21 - 30 sur 30 résultats

LSPr 24: La Pragmatique Linguistique : théories, débats, exemples

Référence: ISBN 9783862885619

La Pragmatique Linguistique : théories, débats, exemples

Adriana Costăchescu
Université de Craiova

Le livre La Pragmatique Linguistique se propose, d'abord, de fournir au lecteur les notions fondamentales de la pragmatique linguistique contemporaine, expliquées et richement illustrées par un grand nombre d'exemples, étant ainsi une lecture utile pour les étudiants en lettres.

Les divers phénomènes linguistiques étudiés par la pragmatique ont attiré d'abord l'attention des philosophes du langage et des logiciens et seulement ensuite ils ont suscité l'intérêt des linguistes. Par voie de conséquence, presque tous les concepts de la discipline se trouvent au centre de longs débats intéressant non seulement la linguistique, mais aussi les sciences de la communication en général, les investigations se trouvant dans l'interface de plusieurs disciplines - philosophie, logique, psychologique, sémantique, sciences cognitivistes, intelligence artificielle, etc. Chaque chapitre présente l'évolution de la réflexion sur la classe de phénomènes présentés et l'état actuel des discussions et des controverses, aspect qui est intéressant pour les doctorants et les chercheurs des domaines impliqués.

Le livre discute la manière dans laquelle les divers phénomènes linguistiques se manifestent en français - la deixis, l'implicature conver-sationnelle, la présupposition, les actes de langage.

Table de matières:

1. Introduction

2. Référence, deixis, anaphore

3. Les déictiques de la personne

4. Les déictiques spatiaux

5. Les déictiques temporels

6. Les tiroirs grammaticaux : valeurs déictiques, aspectuelles, anaphoriques et modales

7. L'implicature conversationnelle

8. La présupposition

9. Les actes de langage

10. La pragmatique cognitive et les actes de langage.

ISBN 9783862885619 (Paperback). LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics 24. 360pp. 2014.

Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics (LSPr)

LSPr 25: Evaluación pragmática de niños con síndrome de Asperger

Référence: ISBN 9783862884629

Evaluación pragmática de niños con síndrome de Asperger

Francisco J. Rodríguez Muñoz
Universidad de Almería

Francisco J. Rodríguez Muñoz es doctor en Lingüística por la Universidad de Almería (España). Una de sus líneas prioritarias de investigación es la pragmática clínica, como prueban sus recientes publicaciones sobre síndrome de Asperger: Síndrome de Asperger. Materiales y aproximación pragmalingüística (Valencia: Universidad de Valencia, 2009), “Hacia una reformulación del espectro autista” (Mente y Cerebro, 2010), “Estado de la cuestión y aproximación discursivo-comunicativa al síndrome de Asperger” (Lenguaje, Comunicación & Salud, Sevilla: ArCiBel, 2011), “La conciencia pragmática de adultos con síndrome de Asperger” (Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología, 2012), entre otras.

En Evaluación pragmática de niños con síndrome de Asperger, el autor repasa exhaustivamente los avances que han conducido a un mayor entendimiento de esta patología en los últimos años. A partir de una muestra de veinte hablantes diagnosticados con síndrome de Asperger, aplica el Protocolo Rápido de Evaluación Pragmática (PREP-INIA) y ofrece los resultados de dicha valoración. Por tanto, pretende suministrar indicadores conductuales que, desde el ámbito de la pragmática, faciliten el proceso de detección del trastorno. Finalmente, proporciona un Apoyo Gráfico para el Entrenamiento Pragmático (AGEP), instrumento que sirvió para la recogida de datos orales y que puede ser útil de cara a la intervención comunicativa.




1. Estado de la cuestión

1.1. Los estudios de lingüística y pragmática clínica
1.2. Las interacciones orales, la entrevista conversacional y los corpus
1.3. Los trastornos del espectro autista
1.4. El síndrome de Asperger
1.4.1. Criterios diagnósticos y habilidades comunicativas en el síndrome de Asperger
1.4.2. Instrumentos alternativos para la detección del síndrome de Asperger
1.4.3. Epidemiología del síndrome de Asperger
1.4.4. Concurrencias patológicas asociadas al síndrome de Asperger El síndrome de Asperger y el síndrome del sabio o savantismo
1.4.5. Teoría de la mente y cognición social en el síndrome de Asperger
1.4.6. Avances neurobiológicos sobre el síndrome de Asperger
1.4.7. Funcionamiento neuropsicológico del síndrome de Asperger y tareas lingüísticas
1.4.8. Nuevas tecnologías para pensadores visuales
1.4.9. Habilidades socio-comunicativas en el espectro autista: hacia una reformulación
1.4.10. El estilo comunicativo de las personas con síndrome de Asperger Tests estandarizados del lenguaje para la evaluación del síndrome de Asperger Estudios observacionales sobre comunicación y síndrome de Asperger La conciencia pragmática en personas con síndrome de Asperger 3 Los déficits pragmáticos en el síndrome de Asperger

2. Metodología

2.1. Justificación metodológica
2.2. Instrumento metodológico
2.2.1. Apoyo Gráfico para el Entrenamiento Pragmático (AGEP)
2.3. Procedimiento de recogida de datos
2.4. Participantes
2.5. Corpus

3. Evaluación pragmática

3.1. Introducción
3.1.1. Protocolo Rápido de Evaluación Pragmática (PREP-INIA)
3.2. Método
3.3. Resultados
3.3.1. Perfil pragmático en niños con síndrome de Asperger
3.3.2. Perfiles pragmáticos en afasia, TDAH, síndrome de Williams y síndrome de Asperger
3.3.3. El PREP-INIA y el CCP
3.4. Discusión

4. Conclusiones

Anexo. Apoyo Gráfico para el Entrenamiento Pragmático (AGEP)

Ficha 1. Viendo la tele
Ficha 2. En el quiosco
Ficha 3. Y mientras tanto, miro a la gente pasar
Ficha 4. ¿Qué pasa en esta casa?
Ficha 5. ¡Un tiburón!
Ficha 6. ¿Estará rico?

Referencias .

Lista de tablas

Tabla 1. Rasgos clínicos descritos por Hans Asperger (1944; apud Frith 1991)
Tabla 2. Rasgos clínicos descritos por Lorna Wing (1981)
Tabla 3. Criterios para el descubrimiento de los ‘Aspies’ por Gray, Attwood y Holliday- Willey (1999; apud De la Iglesia y Olivar 2007)
Tabla 4. Estimación de casos teóricos con SA en España, distribuidos por autonomías y provincias, para el año 2011
Tabla 5. Sintomatología comunicativa en el espectro autista y SAAC
Tabla 6. Datos del grupo formado por niños con SA
Tabla 7. Volumen del corpus en niños con SA
Tabla 8. El Protocolo Rápido de Evaluación Pragmática (PREP-INIA)
Tabla 9. Habilidades pragmáticas agrupadas en las áreas enunciativa, textual e interactiva

Lista de gráficos

Gráfico 1. Habilidades pragmáticas agrupadas según su tipología general, específica y de base gramatical
Gráfico 2. Habilidades pragmáticas general, específica y gramatical en afasia, TDAH, síndrome de Williams y síndrome de Asperger

Lista de figuras

Figura 1. El continuo de los TEA
Lista de abreviaturas y siglas

ISBN 9783862884629. LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics 25. 114pp. 2013.

Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics (LSPr)

LSPr 26: Verbal Communication

Référence: ISBN 9783862885879

Verbal Communication

Pragmatics, Relevance and Cognition

Xosé Rosales Sequeiros
University of Liverpool

This book explores current pragmatic theory, focussing on a number of key aspects within utterance interpretation, communication and cognition. It argues against traditional approaches to the study of pragmatic interpretation, such as the Gricean framework, and discusses an alternative account based on the notion of relevance, which integrates the role of context and cognition within verbal communication.

This alternative view shows that it is possible to provide a unified account of pragmatics by taking into account two fundamental aspects of human cognition: processing effort and cognitive effects. The interaction between these aspects and communicative cognition provides the basis for a comprehensive account of utterance interpretation, which resolves many of the problems encountered by earlier approaches.

In applying and developing these pragmatic concepts, a number of areas are covered within verbal communication. Firstly, the current framework is considered as a general approach to pragmatics. Secondly, the distinction between explicit and implicit meaning is applied to a range of constructions. Thirdly, there is a discussion on the role of pragmatics in disambiguation processes. Finally, the new approach is applied to irony and metaphor, including a discussion on the new research area of lexical pragmatics.

ISBN 9783862885879 (Hardcover). LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics 26. 270pp. 2014.

Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics (LSPr)

LSPr 27: Pragmatics of Nigerian English in Digital Discourse

Référence: ISBN 9783862885336

Pragmatics of Nigerian English in Digital Discourse

Innocent Chiluwa, Covenant University, Ota
Presley Ifukor, University of Münster
Rotimi Taiwo, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife

Foreword: Jacob Mey (University of Southern Denmark, Odense )

Language use on the Internet is an active human behaviour that mirrors not only the language habits of its users but also their cultural traits. English like other languages that are used on the Internet is constrained by the technology of the new media; thus, some new styles of language use in communication are noticeable as users attempt to impose the techniques of the modern information technology on the old system of language. Nigerian English as one of the New Englishes for example, has established itself in the cyberspace with the unmistakable ‘Nigerianness’ that is unique to the social and cultural identity of its users. This book is a scholarly attempt at harnessing research results in the investigation of intercultural pragmatics of Nigerian English in the context of Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC).

The contributions in the book represent some aspects of the current state of the art research in linguistics/discourse pragmatics seen in the broad sense as a functional (i.e. social and cultural) perspective on digital discourse. The studies exemplify the manifestation of Nigerian English on Twitter and Facebook, as well as in texting, blogs, e-learning and online chats. Pragmatics theories and approaches applied in the analyses include politeness, speech/pragmatic acts, relevance and Gricean- pragmatics. This book will serve as a good resource and reference materials for graduate and undergraduate students of applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, intercultural pragmatics, new media and communication studies and Internet research in Africa.

ISBN 9783862885336. LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics 27. 104pp. 2014.

Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics (LSPr)

LSPr 28: Language and cognition: meaning across contexts

Référence: ISBN 9783862887019

Language and cognition: meaning across contexts
Mikołaj Deckert and Iwona Witczak-Plisiecka (eds.)
University of Lodz
Using the principles and methods of cognitive linguistics, pragmatics as well as corpus linguistics, this volume offers insights into how language structure and contextualised language use condition the meaning-making process. A total of ten contributors draw from English, Greek, German, Hungarian, Latin, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian to examine different types of linguistic evidence ranging from academic discourse, to literature, church language as well as media language. While the papers employ a choice of analytic constructs and research methodologies, they share the central objective of uncovering, systematically describing and explaining some of the patterns of language-prompted meaning construction and communication, both intralingually and in a contrastive perspective.
Table of Contents

Mikołaj Deckert and Iwona Witczak Plisiecka
Language and cognition: meaning across contexts

Marco Venuti
Institutional academic discourse in European university websites. Internationalisation
and marketization in the European higher education area

Izabela Wiśniewska-Kędziora
Prefabs in preaching

Dorota Pierścińska
Using corpus tools to study textual meaning and to discriminate among literary text types

Jacek Tadeusz Waliński
Semantic shifts from space to time in motion-mediated expressions of distance

Marcin Grygiel
Affirmation as a DISTANCE relation

Ewa Wychorska
A holistic approach to cognition, metaphors, dreams and emotions

Aleksandra Majdzińska
Different perspectives on perspective

Andrei Levitsky
East Slavic and West Germanic sleep and dream in the quasi-reality dimension

Jadwiga Suwaj
Are translations of English movie titles localized for the Polish audience?

Katalin Szili
The dialogue of words across languages
ISBN 9783862887019 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics 28. 150pp. 2016.
Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics (LSPr)

LSPr 29: Case Studies in Discourse Analysis

Référence: ISBN 9783862887095

Case Studies in Discourse Analysis

Marcel Danesi & Sara Greco (eds.)

University of Toronto; Università della Svizzera Italiana


Discourse permeates human life, manifesting itself in all kinds of speech acts, from conversations to clinical dialogues between a patient and practitioner. While discourse has been studied within specific disciplines, including linguistics, anthropology, and psychology, over the last few decades an autonomous approach, known as Discourse Analysis, has emerged to develop its own theoretical and research agendas aimed at penetrating the nature and role of discourse in human life. This collection of case studies in discourse aims to examine these agendas in specific situations, and thus to contribute to the growing significance of this exciting field of inquiry. It thus presents a composite picture of what discourse analysis is and what it allows us to do in the area of speech analysis. The chapters deal with the kinds of discourses that characterize medical communication, media and public discourse, conflict resolution and reconciliation, juridical communication, gastronomical language, text messaging, education, and others. Written by active researchers in the fields of discourse analysis proper and its correlative field of argumentation theory, both the expert and the neophyte will be able to glean from the various chapters how this new discipline is evolving and what it can achieve in shedding light on the complexities of human interaction.
Table of Contents
Marcel Danesi
Discourse, Dialogue, and Conversation: A Schematic Overview
Eddo Rigotti and Rudi Palmieri
Solomon’s Wise Judgment: A Case Study of Argumentation in Context
Elizabeth Bolton
The Nature of the Personal Response to Literature: A Side-by-Side Comparison of Undergraduate Students’ Written Responses to Traditional Literature and Short Realistic Fiction
Frank Nuessel
Clinical Discourse Analysis and Alzheimer's Disease: Overview and Recommendations
Mariana Bockarova
Understanding Work Group Stress in the Workplace: A Discourse Analytic Approach
Emma Cooper
Designing an Interview Protocol Focusing on Teachers’ Experiences Using Semiotic Theory in the Elementary Classroom: An Instrumental Case Study
Laura Di Chiaro
Discourse Analysis of a Sex Education Controversy: A Modern Perspective
Heba Elsherief
Can Safie Speak? On Reading the “Runaway Muslim Woman” Topos
Brigid Kelso
“I’ve Got Enough on My Plate. I Don't Need the Stress, Thanks:” Power Negotiation in a Faculty-Student Email Exchange
Ahmad Khanlari
The Discourse of “Love” in Persian and English Literature: A Comparison of Hafez’s Lyrics and Shakespeare’s Sonnets
Susan Zahradnik
Txtese: Gr8 or not 2 Gr8? Up 2 U 2 Decide
Nakia Lee-Foon
It’s Not What You Say But How You Say It, It’s Not What You Say But What You Don’t: Exploring Parent-Youth Sexual Health Discourse
Nicole Najda
Aphasic to Aphasic Interaction
Maria Xenitidou and Ifigeneia Kokkali
The Regularities of Migration? Thematic and Discursive Interplay in the Talk of Greeks and Albanians in Greece
Nanon H. M. Labrie
Patients’ Arguments for Adherence: A Thematic Discourse Analysis of Open-Ended Survey Responses
Johanna Miecznikowski
“An Experience That Apparently Differs a Lot from Mine”. Evidentials in Discourse: The Case of Gastronomic Discussions
Steve Oswald and Thierry Herman
Argumentation, Conspiracy and the Moon: A Rhetorical-Pragmatic Analysis
Kyoko Murakami
Discursively Managing Sensitivity: A Case of Anglo-Japanese Reconciliation over the Second World War
Sara Greco
Framing and Reframing in Dispute Mediation: An Argumentative Perspective
Stacy Costa
The Discourse of Gamification of the Curriculum in the 21st Century and Its Relation to Assessment and Student Outcomes
Sara Cigada
Analyzing Emotions in French Discourse: (Manipulative?) Shortcuts
Sara Rubinelli and Julia Amann
Critical Health Literacy through the Lens of Argumentation Theory
ISBN 9783862887095 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics 29. 428pp. 2016.
Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics (LSPr)

LSPr 29: Case Studies in Discourse Analysis

Référence: ISBN 9783862887149

Case Studies in Discourse Analysis

Marcel Danesi & Sara Greco (eds.)

University of Toronto; Università della Svizzera Italiana


Discourse permeates human life, manifesting itself in all kinds of speech acts, from conversations to clinical dialogues between a patient and practitioner. While discourse has been studied within specific disciplines, including linguistics, anthropology, and psychology, over the last few decades an autonomous approach, known as Discourse Analysis, has emerged to develop its own theoretical and research agendas aimed at penetrating the nature and role of discourse in human life. This collection of case studies in discourse aims to examine these agendas in specific situations, and thus to contribute to the growing significance of this exciting field of inquiry. It thus presents a composite picture of what discourse analysis is and what it allows us to do in the area of speech analysis. The chapters deal with the kinds of discourses that characterize medical communication, media and public discourse, conflict resolution and reconciliation, juridical communication, gastronomical language, text messaging, education, and others. Written by active researchers in the fields of discourse analysis proper and its correlative field of argumentation theory, both the expert and the neophyte will be able to glean from the various chapters how this new discipline is evolving and what it can achieve in shedding light on the complexities of human interaction.
Table of Contents
Marcel Danesi
Discourse, Dialogue, and Conversation: A Schematic Overview
Eddo Rigotti and Rudi Palmieri
Solomon’s Wise Judgment: A Case Study of Argumentation in Context
Elizabeth Bolton
The Nature of the Personal Response to Literature: A Side-by-Side Comparison of Undergraduate Students’ Written Responses to Traditional Literature and Short Realistic Fiction
Frank Nuessel
Clinical Discourse Analysis and Alzheimer's Disease: Overview and Recommendations
Mariana Bockarova
Understanding Work Group Stress in the Workplace: A Discourse Analytic Approach
Emma Cooper
Designing an Interview Protocol Focusing on Teachers’ Experiences Using Semiotic Theory in the Elementary Classroom: An Instrumental Case Study
Laura Di Chiaro
Discourse Analysis of a Sex Education Controversy: A Modern Perspective
Heba Elsherief
Can Safie Speak? On Reading the “Runaway Muslim Woman” Topos
Brigid Kelso
“I’ve Got Enough on My Plate. I Don't Need the Stress, Thanks:” Power Negotiation in a Faculty-Student Email Exchange
Ahmad Khanlari
The Discourse of “Love” in Persian and English Literature: A Comparison of Hafez’s Lyrics and Shakespeare’s Sonnets
Susan Zahradnik
Txtese: Gr8 or not 2 Gr8? Up 2 U 2 Decide
Nakia Lee-Foon
It’s Not What You Say But How You Say It, It’s Not What You Say But What You Don’t: Exploring Parent-Youth Sexual Health Discourse
Nicole Najda
Aphasic to Aphasic Interaction
Maria Xenitidou and Ifigeneia Kokkali
The Regularities of Migration? Thematic and Discursive Interplay in the Talk of Greeks and Albanians in Greece
Nanon H. M. Labrie
Patients’ Arguments for Adherence: A Thematic Discourse Analysis of Open-Ended Survey Responses
Johanna Miecznikowski
“An Experience That Apparently Differs a Lot from Mine”. Evidentials in Discourse: The Case of Gastronomic Discussions
Steve Oswald and Thierry Herman
Argumentation, Conspiracy and the Moon: A Rhetorical-Pragmatic Analysis
Kyoko Murakami
Discursively Managing Sensitivity: A Case of Anglo-Japanese Reconciliation over the Second World War
Sara Greco
Framing and Reframing in Dispute Mediation: An Argumentative Perspective
Stacy Costa
The Discourse of Gamification of the Curriculum in the 21st Century and Its Relation to Assessment and Student Outcomes
Sara Cigada
Analyzing Emotions in French Discourse: (Manipulative?) Shortcuts
Sara Rubinelli and Julia Amann
Critical Health Literacy through the Lens of Argumentation Theory
ISBN 9783862887149 (Paperback). LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics 29. 428pp. 2016.
Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics (LSPr)

LSPr 30: Complaints and Impoliteness in Service Encounters: A Mixed Method Analysis

Référence: ISBN 9783862887101

Complaints and Impoliteness in Service Encounters: A Mixed Method Analysis
Ronald Geluykens & Bettina Kraft
University of Oldenburg; University of Trier
Research on (im)politeness phenomena within (cross-cultural) pragmatics has, in the past, all too often focused on a narrow range of face-threatening acts such as requests and apologies, employing a limited range of (controlled) data tools such as dicourse completion tasks (DCTs), and using one single research method. The current book attempts to address these limitations by focusing on (spontaneously) occurring conflictual exchanges, and by using a mixed method approach.
The contribution this study makes is twofold. First of all, by employing a mixture of controlled (DCTs, role plays) and spontaneous (telephone and face-to-face) data, and by combining quantitative and qualitative analyses, we emphasize the advantages, indeed the necessity, of a mixed methodology. Secondly, by concentrating on service encounters, we show that complaints are speech events which are highly context-sensitive. We also demonstrate that previous studies have overestimated the role of politeness strategies in complaints; hence our claim that any analysis of conflict talk needs to take the role of impoliteness phenomena into account as well.
Ronald Geluykens is Full Professor of English Language at the University of Oldenburg; Bettina Kraft is Senior Lecturer in English Linguistics at the University of Trier. They have collaborated extensively on the analysis of complaints in the past.
ISBN 9783862887101 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics 30. 276pp. 2016.
Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics (LSPr)

LSPr 31: ‘A tomar por el culo’

Référence: ISBN 9783862888894

‘A tomar por el culo’
Análisis interaccional de las identidades conversacionales y de la reorganización de roles en una charla sin monopolizadores del turno
Alicia Sentí Janssen
Universidad de Vigo
En el presente trabajo pretendemos completar el análisis realizado en una investigación anterior (Sentí Janssen, 2016) y establecer una comparación entre los resultados obtenidos en ambos estudios respecto a los estilos conversacionales de los participantes; de esta manera podremos trazar una evolución de los mismos en función de la ausencia o presencia de los hablantes que más destacan como monopolizadores del turno.
Al mismo tiempo, prestaremos especial atención al papel de las mujeres dentro de la conversación de pandilla y a la negociación de los estilos conversacionales desplegados a lo largo de la interacción por cada uno de los interlocutores, y así comprobar si estos se construyen como hombres y como mujeres desde un punto de vista conversacional.
Para conseguir esto, realizaremos un análisis microinteraccional de tres fragmentos diferentes que, previamente, hemos transcrito en detalle; gracias a estos iremos guiando al lector a través del trabajo interpretativo llevado a cabo por los participantes, como parte de la complicada maquinaria pragmática que se pone en marcha cuando nos comunicamos entre iguales.
Palabras clave: pragmática, análisis del discurso, análisis interaccional, estilo conversacional de pandilla, identidades conversacionales, identidades de género, narración de anécdotas, habla sobre terceros, historias de queja, estrategias de cortesía, alternancias de código, recreación de voces.
ISBN 9783862888894. LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics 31. 122pp. 2018.
Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics (LSPr)

LSPr 32: Pragmatique et variation sociale du conseil en français au Cameroun

Référence: ISBN 9783969391907

Pragmatique et variation sociale du conseil en français au Cameroun
Bernard Mulo Farenkia
Cet ouvrage s’attache à examiner des stratégies discursives utilisées par des locuteurs camerounais francophones pour prodiguer des conseils. Il décrypte la variation sociale et l’ancrage socioculturel de cette activité communicative altruiste, notamment en cernant, d’une part, les variations orchestrées lors de la mise en mots du conseil selon les strates de rapports sociaux existant entre les interlocuteurs, et, d’autre part, en relevant l’impact de la socioculture camerounaise sur les choix sociopragmatiques et linguistiques des locuteurs-conseillers.
ISBN 9783969391907. LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics 32. 94pp. 2024.
Parcourir également ces catégories : New titles, LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics (LSPr)
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