Hierarchy and Interaction of Verbal Categories across Languages
Viktor S. Xrakovskij & Andrey L. Malchukov (eds.)
The Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILS RAS); The Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILS RAS); Johannes Gutenberg University
The volume presents a typology of interaction of verbal categories, including the question of (in)compatibility of individual categories or their values (‘grammemes’), as well as the question of meaning shifts of individual verbal grammemes occurring in particular combinations.
The volume also raises, more tentatively, the question of the Universal Hierarchy of verbal categories and its role in constraining combinations of individual grammemes.
Apart from a typological overview and a questionnaire designed by the editors, the volume includes 18 contributions dealing with interaction of verbal categories in individual languages (Ancient Greek, Arabic, Armenian, Basque, Chinese, Chukchi, French, Gban, Even, Khmer, Lithuanian, Nanai, Old Javanese, Ossetic, Paraguayan Guarani, Russian, Tagalog, Tundra and Forest Enets), written by leading experts, which serve as a pilot database for the proposed typological generalizations.
A. L. Malchukov, V. S. Xrakovskij
Preview of results
V. S. Xrakovskij, A. L. Malchukov
Interaction and hierarchy of grammatical categories of verbs
A position paper and a typological questionnaire
A. L. Malchukov
Interaction of verbal categories in Even
N. M. Zaika
Verbal category interaction in Basque
D. V. Gerasimov
Interaction of verbal categories in Paraguayan Guarani
A. K. Ogloblin
Interaction of grammatical verbal categories in Old Javanese
S. B. Klimenko
Verbal grammeme interaction in Tagalog
M. L. Fedotov
Interaction of verbal categories in Gban and a method for describing language‑specific hierarchies of interacting categories
A. P. Vydrin
Interactions of verbal categories in Ossetic
I. Ibragimov
Verbal category interaction in Ancient Greek (V—IV centuries B. C.)
R. G. Mamedshakhov
Interaction and hierarchy of verbal categories in Modern Standard Arabic
E. N. Kolpachkova
Grammatical categories in Modern Chinese Interaction
A. Yu. Urmanchieva
Interaction of verbal categories in Tundra Enets and Forest Enets in synchrony and diachrony (evidentiality, mood, tense)
V. A. Kagirova
Interaction of tense and mood in modern literary East Armenian
M. Yu. Pupynina
Interaction of verbal categories in Chukchi (mood, tense, negation)
E. E. Kordi
Verbal categories of mood, tense, aspect, and temporal distance in French (problems of interaction)
E. Š. Geniušienė
Aspect and tense in Lithuanian
S. A. Oskolskaya
Interaction of actionality and verbal categories in Nanai
S. Yu. Dmitrenko, N. M. Spatarj
Interaction between tense and aspect markers in Modern Khmer Grammatical category interaction revisited
S. S. Say
Tense and representation in Russian Category interaction
ISBN 9783969390702 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Language Typology 34. 470pp. 2021.