Darai Texts
Dubi Nanda Dhakal
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Darai is an Indo-Aryan language of Indo-European language family spoken by 11677 native speakers as reported in the recent census. Darai is characterized by some morphosyntactic features, such as pronominal possessive suffixes and indefinite suffixes attaching to nouns, and some agreement features evidenced in verbs. Darai encodes the information such as subject, and object in a ditransitive verb.
This book is organized in five chapters. An introduction to Darai people and their culture including kinship terms is given in the first chapter. This is followed by a brief typological sketch in chapter two. These two chapters highlight the grammatical features found in Darai.
The third chapter presents the interlinearized texts. A total of eight texts have been presented in this volume. Four narratives, one procedural text, two texts related to rituals and a conversation have been included. It is hoped that this collection will provide rich and varied data for illustrating a number of features found in Darai. The fourth chapter discusses some discourse features. In addition, some proverbs and riddles in Darai have been presented and discussed.
ISBN 9783862884681. Languages of the World/Text Collections 32. 141pp. 2013.