OPLCP 01: Europe and the Others

Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862886920
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Europe and the Others 
Occasional Research Bulletin
Centre for the Studies of Contacts and Conflicts
in Language and Culture
NGO, Praha
Vol. 1
Petr Zima (ed.)  
Assistant  Editors:
Norbert Cyffer, Robert Nicolaï & Naďa Zimová
The present situation in relations between Europe and the other Continents usually subsumed under the classical field of Oriental and African studies brought to the light, again, the crucial (yet underestimated, or better too late estimated) role of research in their contact and conflict in the field of language and culture.The underestimation of contacts and conflicts in language and culture is partly due to what was labelled almost fifty years ago as “Europocentrism” and “Europophobia”  so often prevailing in these studies.  In launching this modest irregular research journal, our aim is to open thus another equal chance for both sides  (i.e Europe and the Others) to turn to their  original roots in order to understand better one each other, before it is too late. This first volume brings several earlier papers presented  at a special meeting  held in cooperation between the Centre for the Studies of Contacts and Conflicts in Language and Culture and the Prague Linguistic Circle to commemorate Hugo Schuchard’s influence in areal language studies (Siegmund Brauner: Hugo Schuchardt und die Traditionen der Leipziger Sprachwissenschaft,  Robert Nicolaï: Hugo Schuchardt: Un Marginal? Une icône? Un modèle ? Petr Zima: Hugo Schuchardt, Vilém Mathesius and the Prague Linguistic Traditions. At the same time, several papers supported by the Czech Science Foundation Project Continuity and Discontinuity in Communication  are presented: Radek Nedvěd: On Sociolinguistic Features of Grootfontein Urban !Kun San Dweller, Naďa Zimová: The Ottoman Turks in Tripolitania/Libya: The Forgotten Images of the Conflict in 1911-1912). Several more recent papers have arisen at the platform of the Centre, supported by private grants, and most recently by other Charles University Grants, including the PRVOUK project.
Several articles use in-depth reviewing of current publications as a pretext for reacting to current areal, continental or even global topic: Faire entrevoir l'Europe aux Européens à travers leur langues: Réflexions en guise de compte-rendu du livre. George J. (Jiří) Marvan : Introducing Europe to Europeans through their language (One Europe for centuries) was prepared by  Tomáš Hoskovec. Was ist eigentlich die Afrikanistik? A review-article with  comments on global questions pertinent in the identical title of the book by Wolff, H. Ekkehard, unter Mitarbeit von Ari Awagana und Marion Feuerstein is presented by Petr Zima. Similar review articles are presented by Rudolf Legeř (dealing with a recently published descriptive Chadic Monography on Mubi, compiled by H. Junggraithmayr), and Stáňa Boušková (whose review article is focussed on the oral/written forms of languages). A review of an earlier LINCOM Studies in Communication Volume 07 dealing with the same topic  is offered by George Marvan, together with several  reviews by Georgio Cadorini, Mirka Gruenwaldt, Petr Zima and others.
Editorial Note                                   
On Socio-linguistic Features of Grootfontein Urban !Xun Dwellers
Radek Nedvěd, Praha
The Ottoman Turks in Tripolitania/Libya and Czech Reflections on the Conflict in 1911-1912
Naďa Zimová, Praha
Remarks on Segmental and Suprasegmental Roles of Tones in Dendi-Songhay Grammar
Petr Zima and Pavel Šturm, Praha
Hugo Schuchardt und die Traditionen der Leipziger Sprachwissenschaft
Siegmund Brauner, Leipzig
Hugo Schuchardt : un marginal ? Une icône ? Un modèle ?
Robert Nicolaï, Nice
Hugo Schuchardt, Vilém Mathesius and the Prague Linguistic Traditions
Petr Zima, Praha
ISBN 9783862886920. (Occasional Papers, Notes, Reviews and News from the Centre for the Studies of Contacts and Conflicts in Language and Culture in Prague, Vol. 1). 250pp. 2016. ISSN  2510-2656.
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Monographs