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LSSLT 06: ELT Profession: Challenges & Prospects

Product no.: ISBN 9783895861345
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ELT Profession: Challenges & Prospects

The Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on ELT, 2006, Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Naciye Kunt, Javanshir Shibliyev & Fatoş Erozan (eds.)
Eastern Mediterranean University

This is a collection of selected papers contributed to The 2nd International ELT Conference held in North Cyprus in 2006, which placed special emphasis on challenges and prospects in ELT profession. Part 1 includes papers presented by the plenary speakers like Cem Alptekin who focused on topical structure analysis of compositions, Deniz Kurtoğlu Eken with her paper devoted to teacher training and A. Suresh Canagarajah with his paper about changing pedagogical priorities.

Part 2, which consists of the selected papers, addresses various issues that challenge the foreign language teaching community: Teachers (challenges for initial teacher training programmes, the perspectives of various groups in in-service teacher education program, pre-service teachers’ beliefs about EFL materials, uncertainties and challenges of EFL teachers, pre-service teachers’ reflections of journal writing and language teacher competency), Learners (their learning style preferences, andragogical and pedagogical orientations, needs, and beliefs), European Language Portfolio (its potential benefits, implementations, implications and limitations, and promoting process and context awareness), and Language culture and classroom pedagogy. We believe that the issues treated in this collection challenge all of us who are the members of language teaching community.


From the Editors i

Opening Speeches iii

Part 1 - Plenary and invited speakers

Topical Structure Analysis of Student Compositions in English and Turkish
Cem Alptekin 1

Getting to the Heart of ‘Training’: Teachers’ Voices, Teachers’ Choices?
Deniz Kurtoglu Eken 6

Changing Pedagogical Priorities, Revised Professional Relationships
A. Suresh Canagarajah 17

Becoming an English Teacher: A Theoretical, Practical, and Personal Journey
Elaine K. Horwitz 26

A Felxible Framework for Teacher Developed Materials
Brian Tomlinson 27

Form Follow Function: An Argument for a Genre Approach to Teaching
Academic Writing Thomas S. Miller 28

Engaging Students in the Reading Process
Kristina Smith 29

Generating Standards for a Community
Eric S. Dwyer 30

Developing Self-Regulated Learning Skills in Practicum Course
Ayşegül Daloglu 31

Raising Our Cultural Awareness to Become More Effective Teachers
Rick Finnan 32

Part 2 - Selected papers

Language skills and language content areas

Writing Apprehension and ICT: The Effects of Online Writing Workshops
Nik Nurmi Adilah Bt Nik Mohd Adib & Kamariah Bt Yunus 33

EFL Students’ Perceptions of Classroom Practices in Speaking Classes
Sercan Saglam & Özlem Kaya 44

Rethinking Communicative Language Teaching in Instructed Settings: The Role of the Four Language Skills
Esther Usó-Juan & Alicia Martínez-Flor 54

Challenges and Issues in Using the World Wide Web as a Research Tool for Academic Writing
Elif Demirel 61

The Relationship between the Extroversion/ Introversion Tendencies of Iranian BA Students of English and Their English Oral Reproduction
Abdullah Sarani & Reza Kafipour 68

Assessing Intermediate College EFL Learners' Multiple Vocabulary Knowledge
Yoshihiro Omura 77

Accelerated Neological Activity and Global English: Challenges for EFL Teaching
Visnja Fara 86

Teacher in focus

Challenges for Initial Teacher Training Programmes in Romania
Camelia-Marinela Tugui 95

Teachers, Trainers, or Administrators: Who’s Afraid of In-service Teacher Training?

Pre-Service Teachers’ General and Specific Beliefs about Authentic, Commercial, and Teacher-Made EFL Materials: Pedagogical and Practical Considerations
Nihat Polat 114

Uncertainties and Challenges of First Year EFL Teachers
Ayşegül Zýngýr Gülten 123

A Path through Journals: Two Pre-Service Teachers’ Reflections
Evrim Üstünlüoglu 137

Language Teacher Competency or Teacher Language Competency?
Nurdan Gürbüz 149

Learners in focus

The Learning Style Preferences of ELT Teacher Candiates
Raşit ÖZEN and Zeki ARSAL 160

Andragogical and Pedagogical Orientations of Adult Learners Learning English as a Foreign Language
Tanju Deveci 166

Language Learning Strategies of ELT Students
Sena Bundak 174

A Needs Analysis of an English for Specific Purposes at University Darul Iman Malaysia, KUSZA Campus, Malaysia
Kamariah binti Yunus, Nik Nurmi Adilah & Nik Mohd. Adib 184

Pre-university Students’ Beliefs about Language Learning at Eastern Meditarrenean University, School of Foreign Languages, Intensive English Division
Fatma Galatyalý 196

European language portfolio in focus

The European Language Portfolio and its Potential Benefits for Turkey
Ilknur Pekkanlý Egel 202

European Language Portfolio: Implementations, Implications and Limitations
Yeşim Betül Oktay 212

The European Language Portfolio in Practice: Promoting Process and Context Awareness
Hülya Yumru & Şehnaz Şahinkarakaş 220

Language and culture A Quest into Turkish EFL Teachers’ and Learners’ Perspectives on Culture Teaching
Pýnar Sali 226

Young Malaysian Children’s SLA Experiences in the United Kingdom
Hamidah Yamat 235

Classroom pedagogy in focus

Situations and Options in Classroom Management: Interventionism, Non-interventionism, or Interactionism?
Erdogan Bada and Bilal Genç 246

Creating Opportunities for Independent Learning Strategies, Challenges, and Rewards
Norhayati Mohd Ismail 254

Enhancing Washback Projections of the PLEVALEX Online Testing Platform
Jesús García Laborda 269

ISBN 9783895861345. LINCOM Studies in Second Language Teaching 06. 286pp. 2008.

Browse this category: LINCOM Studies in Second Language Teaching (LSSLT)
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