A course in modern Hindi through TV for advanced students.
टी.वी. के माध्यम से आज की हिंदी सीखने का कोर्स. हिंदू धर्म
Genady Shlomper
Tel Aviv University
A lot of Hindi-teaching books for beginners have been published, either serious text-books, or simple self-teaching guide-books. Unfortunately very little is done for the advanced students. This book is designated for the advanced students who completed their initial steps in mastering Hindi and are familiar with Hindi grammar. It is a unique course, because it is based exclusively on video news in Hindi.
Not a single teaching book can reflect all the dimensions of the language. Meanwhile we chose only one, but a very important field of the social life. The subject of this book is Hinduism, the prevailing religion in India. Indian society is very religious. Religious ceremonies, traditions, beliefs, festivals are an integral part of the spiritual life of the most Indians.
This is not a course in Hinduism, but a book that acquaints students with the vocabulary of Hinduism. Without it the knowledge of Hindi is incomplete. The book consists of five chapters (Temples, Pilgrimage, Festivals, Saints, Hinduism and the modern society) and 37 lessons. Each lesson contains three video clips. This teaching book will not only provide you with the necessary vocabulary, but will teach you to understand speech, because it abounds with video exercises. It can be useful for every student of Hindi and helpful for Hindi teachers.
ISBN 9783862884858. LINCOM Language Coursebooks 16. 212pp. + 37 video lessons (DVD). 2014.