A Russian – English Dictionary of Colloquial Expressions
Stanislav Silinsky
St. Petersburg State University
This book, the first of its kind, is a valuable source of various everyday phrases and collocations that denote realities of life in contemporary Russia, concepts, notions and phenomena with which people come across in their day-by-day situations. There are over six thousand entries in the Dictionary. Its objective is to provide the user with Russian everyday expressions, popular colloquialisms and their equivalents or near-equivalents in contemporary American English. In cases where cultural differences do not allow to find equivalents in two languages, the author suggests descriptive or explanatory variants. Translations and examples of their use in American English are obtained from present-day American media, the Internet, movie scripts, interviews, contemporary literature and other sources. The given examples help illustrate the context, correct use and its nuances of a given phrase. The target group of the dictionary includes translators, interpreters, journalists, students of Russian and English, and those who pursue intercultural studies.
The dictionary includes recently coined expressions and popular collocations which are by no means “fossilized” and hard to be found elsewhere in orthodox dictionaries. Knowing them makes the speech idiomatic, natural and vivid. They expand the user’s ability to communicate effectively in a variety of every day encounters. For professionals, the dictionary is indispensable in terms of accurate translation; for students of both Russian and English it is a source of up-to-date vocabulary.
Silinsky Stanislav is Head of English Department at Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg State University. He is the author of a number of books, including “Three Centuries of Russian Art,” “U.S.A.,” and textbooks for students of English.
ISBN 9783929075809 (Hardbound). LINCOM Language Dictionaries 01.. 300pp. 2009.