History, ethnosocial structure, life-style and culture of gypsy groups
Evgeniya I. Ivanova
and Velcho Krustev
The monograph "On the long road... Life with the others" presents an authentic view of the history, life-style, ethno-social and ethno-cultural structure of certain Romani groups, based on numerous resources. These Romani groups have a lasting presence in a specific geographic region in Bulgaria - large areas of the Upper Thracian Plains and the Maritza river valley - a region preferred by Romani groups. The authors show their presence in the socioeconomic life, intellectual and material culture, and the historical geography of the area from XVI century to present days. In this study previously unpublished documents, memoirs, photographs, periodic press, archaeological and ethnographic terrain material have been used.
By presenting the common and the different, by working out in details the characteristic features of their lifestyle, traditions and customs, Ivanova and Krusev show the positive as well as the negative changes in the chosen Romani groups. The authors aim at showing their nature from the inside. In order to accept the other, the different one, to live in consonance with them, one has to get to know them in the first place.
ISBN 978 895861130. LINCOM Cultural Studies 03. 200 pp. 40 photographs. 2008.