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LCL 34: Morphology

Référence: ISBN 9783969392096

A Coursebook for Students of English as a Foreign Language
Hussein Abdul-Raof
Taibah University, Saudi Arabia
Morphology: A Coursebook for Students of English as a Foreign Language provides a methodologically comprehensive course of morphology. Through the detailed discussion, extensive examples and exercises, the current book equips undergraduate students whose English is not their mother language with sound awareness of and insight into the fundamental aspects of English morphology.
This book addresses the learning and academic needs of students of EFL in morphology-made-easy way. It also addresses the teachers’ needs in terms of the teaching materials required for the morphology undergraduate module. The practical aspect of the book helps students develop their critical analysis, and also helps the morphology module leader to give different home assignments, in-class exercises, and classroom discussion.
The present course book is quite different from existing books on morphology written for the speakers of English as a native language. Since there is no book on morphology specifically designed for speakers of English as a foreign language, this book has an international appeal. It is the first book on morphology to address this specific international academic need and will plug a research gap in a more innovative way.
Hussein Abdul-Raof (formerly, The University of Leeds) is a Professor of Linguistics and Translation Studies.
ISBN 9783969392096. LINCOM Coursebooks in Linguistics 34. 308pp. 2024.
Parcourir également ces catégories : New titles, LINCOM Coursebooks in Linguistics (LCL)
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