LSPr 22: Dialogue: State of the Art. Studies in Memory of Sorin Stati

Référence: ISBN 9783862883691

Dialogue: State of the Art. Studies in Memory of Sorin Stati

Sibilla Cantarini
University of Verona

This is the second volume dedicated to the memory of Sorin Stati, who passed away a few years ago, and constitutes a further homage to the great linguist by the association he founded, the International Association for Dialogue Analysis (I.A.D.A.), and his former colleagues. This collection provides an overview of the topical issues, new directions and latest findings in dialogue analysis, and shares with the reader the state of the art of the theoretical discussion and empirical research into dialogue. It will also provide inspiration for new lines of research, as dialogue analysis is still today an expanding field. The articles in the collection are the fruits of different theoretical approaches to dialogue analysis, and have implications in a range of fields of application. Some stem from traditional lines of dialogue analysis research, for example, theoretical approaches based on the speech act or argumentation theory, while others are clearly the product of new lines of research, in keeping with the desires of the founder of the I.A.D.A..

Sibilla Cantarini is Associate Professor of German Linguistics at the University of Verona, author of numerous journal articles and editor of two collections on dialogue. Her research interests include the syntax-semantics interface, comparative syntax and semantics, morphology, lexicology, lexicography, corpus linguistics, pragmatics, discourse analysis and argumentation theory.

Table of contents


Paths to dialogue
Franz Hundsnurscher

Scientific dialogue in interactive digital media
Gerd Fritz

Responsibility as a dialogic concept: a case study of political interviews
Anita Fetzer

Constructed dialogue as a means of manipulation
Světla Čmejrková & Jana Hoffmannová

TV interviews and political satire
Francesca Cabasino

Political apologies by heads of state in diplomatic conflicts: between sincerity and political cynicism
Adriana Bolívar

Dialogic orientation. Case study: how far can media discourse go?
Liana Pop

Infatti in translations between German and Italian: strategies in film dialogues from the FORLIXT multimedia corpus
Marcello Soffritti & Christine Heiss

Translatability into the German language of some attenuated uses of the Italian negation non
Sibilla Cantarini

The Gestalt approach to dialogues: an integrated model of analysis
Andrzej Zuczkowski & Ilaria Riccioni

To say or not to say? On explicitness of communication
Valerij Dem’jankov

Dialogues on safety and security: creating trust in human-technology-interaction
Annely Rothkegel

Dialogic dimensions of self-advocacy in unequal power relations: students with reading disabilities as a case in point
Elda Weizman & Lea Kozminsky

Thank you for smoking. Thank you for arguing
Adelino Cattani

The Italian epistemic modal adverb forse: from semantics to argumentation
Andrea Rocci & Gergana Zlatkova

Locus a causa finali
Eddo Rigotti

Dialogue rules for argumentation
Frans H. van Eemeren & Bart Garssen

Towards a dialectic of tolerance
Marcelo Dascal

ISBN 9783862883691 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics 22. 308pp. 2013.

Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics (LSPr)