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Meaning and Form: Essays in Pre-Modern Chinese Grammar
K. Takashima and Jiang Shaoyu (eds.)
The 21 articles collected in this volume were first presented to the Fourth International Conference on Classical Chinese Grammar held in August, 2001, at UBC in Vancouver. The rejection rate of the original papers submitted for publication consideration being about 40% ensured a high-quality level of the papers. The authors of the papers written in English include: Françoise Bottéro (distinction between “noncompound characters” and “compound characters”); Roderick Campbell (focus, classifiers and quantificational typology in early Chinese); Michael Friedrich (Georgvon der Gabelentz and synchronic linguistics); Zev Handel (and as time demonstratives in OBI); Richard Lynn (philosophical semantics of Chinese literary thought); Chrystelle Maréchal (idioms and graphic identification in bronze inscriptions [BI]); Barbara Meinsternst (future tense in classical Chinese); EdwinPulleyblank (“Only” in old Chinese); Jingtao Sun (fission reduplication in old Chinese); Newell Van Auken (modal negative wu in classical Chinese); Shun-chiu Yau (semiotics out of the past); Anne Yue (focus markers in Zhongshan BI).
ISBN 9783895868245. LINCOM Studies in Asian Linguistics 55. 260pp. 2004.