Artikel-Nr.: ISBN 9783862886197
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Edson Rosa Francisco de Souza (Org.)
Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP/IBILCE

This book presents eleven texts written by Brazilian and foreign authors that deal with the description and analysis of various linguistic facts (such as lexical, textual, pragmatic, semantic, morphosyntactic and phonological) in Portuguese and in several other languages, from different functionalist theoretical approaches (Theory of Grammaticalization, Systemic Functional Linguistics, Rhetorical Structure Theory, Textual-Interactive Grammar and Typological-Functional Theory). This book consists of two parts: The first one, entitled Functional Description of Languages, presents six texts that discuss the following subjects: (i) grammaticalization of words and constructions, (ii) Application of the Rhetorical Structure Theory, (iii) and connectives and conditional and additive clauses, and (iv) pragmatic aspects of the textual organization (interactional aspects). The four texts that integrate the second part, entitled Typological-Functional Description of Languages, discuss (i) systemic functional morphology issues, (ii) categories of tense, aspect and mood in indigenous languages, (iii) lexicography (grammar bilingual dictionaries) and (iv) grammaticalization of verbs.

The book is intended for both undergraduate and graduate students, and professors of Linguistics as far as students and professionals from other related areas that take the language and its different levels of organization as an object of study and reflection.


Edson Rosa Francisco de Souza

PARTE I – Descrição funcionalista de línguas

Renovação e inovação em interrogativas de conteúdo
Michel Gustavo Fontes

A RST e suas aplicações na linguística e no processamento de línguas naturais
Juliano Desiderato Antonio
Mikel Iruskieta

Os conectivos condicionais complexos “na condição (de) que” e “na eventualidade (de) que” no português escrito
Flávia Bezerra de Menezes Hirata-Vale
Daniel William Ferreira de Camargo

A oração de adição em português
Taísa Peres de Oliveira

The discourse marker porque ‘because’: discussing adverbial (non)subordination in functional discourse grammar
Joceli Catarina Stassi-Sé

Uma análise textual-interativa do processo de estruturação de segmentos tópicos mínimos em mini-sagas narrativas
Andréia Dias de Souza

PARTE II – Descrição tipológico-funcional de línguas

Systemic functional morphology: the Lexicogrammar of the word
Christian M. I. M. Matthiessen

Tempo, Aspecto e Modo na língua ofayé
Jeniffer Elen da Silva

As relações semânticas de escopo entre tempo e aspecto nas línguas indígenas da família Pano: uma abordagem discursivo-funcional
Edson Rosa Francisco de Souza
Paulo Henrique da Silva Pereira

Gramática nos dicionários bilíngues de línguas brasileiras
Vitória Regina Spanghero

Serial verb constructions and the expression of third arguments in african, asian and creole languages
Edson Rosa Francisco de Souza

O organizador

Os autores

ISBN 9783862886197 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 55. 306pp. 2015.

Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: LINCOM Studies in Theoretical Linguistics (LSTL)