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LINClas 01: A Compendium of the Comparative Grammar of the Indo-European, Sanskrit, Greek and Latin

Référence: ISBN 9783862880218

A Compendium of the Comparative Grammar of the Indo-European, Sanskrit, Greek and Latin Languages. Part I & II

August Schleicher

This work is meant to be an elementary handbook for lectures and self-instruction. The want of such a work has been hitherto widely feit. The state of Indo-European Philology is now such that it has become possible to write a compendium of the comparative grammar of the Indo-European languages. After we have discarded that part which is still doubtful, there remains a large store of knowledge, embracing the different sides which language offers to scientific treatment: this knowledge will, in my opinion, stand unshaken for all time. The chief object of a compendium of the Indo-European languages is to colleet and arrange in a short and appropriate form, and yet in an intelligible manner, these results of Indo-European Philology. "Where, however, it is impossible to avoid mentioning what is obscure and doubtful, it will be expressly characterized as such.

It is no slight task to compose a first handbook of this kind treating of the formation of the Indo-European languages: whether the writer of the present work has succeeded in temporarily satisfying the want, others must decide; but he begs them to take it into consideration that his book is a first essay in the direction pointed out.

This book is a translation of those parts of Schleicher's Compendium der vergleichenden Grammatik der Indo-germanischen Sprachen which treat directly of the Indo-European original language, Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin. (From the preface and the translator’s note).

This re-edition has been published as no. 01 in the LINCOM Classica (LinCL) series (originally published 1874, 1877. London: Trübner & Co.).

Table of Contents: Introduction, Phonology, Morphology (The form of the Indo-European word) ISBN 9783862880218. LINCOM Classica 01. 289pp. 2010.

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LINClas 02: Elements of the Comparative Grammar of the Indo-Germanic Languages

Référence: ISBN 9783895862441

Elements of the Comparative Grammar of the Indo-Germanic Languages

A concise exposition of the History of Sanskrit, Old Iranic (Avestic And Old Persian), Old Armenian, Old Greek, Latin, Umbrian-Samnitic, Old Irish, Gothic, Old High German, Lithunian and Old Bulgarian. Volume 1: Introduction and Phonology.

Karl Brugmann

Those who have impartially followed the development of comparative philology in the last twenty years will be aware of the great progress it has made in tlie interval. In both the scope and the nature of its work it has shown all the elasticity and creative vigour of a science that is still young in spite of its seventy years. That its diverse and scattered details need to be once again brought together under one systematic arrangement will hardly be doubted by any competent judge. The first edition of Schleicher's excellent 'Compendium' appeared in 1861, and was since twice published in a revised form by the author, the second time shortly before his death. When it was edited finally in 1876 with very few changes indeed, the two editors were already of opinion that it required complete remodelling. Thus l feel sure that the 'Elements', the first volume of which is now before the reader, meets a real need (from the introduction of 1888 edition).

Contents: Definition of the science of the Indg. languages - Differentiation of dialects (The Aryan branch - The Armenian branch - The Greek branch - The Albanian branch - The Italic branch - The Keltic branch - The Germanic branch - The Baltic-Slavonic branch) - Phonology - The sounds of the indg. primitive language - History of the separate Prim. Indg. Sounds (vowels as sonants, vowels as consonants, nasals, liquids, ablaut, explosives, spirants) - Other combinatory sound changes - Accentuation.

This re-edition has been published as no. 02 in the LINCOM Classica (LCLAS) series (originally published 1888, London: Trübner & Co).

ISBN 9783895862441. LINCOM Classica 02. 2010. 584pp. 2010.

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LINClas 04: Gramática del Castellano Antiguo

Référence: ISBN 9783862900787

Gramática del Castellano Antiguo

Primera Parte: Fonética

Pedro de Mugica

El propósito que me mueve á publicar la presente grámatica del antiguo castellano, es despertar la atención en España hacia el estudio de los romances. Si alguna vez expongo no acordes de filólogos de nota, es únicamente con el objeto de recomendar en mi país el estudio de sus obras; lejos de mi ánimo toda idea de polémica (v. el prológo, pp. v-vi).

Contenido: Historia de la lengua castellan, latín vulgar y latin literario, influencias extrañas en el castellano, condiciones del cambio de sonido y sus formas, vocales tónicas, vocales atónicas, consonantes orales, consonantes palatalizadas, nasales tónicas, etc.

(Re-edition; originally published 1891 in Berlin; written in Spanish)

ISBN 9783862900787. LINCOM Classica 04. 96pp. 2011.

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LINClas 08: Handbook to the Grammar of the Greek Testament

Référence: ISBN 9783862900633

Handbook to the Grammar of the Greek Testament

Together with Complete Vocabulary and an Examination of teh Chief New Testament Synonyms

Samuel G. Green

The following work addresses learners who want to read the New Testament in its oringinal tongue. Undoubtedly, the Greek of the New Testament, as a later dialect of an elaborate and polished language, can most effectively be studied through the medium of the elder forms of the tongue. This method, accordingly, is in general chosen, and the historians and orators, the philosophers and poets of Greece, have led the way to the Evangelists and the Apostles (from the preface).

Contents: Orthography, etymology (root and stem; gender, number, and case; declension; verb and conjugations; formation of words, foreign words in the New Testament; syntax). (Re-edition; originally published 1912 in London; written in English)

ISBN 978 3 86290 063 3. LINCOM Classica 08. 606pp. 2011.

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LINClas 09: I Dialetti Greci

Référence: ISBN 9783862900688

 I Dialetti Greci

Epico - Neo-Ionico - Dorico - Eolico
G.B. Bonino

I dialetti parlati in Grecia sono ben lungi dall’essese oggidì classificati in modo scientificamente definitivo. In un paese diviso in tanti piccoli stati, che il più delle volte non erano se non una piccola città con attorno acune borgate parlato non presentasse varietà per così dire infinite. Ma questa grandi varietà se hanno un’importanza e grande pel linguista, ben poca ne hanno del punto di vista letterario. Indice: Fonologia (vocali brevi, contrazione, crasi, sinizesi, elisione, aferesi, dieresi dei dittonghi, vocale lunghe abbreviate, consonanti, il digamma, sibilanti, sprito aspro, gutturali, dentali, cononanti doppie, liquide nasali), Morfologia (declinazione, comparazione, numerali, conjugazione, aumento, verbi contratti, etc).

(Re-edition; originally published 1908 in Milano; written in Italian)

ISBN 978 3 86290 068 8. LINCOM Classica 09. 236pp. 2011.

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LINClas 12: A Grammar of the Greek Language

Référence: ISBN 9783862900732

A Grammar of the Greek Language

D. Yenni

The object of the present work is to simply and facilitate the study of Greek in the middle and higher classes of our colleges and academies. Its plan has been successfully tried for many years in the schoolroom. The leading modern treatises on Greek grammar have been freely consulted. Their labors were submitted to a careful analysis, and everything that could prove of real use to the student, and which is practically attainable in an undergraduate course, has been selected and adapted to the simple and uniform method here pursued. The grammar also includes appendices on accent and Greek dialects. (Re-edition; originally published 1878 in New York; written in English).

ISBN 978 3 86290 073 2. LINCOM Classica 12. 226pp. 2011.

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LINClas 14: Arte de Hablar

Référence: ISBN 9783862900879

Arte de Hablar

Gramática Filosófica de la Lengua Castellana

Eduardo Benot

Aun aquellos para quienes sean familiares los trabajos filológicos de D. Eduardo Benot, han de tener en cuenta que el sistema gramatical de éste no se da á conocer en ninguno de sus escritos anteriores de modo tan completo y acabado como en la presente obra, que por algo lleva el título de Gramática.

Ideas sencillísimas constituyen el sistema gramatical de don Eduardo Benot, Trataré de condensar en el menor espacio posible dicho sistema, y de hacer resaltar las piedras angulares en que se asienta el edificio de esta Gramática. Al hablar, realizamos tres operaciones fundamentales y necesarias; DETERMINAR, CONEXIONAR, ENUNCIAR. El espíritu humano, sin aptitudes para sondar en lo absoluto, percibe únicamente relaciones, y procede siempre por abstracción y generalización al formar sus ideas. Los colores, las dimensiones, son casos de abstracción. No se conciben los primeros aisladamente y como existiendo por sí menos. En quanto á las segundas, una línea sólo puede existir como límite de una superficie, y ésta como contorno de un cuerpo. Qué es el cuerpo mismo, sino una concreción, una limitación de la materia, de la substancia universal?… (desde el prólogo de José Torres Reina). (Re-edition; originally published 1910 in Madrid; written in Spanish)

ISBN 978 3 86290 087 9. LINCOM Classica 14. 457pp. 2011.

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LINClas 16: Altitalienisches Elementarbuch

Référence: ISBN 9783862880607

Altitalienisches Elementarbuch

Berthold Wiese

Vorliegendes Buch ist als Grundlage für einleitende Universitätsvorlesungen gedacht, möchte aber auch demjenigen ein bescheidener Führer sein, der sich ohne Anleitung mit den ältesten italienischen Denkmälern zu beschäftigen beginnt. Ich erwähne nur noch, daß die grammatische Dartstellung der Sprache nicht, wie sonst üblich, vom Lateinischen ausgeht, sondern vom Italienischen (aus dem Vorwort).

Inhalt: Einteilung der italienischen Dialekte, Lautlehre (Schrift und Aussprache, die betonten Vokale, die unbetonten Vokale, die Konsonanten), Formenlehre (Deklination, Konjugation, Wortbildung), Syntaktisches (die flexiblen Redeteile, die Wortgruppe, der Satz, die Satzgruppe, die Verneinung, Betonung und Stellung), Texte (u.a. Guittone d'Arezzo, Giacomo da Lentino, Pier della Vigna, Monte Andrea, Fatte di Cesare, Ciento Novelle antike), Wortverzeichnis.(Re-edition, originally published 1904, Heidelberg. Written in German).

ISBN 9783862880607. LINCOM Classica 16. 332pp. 2011.

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LINClas 17: Grammatik der Oskisch-Umbrischen Dialekte

Référence: ISBN 9783862880775

Grammatik der Oskisch-Umbrischen Dialekte

Zweiter Band: Formenlehre, Syntax, Sammlung der Inschriften und Glossen, Anhang, Glossar
Erster Teil

Robert von Planta

In den letzten Jahren hat sich auf dem Gebiet der osketisch-umbrischen Grammatik eine erfreuliche Rührigkeit gezeigt. Den Anfang hat Bruckmann gemacht[...] Auch der Umfang des zweiten Bandes[dieser Grammatik] ist über Erwarten angewachsen. Was zunächst die Feststellung des Inschriftentextes betrifft, so habe ich während zweier Aufenthalte in Italien Gelegenheit gehabt, die meisten Inschriften im Original zu sehen und von einem grossen Theile derselben Abschriften zu nehmen. Einige veränderte Lesarten ergaben sich erst während des zweiten Aufenthals, so dass leider die vorher gedruckte Formenlehre und Syntax noch die frühere Lesung erscheint (Aus dem Vorwort der Ausgabe von 1897).

Inhalt: Nominale Stammbildung (Wurzelnomina, Suffixe), Deklination (ā – ē-Stämme, Diphtonische und Konsonantische Stämme, Adverbia, zahlwörter, Pronomina (Stämme, Flexion, Personal- und Possessivpronomina), Verbale Stammbildung, Konjugation [Osketisch-umbrische Tempora und Modi, Präsens, Imperfekt, Futurum I, Perfektstamm (s-,f-,t-Perfekt, apelust, entelus (umbr.), upsed, portust), Futurum II, Passivum, Verbum Infinitum], Syntax (Adverbia,Pronomina, Genera verbi, Partikel, Prä- und Postpositionen, Satzverbindung, der einfache Satz, Wortstellung), Sammlung von Inschriften.

This re-edition has been published as no 17 in the LINCOM Classica series. Written in German. Orginally published 1897 in Strassbourg 1897.

ISBN 9783862880775. LINCOM Classica 17. 425S. 2011.

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LINClas 18: Grammatik der Oskisch-Umbrischen Dialekte

Référence: ISBN 9783862880782

Grammatik der Oskisch-Umbrischen Dialekte

Zweiter Band: Formenlehre, Syntax, Sammlung der Inschriften und Glossen, Anhang, Glossar
Zweiter Teil

Robert von Planta

In den letzten Jahren hat sich auf dem Gebiet der osketisch-umbrischen Grammatik eine erfreuliche Rührigkeit gezeigt. Den Anfang hat Bruckmann gemacht[...] Auch der Umfang des zweiten Bandes[dieser Grammatik] ist über Erwarten angewachsen. Was zunächst die Feststellung des Inschriftentextes betrifft, so habe ich während zweier Aufenthalte in Italien [...] Gelegenheit gehabt, die meisten Inschriften im Original zu sehen und von einem grossen Theile derselben Abschriften zu nehmen. Einige veränderte Lesarten ergaben sich erst während des zweiten Aufenthals, so dass leider die vorher gedruckte Formenlehre und Syntax noch die frühere Lesung erscheint. (Aus dem Vorwort der Ausgabe von 1897).

Inhalt: Nominale Stammbildung (Wurzelnomina, Suffixe), Deklination (ā – ē-Stämme, Diphtonische und Konsonantische Stämme, Adverbia, zahlwörter, Pronomina (Stämme, Flexion, Personal- und Possessivpronomina), Verbale Stammbildung, Konjugation [Osketisch-umbrische Tempora und Modi, Präsens, Imperfekt, Futurum I, Perfektstamm (s-,f-,t-Perfekt, apelust, entelus (umbr.), upsed, portust), Futurum II, Passivum, Verbum Infinitum], Syntax (Adverbia,Pronomina, Genera verbi, Partikel, Prä- und Postpositionen, Satzverbindung, der einfache Satz, Wortstellung), Sammlung von Inschriften.

This re-edition has been published as no 17 in the LINCOM Classica series. Written in German. Orginally published 1897 in Strassbourg.

ISBN 9783862880782. LINCOM Classica 18. 376S. 2011.

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