325 (Hardbound). Interdisciplinary Studies on the Nature of Mathematics 01. 240pp. 2012.