LINClas 12: A Grammar of the Greek Language

Référence: ISBN 9783862900732

A Grammar of the Greek Language

D. Yenni

The object of the present work is to simply and facilitate the study of Greek in the middle and higher classes of our colleges and academies. Its plan has been successfully tried for many years in the schoolroom. The leading modern treatises on Greek grammar have been freely consulted. Their labors were submitted to a careful analysis, and everything that could prove of real use to the student, and which is practically attainable in an undergraduate course, has been selected and adapted to the simple and uniform method here pursued. The grammar also includes appendices on accent and Greek dialects. (Re-edition; originally published 1878 in New York; written in English).

ISBN 978 3 86290 073 2. LINCOM Classica 12. 226pp. 2011.

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