Analyzed Texts in Rana Tharu
with a Grammatical Sketch
Dubi Nanda Dhakal
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
This volume is the first grammatical sketch and analyzed texts in Rana Tharu (ISO thr). This volume consists of three main sections. The first section presents the preliminary information about the Rana Tharu people and their language. Rana Tharu belongs to Indo-Aryan branch of Indo-European language family. It is spoken in the Kailali and Kanchanpur districts of far western Nepal, and also in the bordering districts in India. It comprises a total of seven texts, viz. four narratives, two procedural texts and a conversation. The analyzed texts have been given in chapter three.
In addition to the analyzed texts, this volume also presents a brief grammatical sketch of Rana Tharu. The grammatical features reveal that the language is closer to Hindi than some eastern Indo-Aryan languages. Rana Tharu has 33 consonants and 6 vowels. Like in other Tharu varieties, such as Chitonia Tharu, aspiration is evidenced not only in plosives and affricates, but also in lateral, nasals, and trill. Consonant cluster is permitted both in word-initial and word-final position. Rana Tharu is predominantly a suffixing language with nominative-accusative case marking pattern. Noun formation processes are rich. One of the interesting features in verb agreement is that the transitive verbs are marked distinctly only if the subjects are the third person pronouns or noun phrases. The language is predominantly SOV in terms of its word order correlations. There is an extensive use of verb participles for adjectival and adverbial uses. The appendices include the paradigm of verb inflections, and an index of grammatical morphemes.
ISBN 9783862886142. Languages of the World/Text Collection 36. 142pp. 2015.