El verbo auxiliar vasco
Formas unificadas y dialectales
Joxe M. Etxebarria L.
In this work the author presents a comparison between the standard and the dialectal forms, including the Biscayne dialect (B), Guipuscoan dialect (G), High Navarre dialect (GN), dialect of Labourd (L), Low Navarre dialect (BN), dialect of Zuberoa (Z) and dialect of Roncal (Err.). The verbs of the minor dialects of Aezkoa and Salazar are given in the Appendix. The form of the auxiliary verbs in the standard basque language are determined by the Academy of Basque Language. However, with the exception of the Biscayne dialect, dialects are not handled by the Academy. Additionally, the author includes those dialectal forms which are not listed among the normative forms. Examples with translations. [written in Spanish].
ISBN 9783895869853. LINCOM Studies in Basque Linguistics 02. 480pp. 2002.