TLB 08: Vilém Mathesius: Contributions to his life and work

Product no.: ISBN 9783862883004
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Vilém Mathesius: Contributions to his life and work

Bohumil Vykypěl (ed.)

In this year we remember the 130th birthday of Vilém Mathesius. Although one cannot say that Mathesius is unknown and that few texts were written about him, his life and work is still waiting for a truly analytic-critical monographic treatise. The main purpose of the present volume is to remember the personality of Vilém Mathesius and the need for a big monograph about him.

Table of contents


Roman Jakobson: Prof. Vilém Mathesius. Zu seinem 50. Geburtstag

Robert Auty: Review of Čeština a obecný jazykozpyt

Josef Vachek: Review of Čeština a obecný jazykozpyt

Josef V. Polišenský: Vilém Mathesius, literary historian and “cultural activist”

Karel Horálek: Zum Erbe der Prager linguistischen Schule

Jan Čermák: Vilém Mathesius, a literary scholar: the evidence of his early medieval project

Vilém Mathesius: Otto Jespersen in Prag

Vilém Mathesius: Unsere Stellung in der Kultur Europas und der Welt

Bohumil Vykypěl: Vilém Mathesius – einige Bemerkungen zu seinem Leben und Werk

Bibliography of Vilém Mathesius’ works published in English, French and German


ISBN 9783862883004. Travaux linguistiques de Brno 08. 90pp. 2012.

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