Roman Sukač & Ondřej Šefčík (eds.)
The conception of this volume goes back to the 2010 Sound of Indo-European 2 (SIE2) conference that took place in Opava, Czech Republic. The session which followed in the series after the previous successful conference held in Copenhagen 2009 was dedicated to various aspects of Indo-European phonetics, phonemics, and morphophonemics. The papers dealt with questions relating to both the Indo-European protolanguage and specific branches of the Indo-European family. The program of the conference consisted of 40 papers, including five invited talks (Alexander Lubotsky, Gerhard Meiser, Norbert Oettinger, Georges-Jean Pinault, and Roger D. Woodard). Twenty-three papers of those presented at the conference appear in their revised version in this volume. The common denominator is historical linguistics, but some authors also extended their research into modern (mor)phonological theories. Being a selection of representative papers in Indo-European linguistics and following the tradition started in Copenhagen, the book will be valuable to all scholars interested in Indo-European linguistics.
Ján Bakyta
Die Langdiphtonge im Altgriechischen (mit einem Ausblick auf das Urindogermanische)
Václav Blažek, Irén Hegedüs
On the position of Nuristani within Indo-European
Jan Bičovský
Satemization as a conditioned push-chain-shift
Davide Bertocci
Survivings of the *-eH1- stative morphology in Umbrian and Latin
Ioana Costa
A Dacian deictic?
Jón Axel Harðarson
Der Optativ im Urindogermanischen und Germanischen
Máté Ittzés
Initial y in the Rigveda
Jay H. Jasanoff
Did Hittite have si- imperatives?
Götz Keydana
Brugmann's law and the role of perception in sound change
Ronald Kim
The PIE thematic animate accusative plural revisited
Martin Kümmel
The distribution of roots ending in IE *ND
Alexander Lubotsky
Dissimilatory loss of i in Sanskrit
Rosemarie Lühr
The structure of nominal paradigms in Indo-European languages
Gerhard Meiser
Saturnus: Herr der Zeit
H. Craig Melchert
Luvo-Lycian dorsal stops revisited
Biliana Mihaylova
On the reflex of word initial RHV- in Greek
Norbert Oettinger
Zur Frage der Rekonstruktion des Urgriechischen und anderere Protosprachen
Georges-Jean Pinault
Sound laws and the suffix of the PIE "middle" participle
Corinna Scheungraber
Wurzelauslautvariationen bei westgermanischen Nasalinfixverben
Roman Sukač
A note on the bifurcation of the *VHDstructure into Balto-Slavic and Latin
Ondřej Šefčík
On the integration of Old Indo-Aryan voiceless aspirants
Elena Triantafilis
Negative (nē, nī, nei...) particles between Latin and Indo-European: morphonological remarks
Tomasz Wiśniewski
Two divergent features of Northern West Slavic: *ărH- distinct from *ra-, unrounded *ăN
Roger D. Woodard
Labiovelar development in Greek and an alphabetic repercussion
ISBN 9783862883790 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 41. 319pp. 2012.