LSLA 37: Learners’ Engagement with Written Corrective Feedback and their L2 Writing Performance

Product no.: ISBN 9783969390993
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Learners’ Engagement with Written Corrective Feedback and their L2 Writing Performance
Nadia A. Alshahrani
Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University
This book sums a research study that explored learners’ engagement with written corrective feedback (WCF) and subsequent second language (L2) writing performance changes. A two-component intervention was implemented to reveal the influence of different learning environments and WCF delivery on the L2 writing performance. The first component explored the influence of using different modes on the learners’ engagement with WCF; computer-mediated and handwritten CF were used in two separate classes. The second component explored the influence of thinking-aloud (TA) as a mediating strategy on learner engagement with WCF within the different modes. A quasi-experimental design was applied to measure the learners’ development in the targeted skills, namely writing fluency, grammatical accuracy and grammatical competence. In the TA sessions, only the changes in L2 writing fluency were monitored.
The study revealed that optimal conditions for the intervention influenced learners’ engagement with WCF and enhanced their L2 writing performance. When the learners received meaningful WCF and engaged with it through learner-regulation strategies, agency and efficacy, their L2 writing performance was enhanced. Mediating strategies, such as TA, are recommended alongside affective CF episodes to encourage learners’ constructive engagement with WCF through meaningful activities that stimulate their cognitive engagement without hindering their affective and social engagement.

ISBN 9783969390993. LINCOM Studies in Language Acquisition 37. 272pp. 2022

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