Des noms et des verbes en tupi-guarani: état de la question
F. Queixalós (ed.)
Tupi-Guarani is a major South American language family which has been the object of sustained attention from the very beginnings of the European presence on the continent. To-day it can be considered a relatively well known family of languages, in terms of description of individual languages as well as in terms of comparative studies. A number of grammatical topics show interesting characteristics in the languages of the family, and it is worth divulgating both the data and the typological issues raised by these data. The book, whose contents results form an international meeting held in French Guyana in January 2000, addresses one of these topics: the basis for a distinction between nouns and verbs. The issue is pervasive in the grammar of many of the languages, because it connects with questions like types of predication (possessive, existential), case-marking, active-stative type of language, omnipredicativity, configurationality, and others. Contributions, which focus whether on a single language or on large amounts of different language data, aim to freshen our perception of formerly known data as well as to bring new data into current discussion.
Languages studdied include Tupinamba, Guarani, Chiriguano, Kamayura, Tapirape, Mbya, Emerillon, and Karitiana, a Tupi but non Tupi-Guarani language.
Table of Contents:
Carte des langues
Categorias lexicais nas lînguas tupi-guaranis (visão comparativa), Wolf Dietrich (Romanisches Seminar, Universitaet Muenster).
Classes de palavras e categorias sintático-funcionais em Kamaiurá, Lucy Seki (Unicamp)
As sentenças possessivas em Mbyá-Guarani: evidência para a distinção nome e verbo, Márcia Dámaso Vieira (Museu Nacional/UFRJ)
O estatuto dos sintagmas nominais de sujeito e objeto em Tapirapé, Yonne Leite (CNPq/ Museu Nacional)
Sobre a natureza do caso argumentativo, Aryon Dall'Igna Rodrigues (Laboratório de Línguas Indígenas, Instituto de Letras, UnB)
Le suffixe référentiant en émérillon, F. Queixalós (IRD-CNRS)
Observações sobre a história do morfema -a da família Tupí-Guaraní, Ana Suelly Arruda Câmara Cabral (UFPa)
Duas Classes de Verbos Intransitivos em Karitiana (família Arikém, tronco Tupi), Luciana R. Storto (Museu Nacional/UFRJ)
ISBN 9783895864070. LINCOM Studies in Native American Linguistics 37. 280pp. 2001.