IIE 04: Spheres of Spiritual Life

Référence: ISBN 9783862888726

Spheres of Spiritual Life
A Study on Permanence and Changeability of Identity Behaviours in Borderland Communities
Tadeusz Lewowicki, Ewa Ogrodzka-Mazur, Barbara Chojnacka-Synaszko, Urszula Klajmon-Lech (eds.)
The new volume of the “Interculturalism and Intercultural education” Series is the results of studies conducted in a nationally, religiously and culturally diversified environment – the Polish-Czech borderland in Cieszyn, Silesia. Cieszyn in Silesia is situated in two countries – Poland and the Czech Republic and is divided by the border on the Olza River. The studies presented in the book are conducted among learners from different environments: a) Poles – school learners from the Polish part of Cieszyn, Silesia and b) learners of Polish nationality (or of Polish family roots or coming from mixed families) living in the Czech Republic educated in schools with Polish as the teaching language in Czech Cieszyn (the Czech part of the border town Cieszyn). The articles refer to three groups – Poles educated in Poland, Czechs educated in the Czech Republic, and learners of Czech schools with Polish as the teaching language. The traditions, conditions of life and experiences of each group are compared in various ways.
Ewa Ogrodzka-Mazur, Barbara Chojnacka-Synaszko & Urszula Klajmon-Lech: Communities of the Polish-Czech borderland in the situation of social and cultural changes in 1990-2016 – the characteristics of the environment and surveyed groups
Katarzyna Olbrycht: Educational dimensions of supporting the development of human spirituality
Ewa Ogrodzka-Mazur: Values highly ranked by young Poles and their life aims – individual and community resources in building the borderland capital - Gabriela Piechaczek-Ogierman: Educational-professional aspi-rations and plans in the process of shaping the identity of youth
Aleksandra Minczanowska: Selected determinants of learners’ self-evaluation in the aspect of their spirit-ual development
Barbara Grabowska: Atti-tudes of tolerance among the youth in the Polish-Czech borderland
Aniela Różańska: Religious Otherness in the views of youth
Urszula Klajmon-Lech: Borderland youth and the religious community
Łukasz Kwadrans: Identity behaviours of youth and their tolerance towards cultural unlikeness
Barbara Chojnacka-Synaszko: Understanding the role of language in identity shaping and in relations with Others by representatives of multicultural communities
Anna Szafrańska: The different – a close or distant one? The collaboration with Czechs and the image of neighbours from the teachers’ perspective          
Alina Szczurek-Boruta: Two rationalities in teachers’ activity
Tadeusz Lewowicki: Manifestations of permanence and changeability in different spheres of spiritual life – a few generalizations with the Theory of Identity Behaviours in the background.
ISBN 9783862888726. Interculturalism and Intercultural Education 04. 228pp. 2018.
Parcourir cette catégorie : Interculturalism and Intercultural Education (IIE)