Linguistic, Cultural, and Educational Issues of Roma
Hristo Kyuchukov, Martin Kaleja and Milan Samko (eds.)
Free University of Berlin, Ostrava University, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
The new "Roma" Series edited by Ian Hancock and Hristo Kyuchukov is going to include books and collection of scientific articles, historical documents, ethnographic materials dealing with Roma in Europe and elsewhere. The series has an international editorial board and it will publish books in English, German, Russian and Spanish. This is the first scientific series which is going to publish also books in Romani language, and in this way it will help the process of codification of Romani langue worldwide.
The first book in this series edited by Hristo Kyuchukov, entitled "Linguistic, Educational and Cultural issues of Roma" includes articles in the field of Romani linguistics, education of Roma children, ethnology, antigypsyism as well as article written in Romani and poetry in English written by Roma author. The contents of the book is the following: Ian Hancock "Romance vs. Reality: popular notions of the Gypsy"; Theresa Catalano "Romanies versus the mafia: “us” and “them” in Italian crime reports"; Dagmar Kopcanova "Challenges in Roma Children Education: Help of Teacher’s Assistant"; Hristo Kyuchukov "Roma School Mediators in Berlin"; Jaroslav Balvin and Anna Šmehilová "Multiculturalism among the hearing impaired Roma"; Татьяна Шкуратова и Галина Алтухова "Oсобенности обучения детей ромской национальности"; Sarah Carmona "Memorial and historical uprooting of the migrant Spanish “Calés” in north african colonies (end XIX c. -1960)"; Alekcander M. Zhdanov "The Dichotomous Reign of Pope Pius XII From 1939-1945: Representative of God or Defender of Catholicism"; Elena Marushiakova and Veselin Popov "Significance of the taking of an oath in Roma communities"; Hristo Kyuchukov "Roma. Science. Romani Science (Activism vs. Professionalism)"; Xristo Kjučukov "Kaledarašengo dialekto andi Bulgarija"; Jorge Bernal "Kalderash dialect in Bulgaria"; Kent Hallman "A portrait".
ISBN 9783862885824. Roma 01 (series Editors: Hristo Kyuchukov and Ian Hancock). 324pp. 2014.