Greek Pronunciation & Accents
Modern & Ancient
Geo-social Applications of the Natural Phonetics & Tonetics
Luciano Canepari
University of Venice
The principles of Natural Phonetics & Tonetics are applied to fully describe the pronunciation of Greek, including intonation, in a precise way never found in earlier treatises, not even by native phoneticians. It includes an introduction to the Natural Phonotonetics Method, which can be used for any other language, as well (without the sadly known limitations of official IPA). The vowels, consonants, structures, and intonation of Greek are fully described and transcribed, with many examples of words, sentences, and conversations, in addition to the intonationally integrated IPA sample passage “The North Wind and the Sun”.
Different types of Greek pronunciation are described, including its mediatic, international and regional variants, including 26 concise language phonopses for easier comparisons. A short but useful phonodictionary is also given.
A dense chapter on Ancient Greek pronunciation is also provided.
LINCOM Studies in Phonetics 29. 193pp. 2020.
ISBN 9783862900442 (Hardbound).