LSLL 30: Portrayal of Dalit Experiences in the Select Dalit Autobiographies: A Study

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969391365
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Portrayal of Dalit Experiences in the Select Dalit Autobiographies: A Study
Sreekanth Katumala
Bharathiar University
Autobiography, one of the emerging genres of Dalit writings, emphasizes on the authenticity of experiences. In spite of various supporting and opposing theories on the origin and development of the caste system in India, it is true that India’s 3,500-year-old caste system remains a stigma on humanity. Even after seventy years of independence, Dalits continue to suffer by the effects of evil caste system. They are physically, socially, mentally, economically, politically and religiously experience humiliating conditions in India. Literature, as a mirror to the society, inalienably reflects its happenings through various genres and still stands as a truth across the centuries.
Dalit autobiographies record these experiences as sufferings and agony of the vulnerable people with plea to look in to the truth and come with a compassionate solution to the problem. The present research titled Portrayal of Dalit Experience in the Select Dalit Autobiographies: A Studyisaimed to study five well-known autobiographies written by various authors namely Bama's Karukku (1992), Om Prakash Valmiki’s Joothan (1997), Aravind Malagatti’s Government Brahmana (2003), Y.B. Satyanarayana’sMy Father Balaih(2017), andNarendra Jadhav’s Outcaste: A Memoir(2003).
ISBN 9783969391365.  LINCOM Studies in Language and Literature 30. 216pp. 2023.
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