LSEL 22: Insights in Cameroon English Variation

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783969390474
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Insights in Cameroon English Variation: Identification, Influences and Pedagogic Perspectives
Valentine Njende Ubanako
University of Yaounde 1
Despite the bulk of studies on Cameroon English by scholars, most of them view Cameroon English as a single entity. This is the position held by Simo Bobda (1992), Mbangwana (1999), Kouega (2006), etc. This study posits that Cameroon English is a complex whole consisting of different varieties which have undergone significant influences from background languages. It therefore aims at identifying, classifying, describing and documenting Cameroon English as employed by different users for different purposes thereby highlighting the various forms and uses of Cameroon English  forms, major characteristic features and pedagogic implications. Data for this work was collected through interviews, questionnaires, tape-recorded material and assorted written texts. This study employed Crystal’s (1997) regional, social and occupational varieties framework,  Brosnahan’s (1958) and Banjo’s (1971) frameworks and Giles’ (1960) accommodation theory as the main theoretical premises. The data was analysed using the descriptive statistical method where responses and sets of responses are counted, percentages worked out and accounted for. Results indicate that there are educationally, regionally, socially and occupationally determined varieties of Cameroon English which serve to distinguish one lect from another.
ISBN 9783969390474. LINCOM Studies in English Lingusitics 22. 262 pp. 2021.
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