Introduction to Linguistics
For Students of English as a Foreign Language
Hussein Abdul-Raof
Taibah University, Saudi Arabia
This book addresses the learning and academic needs of students of English as a foreign language. This work can be described as linguistics-made-easy for students of English as a foreign language. It is overseas student-friendly. It is characterized by simple language, and most importantly, it addresses the overseas student's needs in terms of learning an introductory course on linguistics.
This book also addresses the teachers’ needs in terms of the teaching materials required for the undergraduate course in linguistics. This work is for departments of English and departments of translation studies where the materials discussed in this book are required for the course/module on linguistics.
Teaching linguistics to overseas students studying English as a foreign language in their home universities is not the same as teaching it to students in the UK or the United States. Based on facts on the ground (the classroom) and the author's teaching experience, there are two types of Introduction to Linguistics: one is for the native students of English, and the other is for students of English as a foreign language.
Thus, there should be two distinct pedagogical and methodological approaches to this widely taught undergraduate course/module.
This book aims to achieve three major objectives: (i) to facilitate the comprehension of linguistics to the students of English as a foreign language in overseas universities, (ii) to equip this category of students whose English is not their mother language with sound awareness of and insight into the fundamental aspects of linguistics, and (iii) to make the major linguistic approaches and notions more accessible to them as students of English as a foreign language in overseas universities.
ISBN 9783862885565. LINCOM Textbooks in Linguistics 14. 250pp. 2014.