LLR 12: Linguistic Ecology: Bihar

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862889839
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Linguistic Ecology: Bihar
Shailendra Kumar Singh & Sweta Sinha
North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya; Indian Institute of Technology Patna,
The proposed volume presents an overview of the ethno-linguistic aspects of major languages spoken in the Indian state of Bihar. With a population size close to 100 million, the state has rich linguistic diversity. The book initiates special discussion on linguistic habitat of one of the profoundest multilingual states of India in synchronic and diachronic contexts. This volume is not a textbook in a strict sense, but has been designed to serve as main source of reading for linguists looking forward towards a comprehensive material on linguistic ecosphere of Bihar.
Languages like Maithili, Magahi, Bhojpuri, Bajjika, Kurmali and Eastern Hindi  varieties have been discussed in details in different chapters. Some of the chapters provide an excellent read on folklore, traditional ecological knowledge and linguistic landscape of the region including the languages spoken by migrant communities. The volume would immensely benefit students and researchers studying languages including lesser known languages and language varieties spoken in Bihar and adjoining areas. This book would also be resourceful to linguists working in the areas of language contact, sociolinguistics, language documentation, language typology, language planning and policy making. In addition to linguists, political scientists and anthropologists, this volume will also prove to be useful for ecological studies, regional studies and gender studies. Some chapters will also be useful to non-specialists including educators, politicians, social activists and government officials concerned with linguistic habitat.



M. K. Jha

Bihar’s Language Policies: Recognition of Maithili as a Medium of Primary Education


Sabiha Hashmi

Hindi in Colonial Bihar: Politics of Language and the Colonial Project


C. L. Khatri

Magahi Through the Ages


Nusrat Begum & Sweta Sinha

Transliteration and Code-Mixing: Prevailing Phenomena in Linguistic Ecology of Bihar


Priyanka Shukla & Shailendra Kumar Singh

Linguistic Landscape of Bihar


Tariq Khan & Manish Kumar Singh

Variations in Bhojpuri: A Sociolinguistic Study


Sandeep Kumar Sharma & Sweta Sinha

Gendered Bihar: An Investigative Study at the Interface of Language-Gender-Power



Sex-related Taboo Words and Euphemistic strategies used by Bajjika Speakers: A Sociolinguistic Study


Sweta Sinha

A Semasiological Sociopragmatic Investigation of Magahi Idioms: Towards Interfacing Language-Culture


Nirmal Kumar

Bhojpuri Cinema: Issues of Small Cinema, Regionalism and Sub-nationalism


Bornini Lahiri

Non-Canonical Cases in Bihari Languages


Deepak Alok, Atul Kr. Ojha & Sriniket Mishra

A Corpus-based Study of Semantics of Bare Nominals in Magahi and Bhojpuri: The Case of Article-less Languages


Shailendra Kumar Singh

Commonness of Verb Root in MBM Languages  


Abhinav Kumar Mishra & Amit Kr. Chandrana

Language Contact and Syntactic Convergence: A Case Study of Aspects in Maithili


Manish Kumar Singh

Mixed Transitivity in Bhojpuri Complex Predicates


Bornini Lahiri: Kurmali

A Language of Undivided Bihar


Ritesh Kumar, Bornini Lahiri & Deepak Alok

Descriptive Study of Eastern Hindi: A Mixed Language


S. S. Bhattacharya

Indo- Aryan Tribal Languages: A Critical Sociolinguistic Study of Greater Eastern Region


Ravina Toppo, Ratul Mahela, Nusrat Begum, Sandeep Kumar Sharma & Sweta Sinha Vanishing Identity of Migrants in Bihar: An Ethno- linguistic Sketch of Lathor Community

ISBN 9783862889839. LINCOM Language Research 12. 180pp. 2019.
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: LINCOM Language Research (LLR)