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LSAUL 06: Language and Text in the Austronesian World

Référence: ISBN 9783895868832

Language and Text in the Austronesian World

Studies in Honour of Ülo Sirk

Yury A. Lander & Alexander K. Ogloblin (eds.)

Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow

This volume, dedicated to Ülo Sirk, one of the most prominent Russian Austronesianists, includes about twenty papers devoted to languages belonging to the Austronesian family. The contributions to the volume cover both synchronic and diachronic issues and explore various levels: phonology, grammar, text structure, etc. While presenting both new data and new interpretations, the collection of papers may be of interest for scholars of different disciplines: linguists and philologists, anthro-pologists, historians.


Yury A. Lander and Alexander K. Ogloblin: On Ülo Sirk and His Work

Part 1. Diachrony

Alexander Adelaar: On the Classifiability of Malayic

Sergey Kullanda: Old Javanese Kinship Terminology: Some Historical-Typological Implications

Alexander K. Ogloblin: In Search of Middle Javanese

Andrew Pawley: Where and When Was Proto Oceanic Spoken? Linguistic and Archaeological Evidence

Ilia Peiros: Malayic, Chamic and Aceh: Some Lexicostatistical Remarks

René van den Berg: Notes on the Historical Phonology and Classification of Wolio

John U. Wolff: The Reconstruction of the Proto-Austronesian Phoneme *g

Part 2. Synchrony

T. David Andersen & Robin McKenzie: Word Order of Prepositional Phrases in Aralle-Tabulahan and Moronene

Mikhail A. Chlenov & Svetlana F. Chlenova: The Damar Batumerah (West Damar Language) of South-Eastern Indonesia

Svetlana F. Chlenova: Preliminary Grammatical Notes on Damar Batumerah or West Damar, a Language of Southwest Maluku

Mark Donohue: Obligatory Incorporation and ‘Have’ in Tukang Besi

Barbara Friberg & Timothy Friberg: -ka, a Marginalized Grammatical Morpheme in Konjo

David Mead: Functions of the Mori Bawah Indefinite Particle ba: Towards a Comparative Study

Bernd Nothofer: E-mel sebagai bahan pengajaran

Maria Polinsky: The Existential Construction in Malagasy

Lina I. Shkarban: Some Aspects of Relations between Deixis and Syntax in Philippine Languages

Hein Steinhauer: Synchronic Metathesis and Apocope in Three Austronesian Languages of the Timor Area

Part 3. Text studies

Ian Caldwell: Form Criticism and Its Applicability to Bugis Historical Texts

Aone van Engelenhoven: Ktunu: Clues in the Quest of the Sailfish: Linguistic Insights in Southwest Malukan Narratives (East-Indonesia)

Sirtjo Koolhof: Sureq versus lontaraq: The Great Divide?

ISBN 9783895868832 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Austronesian Linguistics 06. 340pp. 2008.

Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Studies in Austronesian Linguistics (LSAUL)
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