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LSNAL 02: Language and Culture in Native North America

Référence: ISBN 9783895860041

Language and Culture in Native North America

Studies in Honor of Heinz-Jürgen Pinnow

Michael Dürr, Egon Renner & Wolfgang Oleschinski (ed.)

The present volume is a collection of twenty-one articles on North American languages and cultures written by American and German scholars in honor of Heinz-Jürgen Pinnow. The articles are distributed in four sections according to their content: the Na-Dene controversy, linguistics studies, discourse studies, and anthropological studies. A fifth section includes an article as a personal homage to Pinnow and other information about his life and his work.

Part 1: The Na-Dene Controversy: M. Dürr & E. Renner, The History of the Na-Dene Controversy: A Sketch. With an Addendum by Heinz-Jürgen Pinnow. - E. Renner, The Structure of the Na-Dene Controversy: A Metatheoretical Explanation. - M. Dürr & G. Whittaker, The Methodological Background to the Na-Dene Controversy: Some Notes Bearing on Pinnow's Approach.

Part 2: Linguistic Studies: E.-D. Cook, Syllable Structure and Sound Change in Athapaskan. - K.-H. Gursky, Some Grammatical Evidence for the Hokan Stock. - J. Leer, The History of a Tlingit Name. - St. Liedtke, The Etymology of Tlingit tl'ukwx. R. Pustet, The Lakota Article. - H.-J. Sasse, The Evolution of Person Prefixes in the Iroquoian Languages and its Functional Background. - H. Seiler, Possession and Classifiers in Cahuilla. - W. Winter, Reduplicated Forms in Walapai.

Part 3: Discourse Studies: N. Marks Dauenhauer & R. Dauenhauer, A Tlingit Cerimonial Speech by Willie Marks. - E.A. Edwards, "It´s an Ill Wind". - E.A. Edwards & C.M. Eastman, Fried Bread: A Recipe for the Structure of Haida Oral Narrative. - D. Hymes, Na-Dene Ethnopoetics. A Preliminary Report: Haida and Tlingit. - G.L. Story, An Analyzed Tlingit Procedural Text.

Part 4: Anthropological Studies: J.R. Baker, Disintegration and Reintegration: A Reexamination of the Transformation of Handsome Lake. - E. Kasten, Community development in a Kwakiutl Indian village. - W. Manig, Continuity and Change in Western Apache Ceremonialism: A Pictoral Record of Na'ííées (Girls' Puberty Cermony).

Part 5: Personal Reminiscences: E. Renner, Heinz-Jürgen Pinnow. - Bibliography and Curriculum Vitae of Heinz-Jürgen Pinnow.

ISBN 9783895860041. LINCOM Studies in Native American Linguistics 02. 496pp. Photographs. 1995.

Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Studies in Native American Linguistics (LSNAL)
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