LSTL 58: Typology of Taxis Constructions

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862887224
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Typology of Taxis Constructions


Viktor S. Xrakovskij (ed.)

Russian Academy of Sciences


This collective volume by the Language Typology Workshop of the St. Petersburg Institute for Linguistic Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences) addresses taxis (relative tense) constructions in languages of different structure. It continues the Workshop’s earlier studies under a general research program launched in the 1960s and focused on the grammatical verb categories related to the semantic and syntactic structure of the sentence. The Workshop’s earlier publications in English include: Nedjalkov V. P. (ed.). Typology of Resultative Constructions. Amsterdam, 1988; Xrakovskij V. S. (ed.). Typology of Iterative Constructions, LINCOM, München, 1997; Xrakovskij V. S. (ed.). Typology of Imperative Constructions. LINCOM München, 2001; Xrakovskij V. S. (ed.). Typology of Conditional Constructions. LINCOM, München, 2005; Nedjalkov V. P. (ed.). Reciprocal Constructions. Amsterdam; Philadelphia, 2007; and Xrakovskij V. S. (ed.). Typology of Concessive Constructions. LINCOM, München, 2012. This volume consists of two parts and an appendix.


Part 1 provides a background on taxis studies and sets forth the underlying theoretical concept. The proposed theoretical concept makes it possible to describe taxis constructions in a form that allows to demonstrate both their common (above all, semantic) properties and typological (above all, grammatical) differences between both related and unrelated languages. The concept establishes a typology of taxis verb forms, provides a characterization of prototypical and peripheral taxis constructions, and proposes calculi for taxis meanings and taxis constructions.


Part 2 consists of two sections and 20 chapters on taxis constructions in various languages. The descriptions are to a large extent uniform as they are based on a common questionnaire.


The contributors to this collective volume are: Alpatov V. M., Barentsen A. (Netherlands),  Bystrov I. S. , Dmitrenko S. Yu., Ibragimov I. I., Iskhakova X. F., Kordi E. E. , Kramarova S. G., Malchukov A. L., Nasilov D. M., Nedjalkov I. V., Nevskaya I. A.,   Nicolova R. (Bulgaria), Nikitina T. N., Nikitina T. V., Ogloblin A. K., Orosz A. (Hungary), Spatari N. M., Stankevich N. V., Tommola H.  (Finland), Wiemer B.  (Germany), Xrakovskij V. S., and Zorikhina-Nilsson N. (Sweden).









Viktor S. Xrakovskij: Taxis: semantics, syntax, typology




Section one: Languages with prototypical taxis constructions structured as complex sentences


Chapter 1.  Ruselina Nicolova: Taxis in Bulgarian


Chapter 2.  Bjorn Wiemer: Taxis in Lithuanian


Chapter 3.  Elena E. Kordi: Taxis in French


Chapter 4.  Adrian A. Barentsen: Taxis in Dutch


Chapter 5.  Nadezhda Zorikhina-Nilsson: Taxis in Swedish


Chapter 6.  Ildar I. Ibragimov: Taxis in Ancient Greek


Chapter 7.  Arpad Orosz: Non-Valency Taxis in Hungarian


Chapter 8.  Hannu Tommola: Taxis in Finnish


Chapter 9.  Tatiana V. Nikitina: Taxis in Hausa


Chapter 10. Vladimir M. Alpatov: Taxis in Modern Japanese


Chapter 11. Alexander K. Ogloblin: Taxis in Old Javanese


Chapter 12. Svetlana G. Kkramarova: Taxis in Indonesian


Chapter 13. Natalya M. Spatari: Taxis in Cambodian


Chapter 14. Sergey Yu. Dmitrenko: Taxis in Thai


Chapter 15. Igor’ S. Bystrov , Nonna V. Stankevic: Taxis in Vietnamese


Chapter 16. Tamara N. Nikitina: Taxis in Ancient Chinese


Chapter 17. Tamara N. Nikitina: Taxis in Wan


Section two: Languages with prototypical taxis constructions structured as semi-complex sentences


Chapter 18. Dmitrij M. Nasilov, Xorsid F. Isxakova, Irina A. Nevskaya: Taxis in Turkic Languages


Chapter 19. Igor’ V. Nedyalkov: Taxis in Evenki


Chapter 20. Andrey L. Malchukov: Taxis in Even





Viktor S. Xrakovskij: A Questionnaire on Taxis Constructions



Index of authors

Index of languages

Index of terms


ISBN 9783862887224 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 58. 710pp. 2016.

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