1 - 10 sur 32 résultats

LINAm 01: Quechua-Pano

Référence: ISBN 9783862901609

Vocabulario Castellano-Quechua-Pano

con sus respectivas gramáticas Quechua y Pana

Manuel Navarro

Indice: Gramática Quchua - Gramática Pana (alfabeto, pronunciación, nombre: declinación, numero, género, adjectivo, pronombre, verbo, transiciones, partes indeclinables de la oración, concordancia, régmen del verbo, oraciones). Vocabulario. (Re-edition; originally published 1903 in Lima; written in Spanish)

ISBN 978 3 86290 160 9. LINCOM Americana 01. 223pp. 2011.

Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Americana

LINAm 02: The Morphology of the Hupa Language

Référence: ISBN 9783862901173

The Morphology of the Hupa Language

Pliny Earle Goddard

The Hupa are a small community isolated in their home by the surrounding mountains. The valley which bears their name is in Humboldt county, California, on the Trinity river a few miles above its confluence with the Klamath. They number now about 450. The older people speak their own language chiefly, the younger all employ the Hupa language in their home life, but have a good command of English for their intercourse with white people.

The Hupa language belongs the Athapascan stock, however it differs widely from the other languages of this stock. In the presentation of the morphological facts the number of examples has not been limited, that the conclusions drawn may be easily and quickly justified, and that material may be available for comparative studies. Little regard has been paid to the terms and forms of formal grammar, since they tend to obscure the facts of a language in many respects quite different from those to which they were originally applied (adopted from the introduction).

Contents: Nouns (classified according to form and lentgh, monosyllabic with possessive prefix, polysyllabic without descriptive meaning, verbs as nouns, etc), pronouns, numerals, adjectives, verbs (classified and structure), roots listed in alphabetic order, suffixes, etc. (Re-edition; originally published 1905 in Berkeley; written in English).

ISBN 978 3 86290 117 3. LINCOM Americana 02. 344pp. 2011.

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LINAm 03: The Arawak Language of Guiana

Référence: ISBN 9783862901098

The Arawak Language of Guiana

C.H. de Goeje

The Arawak or Arowak inhabit the costal districts of Surinam and British Guiana; they formerly lives still further East, even as far as the mouth of the Orinoco and Trinidad. In this work Brett’s texts (1856) have been used in the first palce, and an endeavour has been made, to discuss all the particularities of the language as found in these texts (from the preface).

Contents: Rules for pronunciation, finite verbs, character of the Arawak words, infinfite verbs, auxilary verb a, intensives, conjunctions, form-ation of verbs, classes of utterances, family relations, origins of the Arawak language, etc. (Re-edition; originally published 1928 in Amsterdam; written in English).

ISBN 9783862901098. LINCOM Americana 03. 315pp. 2011.

Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Americana

LINAm 04: Über die Stellung und Verwandschaft der Subtiaba-Sprache

Référence: ISBN 9783862901111

Über die Stellung und Verwandschaft der Subtiaba-Sprache

der Pazifischen Küste Nicaraguas und über die Sprache von Tapachula in Südchiapas
Walter Lehmann

Mit dem Abschluß meines den Sprachen Mittelamerikas gewidmeten Werkes beschäftigt, habe ich die bisher auch von mir als isoliert angesehene Sprache von Subtiaba (bei León in Nicaragua) mit den Sprachen Oaxacas und Guerreros verglichen. Ich ging dabei von dem Gedanken aus, daß ein solcher Vergleich Erfolg haben könnte, da ja das dem Subtiaba benachbarte Idiom, das Chorotega-Mangue, mit dem Chiapanékischen und Mazatekischen Verwandtschaft aufweist. Sollte daher das Subtiaba nicht etwa auch Beziehungen haben zu Sprachen, die im westlichen Umkreise des Chiapanekischen und mazatekischen zu suchen sein müßten? In dieser Annahme wurde ich durch eine Reihe von Tatsachen bestärkt, die ich in meinem Werk ausführlich behandle.

(Re-edition; originally published 1915 in Berlin; written in German)

ISBN 978 3 86290 111 1. LINCOM Americana 04. 41pp. 2011.

Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Americana

LINAm 05: Die Sprache der Bribri-Indianer in Costa Rica

Référence: ISBN 9783862901197

Die Sprache der Bribri-Indianer in Costa Rica

H. Pittier de Fábrega, Friedrich Müller (eds.)

Unter den Sprachen der central-amerikanischen Republik Costa Rica, die noch wenig bekannt sind ist blos eine, von deren Bau wir einigermaßen eine Vorstellung haben, nämlich die Sprache der Bribri Indianer. Die vorliegende Studie beruht auf einer Auswertung des von Pittier de Fábrega, Leiter des Instituto Físico-Geográfico de Costa Rica gesammelten linguistischen Materials.

Inhalt: Ethnographische Einleitung und Bemerkungen über die ehemalige Verbreitung der Indianer Costa Ricas, der Bribri-Stamm, Grammatischer Abriß (die Laute, Bildung der Hauptwörter, Bildung der Zeitwörter, Elementarregeln der Syntax, Verwandschaftsverhältnisse, Wörterverzeichnis. Originaltexte mit Interlinearübersetzung (Re-edition; originally published 1898 in Wien; written in German).

ISBN 978 3 86290 119 7. LINCOM Americana 05. 153pp. 2011.

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LINAm 06: Shoshonean Dialects of California

Référence: ISBN 9783862901777

Shoshonean Dialects of California

A.L. Kroeber

The Shoshonean Indian linguistic family, which once occupied practically the entire Great Basin, with considerable additional territory in both the Atlantic and Pacific drainages, is one of the great stocks of North America. It is, however, the least known ethnologically of the larger families north of Mexico. The relations to one another of its various subdivisions, and the extent and inclusion of its tribal groups, have been imperfectly understood. Linguistically, matters are superficially better, since many vocabularies have been collected and published since the beginning of the last century. But knowledge of the structure of the language has lagged behind, and there is not yet printed even a sketch of the grammar of any Shoshonean dialect (from the introduction).

Contents: Shoshonean dialects and divisions (new vocabularies, classification, Pueblo, Plateau, Kern River, Southern California Branch), Ute-Chemehuevi Group, Shoshoni-Comanche Group, Mono-Paviotso Group, Serrano Group, Luiseño-Cahuilla Group, Relationship of Shoshonean to Nahuatl, historical conclusions (Re-edition; originally published 1907 in Berkeley; written in English)

ISBN 978 3 86290 177 7. LINCOM Americana 06. 107pp. 2011.

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LINAm 07: Notes on Shoshonean Dialects of Southern California

Référence: ISBN 9783862901630

Notes on Shoshonean Dialects of Southern California

A.L. Kroeber

The author gives information on the vocabulary and morphology of the following languages: Cahuilla, Agua Caliente, San Juan Capistrano, Gabrielino, Serrano, Kern River, Giamina. On the final pages Kroeber offers general comparisons of the data (Re-edition; originally published 1909 in Berkeley; written in English)

ISBN 978 3 86290 163 0. LINCOM Americana 07. 39pp. 2011.

Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Americana

LINAm 08: The Washo Language of East Central California and Nevada

Référence: ISBN 9783862901760

The Washo Language of East Central California and Nevada

A.L. Kroeber

The territory of the Washo was situated both in cAlifornia and Nevada in the vicinity of Lake Tahoe and the lower Carson valley, east of the Sierra Nevada. The neighbors of the Washo on the west were the Maidu and the Miwok, on all othe sides were Shoshoneans. The Washo language was definitely established as a distinct family by Powell on the basis of lexical content. The Washo are the only Indians in Nevada that do not form part of the great Uto-Aztekan family.

For this reason the first question of interest in regard to their language from a comparative point of view, is whether in its morphological characteristics it resembles more nearly the neighboring widley spread Shoshonean dialects with which it is chiefly in territorial contact, or the many distinct smaller families constituting a morphological group in northern and southern Central California.This question can be better discussed after a consideration of the information secured upon the language, and the answer will therefore be found in the conclusion of this study (from the introduction).

(Re-edition; originally published 1907 in Berkeley; written in English)

ISBN 978 3 86290 176 0. LINCOM Americana 08. 71pp. 2011.

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LINAm 09: Phonetic Elements of the Mohave Language

Référence: ISBN 9783862901920

Phonetic Elements of the Mohave Language

A.L. Kroeber

The present description of the sounds of the Mohave language, one of the members of the Yuman family in the southwestern United States, is based on an intermittant acquaintance of ten years, supplemented by experimental studies made in 1910 (Re-edition, incl. 20 plates; originally published 1911 in Berkeley; written in English)

ISBN 978 3 86290 192 0. LINCOM Americana 09. 56pp. 2011.

Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Americana

LINAm 10: The Language of the Salinan Indians

Référence: ISBN 9783862901937

The Language of the Salinan Indians

J. Alden Mason

This study of the dialects composing the Salinan linguistic group was begun in September, 1910, when the author made a visit to the neighborhood of the old Mission of San Antonio in Monterey County, where live the few remaining members of the group. In 1916 the author collected a series of mythological texts from an Antoniaño and a Migueleño Indian. Contents: Phonology, phonetic processes, morphology, texts, vocabulary (Re-edition; originally published 1918 in Berkeley; written in English).

ISBN 978 3 86290 193 7. LINCOM Americana 10. 158pp. 2011.

Parcourir cette catégorie : LINCOM Americana
1 - 10 sur 32 résultats