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A Glossary of Terms for Bantu Verbal Categories
Sarah Rose, Christa Beaudoin-Lietz, Derek Nurse
In recent years the study of verbal categories has become a major focus of attention for Africanists and Bantuists. This interest has led to new analyses of Bantu languages, including descriptions of tense, aspect, modality, and discourse functions. This has resulted in an enormous growth of terminology for verbal categories, some traditional, some specific to Bantu, some from modern general linguistics. Over the years the authors have been struck by the wide range and disparity of usage in terminology.
This brief glossary provides the general reader and the specialist in Bantu linguistics alike with definitions of some of the terms most often encountered in the study of Bantu languages. The authors' approach is based on an in-depth analysis of several Bantu languages, examination of terms used for many other Bantu languages, and consultation of linguistic dictionaries.
The glossary contains over 200 definitions of terms applicable to verbal constructions, of which 160 are substantive and 40 are cross-references. Some definitions are short, others are longer, with an explanation of theoretical issues. Examples are plentiful and drawn from many Bantu languages, including some as yet unpublished material. The References will lead the reader to up-to-date discussions of Bantu and of theoretical issues.
This is a concise, informative and very readable glossary which promises to be both an indispensable resource tool and a touchstone for lively discussion.
ISBN 9783895867026. LINCOM Studies in African Linguistics 55. 130pp. 2002.