LINCOM Americana

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Product no.: ISBN 9783862901609

con sus respectivas gramáticas Quechua y Pana
Manuel Navarro

80.30 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862901173

Pliny Earle Goddard

97.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862901098

C.H. de Goeje

97.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862901111

der Pazifischen Küste Nicaraguas und über die Sprache von Tapachula in Südchiapas
Walter Lehmann

60.90 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862901197

H. Pittier de Fábrega, Friedrich Müller (eds.)

70.50 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862901777

A.L. Kroeber

62.00 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862901630

A.L. Kroeber

51.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862901760

A.L. Kroeber

59.40 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862901920

A.L. Kroeber

62.40 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862901937

J. Alden Mason

78.40 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862901944

J. Alden Mason

59.70 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862901104

Hugo Kunike

42.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862901678

A.L. Kroeber

78.40 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862901685

Pliny Earle Goddard

78.40 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862901715

Roland B. Dixon

62.70 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862901500

José David Berrios

77.90 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862880744

R.P.Fr. Carlos J. Rosales
P. Fr. Daniel Sánchez García (ed.)

81.60 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862880829

Part I – The Individual Sounds

Pliny Earle Goddard

70.00 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862880881

Johann Carl Eduard Buschmann

97.30 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862881062

Idiomas y dialectos indígenas del continente hispano sud-americano,  con la nómina de las tribus indianas de cada territorio

D. Carlos Prince

78.10 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862881079

H. de Charencey

80.40 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862881130

O lengua de los antis
Tal como se usa en el rio apurimac

Maurice Touchaux

54.00 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862881406

Klamath - English

Contribution to North American Ethnology
Vol. II, Part II.

Albert Samuel Gatschet

137.20 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862881437

Pliny Earle Goddard

75.70 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862881925

Sylvanus Griswold Morley

102.70 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862882694

C.H. de Goeje

103.50 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862886289
Lucien Adam
86.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862887378

Lecturas y frasario araucano

Domingo Milanesio
69.80 *
Product no.: ISBN 9783862900640
Wörterbuch, Grammatik und Texte eines Indianeridioms am Oberen Tapajoz, Amazonasgebiet

Chrysostomus  Strömer

86.80 *
* Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery
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